Trace of Fever Page 113

“Then why did she turn scarlet?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s still embarrassed because I saw her—there was this situation…”

Alani crossed her arms.

To hell with it. Jackson moved closer and if she didn’t like it, too bad. But this time she didn’t retreat. She just stared at him with something akin to challenge. “Look, Priss still gets red-faced because I had to steal her out of the shower and hoist her out a narrow window.”

Alani’s mouth fell open.

“She was buck-ass, and you can believe me, it was awkward for both of us.” He thought about it, and couldn’t help but grin. “Probably more so for her, but it wasn’t what I was expecting, either.”

Alani continued to stare at him in surprise. “Unbelievable.”

“Tell me about it.” Trace still looked riled every time he spoke to Jackson. “It’s probably going to take your brother a little while to get over it. I mean, I saw things that he probably hasn’t even seen yet. I mean, with Priss. You know, because they haven’t known each other that long. I’m sure eventually…”

Her loosened jaw snapped shut. “God, you are so crude!”

How the hell did she figure that? “I was trying to be honest with you!”

Pushing him out of her way, Alani said, “Well, from now on, don’t bother.”

Damn it. Jackson watched her slim backside as she disappeared out the door. Frustration galvanized him into action.

In only a few long strides he followed her out. Alani hadn’t gone far yet, and he reached her easily. “Hold up.”

She froze in her tracks, then slowly turned to face him.

Trace, always aware of every damn thing that happened concerning his sister, looked up from the dock. Far as Jackson was concerned, Trace’s overbearing protectiveness wasn’t helping Alani one iota.

“What is it?”

Damn, she was beautiful. A light breeze teased through her fair hair; her golden-brown eyes glittered in the sunshine, shaded only by long, curling eye lashes. She didn’t have the same lush shape as Molly and Priss, but her willowy, delicate curves pushed all the right buttons with him.

“I’m heading out.”

Her gaze searched his and, a little breathless, she asked, “Leaving?”

“Yeah.” He stepped closer. Any second now Trace would intrude. “Thing is, Alani, I can’t be around you without wanting you. Bad. Really bad.”


“If that’s crude, well, then, screw it, I’m crude. I know we’d have a great time in bed, but since you aren’t ready for that yet, well…I promised Trace I wouldn’t pressure you.”

Her neck went stiff. “Dear God. You discussed this with my brother?”

“No!” He cut a hand through the air and his voice lowered. “When…if…I get you out of your panties, believe me, it’ll be a private thing between us. No way in hell would I discuss that with anyone else.”

Her face went as red as Priss’s had.

“Trace and I talked about you maybe decorating my house, that’s all.”

“Oh.” Face still hot, she said, “I—”

“Yeah, forget it. That’s off. Like I said, I’d just hanker for you, and you aren’t exactly reciprocating. So that’s that.”

She blinked fast.

“But if you ever change your mind, all you have to do is let me know.” He reached out and touched her cheek. Her skin was soft and warm and he wanted to feel her all over.

All over him. Naked. Hungry. Wet…

Damn, he had it bad. “I can promise you, if you do come to me, you won’t regret it.”

She swallowed, licked her lips and damned if her eyes didn’t heat. She wanted him, too. He had to believe that. But Trace was starting up the hill, and the others were looking on, and the last thing he wanted was to make Alani uncomfortable.

“Tell everyone I said goodbye. You make up any excuse you want.” And with that, he left Alani standing there, watching after him as he walked away.

God willing, she’d contact him soon.

He wasn’t sure he could stand it if she didn’t.