Trace of Fever Page 81

Almost purring, Priss snuggled against him like a content little cat. “That was pretty neat.”

Pretty neat. God, it wasn’t to be borne. Putting an arm around her, Trace mustered up common sense. “We have to get out of here.” He squeezed her to his chest in a brief hug. “I swear I’ll not only thank you properly, I’ll reciprocate—”

“Reciprocate?” She perked up at that idea, then blushed. “You mean…?”

He could hardly wait. “Yes, but that’ll have to be later. Right now, I need you to change into your regular clothes. You have something here in the room, don’t you?”

Frowning, confused and maybe a little hurt, she nodded. “Yes.”

“Good. After you’re dressed, get together everything. Don’t even leave behind a hairpin.”

“I don’t own hairpins.”

Her disgruntlement made him smile. She was so incredibly sweet and unique, sensual and independent. And far too daring. He touched the corner of her mouth, then had to kiss her. “I’ll be back in minutes, and then we’ll get out of here.”

She caught his hand as he stood to leave. “Trace?”

Damn, she was beautiful. He pulled her to her feet, kissed her again, quick and hard. “I need you, Priss. You, not just quickie relief—though I swear, what just happened is something I’ll never forget.”


How in the world could she look complimented by that? “Really. But the drugs haven’t worn off, and I’m far from done, and you’re the only woman I want.”

Her expression brightened more. “The only one?”

Trace laughed. After the night he’d had, it was the most absurd of reactions, but still, he laughed again. “We need privacy, honey. And a bed. And I need you naked.” He cupped his hand to her cheek. “Let me help Jackson, and then we can get out of here.”

She turned away to the closet. “I’ll be ready when you are.”

Never in his life had Trace expected to find such an…accommodating woman. In so many ways, she matched him, when he hadn’t thought that was possible. Until meeting Priss, he’d marveled at how easily Dare had settled into marriage, because it had seemed such an unachievable dream to him. But now…he wasn’t sure a lifetime with Priss would be enough.

She made him laugh, when genuine laughter had been missing for so long from his life. Drugged or not, she turned him inside out wanting her. And though he’d kept many innocents from becoming collateral damage, he’d never once felt for any of them the same powerful mix of emotions that Priss wrought.

Even as he helped Jackson stow Helene in the trunk of his car, Trace continued to marvel over Priss and her reactions.

She accepted the violence and danger inherent in what he did, handled herself well in times of stress and uncertainty, and she’d not only gone to her knees for him, she’d seemed pleased by the whole thing.

Jackson closed the trunk of his car with Helene inside. Through the pounding rain, he searched the surrounding area. “I think we’re all clear.”

“Yeah.” But he wouldn’t completely relax until he found out how this played out with Murray. Moving back into the shadows under an overhang, Trace said, “Call me when you’ve dealt with her.”

“Sure.” After a couple of seconds with only the sounds of the rain and wind Jackson asked, “You two going to be okay?”


He rubbed his chin, either fighting off another grin, or not accepting Trace’s reply. “The thing is…Priss is sort of…well, she’s not like other ladies.”

Slowly, Trace turned to stare at him.

“Why are you mean-mugging me? I’m not saying that with any personal interest or any shit like that.” Jackson sluiced the rain off his forehead. “Look, I just meant…”

“What?” Trace tried to tamp down the absurd anger, but couldn’t. Even the chilly rain didn’t affect the heat of his possessiveness. “What did you mean?”

“Fucked if I know.” Jackson made a sound of disgust. “Forget I said anything.”

Realizing he was being an ass, Trace stopped him from taking off. “Wait a minute.”

His impatience obvious, his brows raised, Jackson waited.

It rankled, but still Trace said, “Thanks for taking good care of her.” He motioned lamely. “With everything, I mean.”

“Yeah. No problem.” Jackson gave a silly salute. “It’s what we do, right?”

No, taking naked women from the shower was definitely not in the job description. Trace shook his head. “I appreciate your concern for her. I do.” This was ridiculous. “It’s just that—”

“I get it.” Jackson clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m a guy, remember? Just stay on your toes because I have a feeling that one will keep you guessing.”

No kidding. “I don’t suppose you could—”

“Strike the memory of her naked from my brain?” He winked—and stepped out of reach. “I’d lie and say sure, but you wouldn’t believe me anyway.”

It was more than any man should have to bear. “That’s not what I was going to say.”

“Then I don’t have to disappoint you.”

Jaw tight, Trace nodded to the car. “Know what you’re going to do with her?” He hoped Jackson had a plan other than dumping her in the river, because Trace was fresh out of ideas.