When You Dare Page 126

For her part, Molly stayed too busy with her writing, the exciting progress on the movie and loving Dare to worry overly about her father’s affections.

“Let’s pick out a ring while we’re there, okay?” Dare put pancakes in front of her. “I like that little jewelry shop near where Jett works.”

So much joy filled Molly, she thought she might burst. “All right.” She reached for Chris’s hand. “Want to come along?”

“Sorry. I’d love to, but the contractor will be here in an hour.” He lifted her hand for a kiss to her knuckles. “Pick out something outrageous, okay?” He winked at her.

Chris did enjoy spending Dare’s money.

“She can pick out whatever she wants.” Dare put pancakes in front of Chris, too.

Once Chris had his house back and the legalities were all settled, she and Dare would marry. She was happy to wait and do it right. As long as she got to do it all with Dare, nothing else mattered.

Life had challenged her. Life had brought out her strengths.

Life had given her love—and knowing how it had all turned out, she wouldn’t change a thing.