Rapture Page 64

“What did you really come back for?” Tarron asked all of a sudden.

Cush let his lips curve up in a slow smile. He wished now that he had given Elora a proper goodbye instead of the brisk kiss he had pressed to her forehead after he had tied her up. He wished that he could tell her one last time that he loved her and in all his years he could have never imagined being blessed with one such as her. He wished those things because as the evil dark elf across from him returned his smile he knew he would not live through this. Tarron was not known for his mercy. In fact, it was agreed upon in the light-elf realm that he was flat out psychotic. As Cush stepped away from the cover of the vehicle, he reached over his shoulder and unsheathed the sword he carried, and he readied himself for a battle that he hoped would not just be the end of his life but also of the evil standing before him because he refused to die without taking Tarron with him.

“Something’s wrong,” Elora said suddenly as she sat up from the slumped position she had allowed her body to relax in.

“It’s not going to work, Elora,” Oakley told her dryly. “We aren’t going to untie you so just give up.”

“I’m serious, Oakley. Something is wrong with Cush; he’s in trouble,” she implored. She turned to look at Rin who was watching her closely. “Look, Rin, I’m not playing around, okay. Cush is in danger. I can’t explain how I know, but I just do. We have to help him.”

Lisa walked over to her and knelt down so that she was eye level with her daughter. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

Elora nodded and fought the urge to scream. “Yes, please untie me and let me go after him.”

“Rin, please untie her,” Lisa said as she continued to watch her daughter.

Elora felt fear growing in the pit of her stomach, like an uncoiling snake it began to rise, climbing up to her throat, and it threatened to choke her. Her hands were shaking as Rin untied them. As soon as her legs were unbound she was on her feet and moving towards the door. She pulled it open and the morning sun bathed her face in warmth that only made it clear just how cold the dread was making her.

“I’m sure he’s alright,” Oakley said from just behind her.

“Yes, I’m sure he is since he was just going back to the dark-elf clubhouse that we just happened to burn down in search of a book that Lorsan would kill to get his hands on. Yes, I’m sure he is just fine.” Elora knew the bite in her tone wasn’t necessary, but all she could think about was Cush and how she knew he was not fine.

“Here,” Rin said as he handed her a short dagger, just like the one Cush had given her when Lorsan’s men had attacked them. “Let’s go.” He walked past her out into the cool morning air. She slid the dagger in her boot and quickly followed, not waiting to see if her mom, brother, and Tony were coming. She knew they would.

They ran at a speed that Elora didn’t think she was capable of, but apparently when the man she loved was in danger, she was perfectly able. She tried not to picture the things her fear was conjuring, but when her soul seemed to scream out inside of her for Cush, she knew something bad was happening to him. She cried out in her mind to him, wondering if in times of crisis maybe their weird link would work across long distances, but she didn’t get a response. She pushed her legs harder and when a hand landed on her shoulder, she turned and attacked, pulling the punch she had thrown only centimeters from Rin’s face.

He held his hands up and met her frantic stare. “Peace, Little Warrior,” he said gently. His voice was soft and deep but it was not the voice she wanted to hear. He pressed a finger to his lips, indicating he wanted her to be quiet, and then he motioned with his head. She turned to see what he was indicating and when her eyes landed on Cush she nearly screamed. If not for the hand that wrapped around her mouth, she would have not only yelled his name but every profanity she knew at the monster on top of him.

“Wait,” Rin’s voice whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head, letting him know that she wouldn’t do anything stupid, yet.

“There are only four of them, but we’re going to have to sneak up on them,” Tony was whispering when she turned back around. She couldn’t continue to watch the fight going on before her. Even though Cush was fighting back, he was outnumbered, and she knew that no matter how badass he was, he could only fight so many at one time. It didn’t help that they weren’t just fighting with physical blows; they were using magic on him as well and Elora decided that using magic on an outnumbered opponent was just chicken shit. Yes, I thought it, she said to herself as her eyes narrowed.

“ELORA!” Oakley whispered, sternly grabbing her attention. “We’re going to spread out around them and close in on them okay?” She nodded and then followed Rin’s direction as he pointed for her to go right. She moved as quietly as she could, never taking her eyes off of Cush or the elf scum that where attacking him. Slowly their circle formed and then began closing in on the scene. Step by step they got closer and now Elora could hear the dark elf, Tarron’s, voice and honestly it made her want to stab herself in the ears; that’s how annoying his sickly sweet and yet somehow evil voice sounded.

“Oh, how sweet, you have a rescue party, Warrior.”

Elora froze at the dark-elf’s statement and she searched for Rin to know what to do. He motioned for her to keep moving so she did.

“How does it make you feel to know that once you are dead your Chosen will be free to be taken by any number of eligible elves?”