Rapture Page 69

“Were you coming to ensure that an heir was being created?” Trik grunted when Cassie elbowed him, as he knew she would, for the statement.

Tamsin laughed. “Quit embarrassing your queen. As interesting as I know creating an heir is, that is not why I have dared to bother you. We found someone amongst the captives who needs to speak with you.”

That had Trik’s attention. “Who?”


Trik’s eyes widened. “Did any of the other elders live?”

“We haven’t found any,” Tamsin told him solemnly.

Trik nodded. “Alright, have him brought to the throne room. I will be there in a minute.”

Tamsin left without another word.

“Who is Myrin and what’s an elder?” Cassie asked as she rolled over so he could see her face.

“Myrin is the oldest and wisest of the elders of the dark elves. Elders are sort of like historians. They keep the facts of our people, and they are usually very powerful. I don’t know his story, but I know that at one time he was an elder of our entire race, not just the dark elves. He has helped me in the past.”

“Will he give you fealty?” Cassie asked.

“Yes, I believe he will.”


“Yes, it is. Now, it pains me to say this,” he said as he ran a finger down her bare shoulder and across her arm. “But we have to get dressed.”

He looked into her smiling face and her eyes danced with mischief. “You know there is an upside to getting dressed?”

“I fail to see what it is; please enlighten me.”

“It just means later we get to get undressed again,” she grinned wickedly.

“I’m glad that one of us is a glass half-full type,” Trik told her as he climbed out of bed. He looked over his shoulder at her and winked when he caught her staring. “Put on your fighting clothes; the best way to work out the soreness from battle is a good workout,” he told her.

“I thought you just gave me a good work out,” she said and then squealed when he jumped on her and started to tickle her.

“You’re making me late, woman. Now, be a good queen and do as you’re told.” He swatted her on the rump as he climbed back out of the bed and headed for the bathroom and a quick shower.

Cassie listened to the water run as she brushed her hair and then braided it so it would stay out of her face. She had decided against a shower, knowing if she joined her husband then they would be even later than they already were. So instead she dressed in the clothing Trik had requested and tried not to groan at the workout she knew was coming. She was also studiously trying to avoid the thoughts of what Trik would have to face soon, the lives he would have to take. She walked over to the window and pushed the long, silver drapes aside and looked out into the morning light. She wasn’t sure what time it was, but it was early which meant she hadn’t slept much if any at all.

That led to thoughts of what had transpired between her and Trik and she felt the heat from her blood as it traveled up her skin. Nothing in all of her wildest imagination could have prepared her for the love they shared. The intensity of it, the passion and rightness of it, was like nothing she had ever known, and she knew that it would have never been that way with anyone else. What a waste, she thought, to give yourself to someone and have it not feel like the earth was coming apart beneath you, truly a waste. Her lips tingled with the memory of their most recent kisses. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself, wondering if she looked different. Her eyes roamed over her reflection and she saw a couple of small bruises on her upper arms where the sleeveless shirt left them bare.

“I guess I got a little overeager.” Trik’s deep voice rumbled through his chest and against her back where he pressed against her. His fingers traced the small bruises and when she looked up into his face she saw the shame there.

“They don’t hurt and I don’t recall complaining,” she told him.

“Still, I need to be more careful.” He kissed her forehead and then slipped his hand into hers. “Time to go to work, Love. Be prepared for Syndra to tease you and by all means feel free to blush. I love it when your skin turns that beautiful rosy color,” he teased her as he pulled her from their room.

“Ugh,” Cassie groaned. “I’m not sure who will be worse Syndra or Elora.”

Trik chuckled which earned him a pinch on the side. “Cassie, a queen should not pinch her king,” he informed her in a haughty voice.

“Oh,” she said innocently as she walked alongside him. “Is it all right for a queen to poke the king with his own arrows while he sleeps?”

He looked at her from the corner of his eye, and he had to bite back the laughter at the straight face she held in place as they entered the throne room.

“Myrin.” Trik’s voice carried across the great hall and had the elder turning to face him. He looked tired and worn, Trik noted, but he was alive and that was saying something.

“King Trikitapic,” the elder took a knee and bowed before them. “Queen Cassandra,” he continued as he remained in the kneeling position. “I pledge my fealty to you both. I will honor and protect you both with my own life. I will give you sound council and I will uphold the laws of the Forest Lords.”

Trik looked down at the elf that knelt before him, who swore him fealty without even hearing what all that might entail and he was humbled. “Stand, Myrin.”