Elfin Page 41

Cassie’s mouth dropped open. “More than half?” She asked.

Trik nodded. “We use the income from the casinos to finance our lavish lifestyles in this realm.”

“Meanwhile, the light elves own almost all of the U.S. energy companies. Oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, they own it all. They use these companies to help keep your earth safe and clean. The dark elves are more about pleasure, gratification, and anything that pertains to self.”

Trik continued to pace as he tried to gather his thoughts. He had never felt ashamed of himself or his actions—until now. A part of him didn’t want to have to justify himself to her, another part of him didn’t want to see the look in her eyes that said she finally understood who and what he was.

“Lorsan wants our income to increase from the Casinos. Your economy is struggling and so people aren’t spending money frivolously like they used to. Income has dropped across the board. To combat this problem, Lorsan has created a drink from the small fruit of one of our plants that creates a euphoric sensation in humans. It loosens inhibitions.”

“He’s going to drug people?” Cassie couldn’t believe what he was telling her.

“It’s not a drug; it’s natural, made from a plant.”

“So is heroin and marijuana! That doesn’t make them safe.” Cassie had to control her temper, so her mom wouldn’t hear her.

“It’s not harmful, Cassie. It doesn’t cause any health issues. It’s really no different than the alcohol humans consume so freely and with such exuberance.”

Cassie snorted. “Yea and some people don’t handle that alcohol well and there are horrible consequences.” She gestured in frustration. “What about driving? Can they drive safely under the influence of this oh so natural fruit drink?”

Trik stopped pacing and leaned back against the wall. His arms were folded across his chest and he appeared relaxed. Cassie knew better than to believe that pose.

“How about this?” He responded. “We can put a regulation on each of the Casinos. If a person has had too much Rapture then they aren’t permitted to leave and will be put up in one of the hotel rooms.” Trik spoke as if that would fix it all, like he had just solved the only dilemma to his King’s plan.

“Rapture ,” Cassie said the word and it was a bitter taste in her mouth. “That’s what it’s called? Oh, that’s rich.”

Trik didn’t flinch under her hard glower. He didn’t appear to be affected at all by her reaction and that only angered her more. She held his stare, not the least bit intimidated. She knew that he would never hurt her, no matter how angry he became. He let out a growl worthy of a pissed off lion.

“Shh, my mom will hear you,” she admonished.

“I’ve taken care of that, no noise can leave this room while I am in it,” he barked.

Oh well, thanks for sharing, Cassie thought sarcastically.

“I told you who I was, who I am. I told you, showed you that it is what I will always be. Nothing has changed.” Trik’s body was tense, his lips narrowed into a thin line. The soft, sexy lips that had been pressed to hers only moments ago were gone.

“I know what you told me. I know what you think you are, but you do have a choice, Trik. There is always a choice.”

“NO! There isn’t Cassandra. You are so young, so naive to the responsibilities of someone in my position.”

“Do not,” her eyes narrowed, her voice an angry whisper, “do not make the mistake of thinking that because I am not a thousand years old that I don’t know anything, that I am clueless.”

“I bear the protection of an entire race, Cassie. I have served my King for hundreds of years. There is not any way that you can possibly understand.”

“I know the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG!” She yelled, now knowing that her mom wouldn’t hear them.

“What is so wrong with making people feel good? What is so wrong with giving them the choice to take something that allows them to let loose? It’s not like we are going to force it down their throats. It will be a choice that they will make. Isn’t that what you keep saying to me?”

Cassie scoffed at him. “Are you kidding me? Trik there are all kinds of drugs that humans have concocted to make them feel better, to make them let go of their worries for a time , and guess what, they cause more problems than they solve and they are illegal! Do you know why they are illegal, even though it is a choice ? They are illegal because the innocent, the weak, and the ones who can’t stand up for themselves need to be protected. You are willing to make available something that will probably cause addiction, drive people to spend money they don’t have and who knows what else, all because your King wants more money. Why? What does he need money for?”

“Even for us, we must have money to be a part of your society, to have nice things, to enjoy all that being in this realm means.”

“So that is what it always comes back to, pleasure, enjoyment?”

“What is so wrong with that?” Trik snapped back. “What is wrong with wanting to enjoy life as much as possible?”

“When it’s at the expense of other people, it’s wrong.” Cassie closed her eyes and brought her hands up and framed her face, shaking her head in anger and pain. How could he think it was okay to drug people? How do you justify such behavior?

Several moments of frustrated silence passed.