Elfin Page 85

They stepped out of the mirror into Trik’s cabin and Cassie nearly wept at the feeling of freedom, but it was fleeting as the pain from the withdrawals began again. She grabbed for the chair at the small table to steady herself. Trik wasn’t looking at her. Instead he was standing with his eyes closed as if deep in thought. She remained as quiet as she could as her hands shook and sweat trailed down her back.

Just as Trik opened his eyes, another body came out of the mirror and then Syndra’s arms were wrapped around her.

She tried not to cry out in pain but there was no holding it back. Syndra pulled back. She looked into Cassie’s face and Cassie felt the Light Queen probing her mind.

“NO!” Cassie yelled and pushed herself from her. She fell to the ground and scrambled backwards, putting space between her and the two elves.

Trik watched in horror as his Chosen shook all over, her face was white as snow and the pupils in her beautiful eyes had n early covered all of the color. He took a step towards her and she screamed out again and held up a shaking arm to keep him from coming closer. Trik fought every instinct he had to keep from denying her wish and pulling her into his arms.

“Cassie love, let me help you.” He spoke softly and knelt down so that his face was level with hers.

She shook her head and her eyes were wild and unfocused. “Th-th-there is n-n-n-no help f-for me. You heard what Lorsan said.” Her words came out in a string of stuttering and she growled in frustration.

“Trik,” Syndra pulled his attention from Cassie. The Light Elf Queen’s eye shined with unshed tears. “It’s the Rapture?”

Trik nodded.

“What does she mean there is no help?”

Trik bowed his head as he thought of the King’s words. “He said the addiction to it was too much for the humans, and the withdrawals were more than their bodies and minds could endure. Already some have killed themselves because they couldn’t get any more of the drug.”

Syndra’s hand came up to her mouth as a small gasp escaped. She looked over at the once full of life, fiery human and saw that the withdrawals were killing her.

“Syndra, I must ask you to leave us and do not allow anyone to come here. She would not want anyone to see her like this.”

“What will you do?” She asked him cautiously.

“Whatever is necessary.”

“Trik,” Syndra knew what he meant and she also knew that there was nothing she could say that would sway him from his decision.

She knelt down and looked at Cassie. Cassie saw no judgment, no pity in the Queen’s eyes and it made the tears she had held onto fall.

“Cassie, fight! You are loved, you are needed. You will fight this and you will win.” Syndra stood and left without another word. She had total confidence in her commands, as if Cassie had a choice in the matter.

Trik sat down on the floor as close to her as he could without her going into a fit of hysterics. He watched her tremble and longed to hold her.

“What can I do A'maelamin? Tell me what to do.” Trik felt like his heart was being ripped out all over again as he sat helpless to comfort his mate.

Cassie hadn’t spoken in so long that he thought she might have fallen asleep but then she looked up at him. He had never seen Cassie look at him like that, a predator hunting its prey. Under different circumstances it might have made him feel differently, but seeing that look in her eyes now made his stomach clench.

“Get me what I need, Trik.” Her voice was a purr as she unfolded herself from her sitting position and began to move towards him in a sultry crawl. “If you will get me the Rapture, everything will be fine, I will be fine.”

Trik knew this wasn’t his Cassie speaking. He knew that it was the drug in her, the addiction. But to see her like this, attempting to seduce him into doing her will, it broke something in him.

“I can’t do that, Cassie, you don’t need it,” Trik told her firmly. “I’m here. We can get through this, beautiful.”

Once she was within touching distance, she ran a finger up his stretched out leg and Trik caught it before she could go higher than his thigh.

“If you will just get me my drink, then we can do a whole lot more than just get through this.” Cassie reached up to untie one side of her dress and Trik stopped her.

Her eyes snapped up to his. “You don’t want me?” Outrage and hurt quickly distorted her face but then the sultry smile was back.

“I can make you want me, Trik. I can dance for you. The others liked it when I danced for them, but for you it will be special.”

Trik bit the inside of his mouth so hard that he tasted blood. It’s the drug, he told himself over and over again. He pushed the image of men leering at her perfect body while she danced for them from his mind and focused on reaching his Cassie. But he had no idea what he was in for and he prayed to the Forest Lords that they both would make it through the battle for Cassie’s soul.

Chapter 19

Rescue mission advice #1: Have a plan. Rescue mission advice #2: Have a plan…Rescue mission advice #142: Have a plan.

You would think that would be a no-brainer, right? Tell that to the two humans and five elves that went traipsing off into the dark elf realm hell bent on rescuing the King and Queen, dispensing justice where it was needed. Ask them how that worked out for them once they get their own asses rescued. ~ Elora

“Lisa, if you ask me if we’re there yet one more time, I swear I’m shoving you through some reflective surface and back to the human realm,” Elora growled as they walked through the dark forest. Tamsin, Beleg, Nedhudir, Rincavornon and Sidhion, which were four of Tamsin’s strongest warriors, along with Lisa, and Elora had all set out together. Syndra had stayed behind at the command of the King to keep an eye out for Trik should he return. They had been walking for two days and Tamsin had finally seen fit to tell them that Lorsan could hinder their progress by shifting the realm so that they were literally going in circles.