Stealing Harper Page 32

I hadn’t seen or heard from Princess in almost a week since kissing her on New Year’s Eve, and every day Brian made me kick myself for leaving after the kiss. He’d even had Marissa come down to the shop to lecture me about kissing her and leaving, and how I’d probably hurt her more by doing that. I wasn’t sure if they were right, but I sure as hell was about to find out.

On one of the Sundays, I’d heard all the girls talking in the kitchen about flowers, and Harper had gone on about orange lilies being her favorite. I’d known I couldn’t just get her some, but hearing her talk about them never left my mind, and I’d sketched up a large drawing of four orange lilies for her as a tattoo. She knew I had a tattoo for her, and I knew she wanted one, but I refused to tell her what it was unless she came to get it; and I’m pretty sure the only reason she never did was because Brandon would have stopped her. It’s just such a damn shame he’s still in Arizona right now. I hopped in my truck and pulled out my phone.

So . . . you ever going to come get that tattoo?

Princess: When are you free?


Princess: :) Make me an appointment. I’ll be there

We open at four today. Come in then

Princess: Do I get to know what it is first?

You can see it when it’s done. I’m warning you now, it’s going to take hours.

Princess: Chase, I swear, if you put something I hate on my body . . . I’ll kill you

I promise you’ll love it

Princess: Don’t make me regret this

See you in a couple hours Princess

Hell. Yeah.

I cranked the engine and took off for the shop to start on the outline so I’d have everything ready by the time she got there, and was almost done when Brian came in.

“Thank the good Lord above. Chase has come to his senses and finally gotten him some ass!”

My expression deadpanned as I looked up at him.

“Or maybe not.”

“You would be correct with the latter,” I mumbled as I went back to the outline.

“Then what was up with the goofy grin?”

“Princess is coming in for her tattoo.”

“Oh no shit? I gotta tell Riss!”

I snorted and looked back up to him. “Do you tell Marissa everything?”

Brian took a massive bite of a burrito and looked at me funny, “Uh . . . yeah.”

I just shook my head and went back to the outline.

“Riss said this is huge,” he said around another big bite, “and that it means she’s either not that upset with you or wants to see what will happen.”

“That’s nice, Bri.”

“And Riss wants to know if you’re gonna kiss her.”

I dropped the pen and looked up. “Brian, I don’t know man. I didn’t think she’d agree to it in the first place; I don’t know if she’ll even show up. Tell Marissa if she wants to be in on it so bad, she can come watch.” Brian took another bite, nodded, and started tapping on his phone. “No don’t actually tell her that! I don’t want to freak Princess out! Which means you can’t act like you know who she is, either. I swear, she’ll probably run away screaming if she sees you smiling at her the way you do when I talk about her. She’s gonna think you’re a freak, Bri, so just be cool.”

“I can be cool”—he shrugged—“I’ll be so cool she’ll be like ‘man that guy’s so fly,’ and she’ll leave your ass for me.”

I choked on my gum and had to wait a couple minutes before responding. “Did you just say ‘fly’ in a thug voice? Shit, all you’re missing is the grill, real O.G. over here.” I laughed and dodged the balled-up foil from the burrito he threw at me. “And leave me for you? Please. Brian, you have massive hair, look like you haven’t shaved for days, and are covered in tattoos and piercings. Like I said, she’ll run away screaming.”

“Psh, nah, you be trippin’.”

“You are so white. Leave me alone. I want to finish this before she shows.”

“You can bet your ass I’m gonna be texting Riss a play-by-play once she does!”

I just shook my head. “As long as you stay away, you can do what you want.”

Thirty minutes later, I was done and sitting with Brian when my Princess walked into the shop. She was in sweats and still looked more beautiful than any other girl I’d ever seen.

“Holy shit, is that her?” Brian asked, and I nodded as I stood up. “Damn, I’m gonna need to take a stalker picture of her to send to Marissa; your girl is hot.”

“You’re so f**king dumb. Remember, stay invisible. You may know about her, but she doesn’t have a clue about you.” I walked to the front and took what felt like my first real breath in days when she smiled at me. I grabbed her hand and led her back to my station. “I can’t believe you actually came.”

“I know. I’m kind of freaking out.”

Shit. “Then I’m not going to do it, Princess. I’ll do it whenever you’re ready.”

Her eyes went wide, and she shook her head quickly. “No, no. I want it today, but I’m afraid it’s going to hurt, and it’s really hard not knowing what it is. Can you please just let me see it?”

Uh, no. That was the deal. “I’m not going to lie to you and say it won’t hurt, but it’s different for everyone. Some people hate outlines, some hate shading. Some people don’t feel a thing, and some hate the entire process. I told you, you’ll love what it is. But it’s a surprise; I can’t tell you.”