Intoxicated Page 7


“I’ve heard they can almost double their weight in the first week. He’ll be a completely different baby.” I glance over to see more pouting from my wife. “He won’t even recognize us I bet.”

I bark out a surprised laugh. “You gotta be kidding me. He didn’t recognize us before.”

“He heard my voice a lot when he was in the womb. I know he knows me. I’ll be his favorite aunt.” She drops her arms to her sides and relaxes against the overstuffed lounger cushion, her glasses once more in place over her eyes, her smooth skin glistening beneath the sun.

“You’ll be his only aunt,” I say, my mouth going dry as I study her. Seeing her like this, wearing the tiny white bikini bottom and nothing else is making my c**k rise to the occasion. You think I’d be exhausted from all the sex or at the very least, somewhat immune to seeing my wife half na**d.

Guess not.

“Do you want a baby right away, Gage?” she asks suddenly.

And there goes my erection. “Uh . . . not really. Unless you do,” I add quickly though I kind of, sort of, don’t mean it. We only just got married. We have lots of time before we need to start making babies and creating a family.

We can definitely practice all the time but actual babies? Not yet. For now, I’ll leave that up to my sister.

“I don’t,” she says as she tilts her face up to the sun. Damn, she’s pretty. “I mean, I do want them someday, but not yet. We have plenty of time. If I get baby fever, I’ll just find Jackson. I bet he’d let me cuddle him all I want.”

“I’m sure he would,” I drawl, my gaze locked on her breasts. She has no tan lines on her upper body. It’s all golden skin and hard pink nipples. My mouth starts to water just thinking about sucking on them.

She looks over at me, raising her sunglasses to the top of her head once more. “Are you checking me out?”

“Always,” I say with a grin. I’m not going to be ashamed by my appreciation of my wife. She’s a work of art. Beautiful and sweet and so giving. I lucked out and I know it.

“You going to do something about that?” She waves her hand at the vicinity of my swim trunks.

Glancing down, I look at my erection and then her. “Are you going to do something about it?” I ask pointedly.

Marina can barely hide the grin on her face. “What would you like, O husband of mine?”

“Hmm, I don’t know.” I settle my hand over my c**k and give it a firm stroke, my gaze cutting to hers. She’s watching me closely, her eyes locked on my hand, her lips parted seemingly in fascination. That we haven’t grown tired of constantly ha**g s*x kind of blows my mind.

But I am definitely not tired of her. And I’m pretty sure she’s not tired of me either.

“Would you like me to come over there and join you?” she asks as she stands, tossing her sunglasses on the chair before she takes the few steps and stops at the edge of my lounger. “You’re looking lonely.”

“I am lonely.” I grunt in surprise when she settles right on top of me, warm and soft as she straddles my hips, her bent knees on either side. “I’m not so lonely anymore though,” I murmur.

She rests her hands on the top of the lounge chair, her br**sts right in my face. Tilting my head up, I capture one nipple with my lips and suck, earning a gasp for my efforts.

A warm breeze washes over us, doing nothing to cool the incessant sexual fever raging within me as I place my hand on the center of her back and bring her chest closer to my lips.

This is our last day. I need to make the most of this experience. Getting na**d outside, the ocean waves crashing in the distance, I need to revel in this.

And so does Marina.


MY HUSBAND HAS the best mouth ever. A talented mouth too, which he’s currently using on me quite perfectly. I’m grinding against his hard c**k as those talented lips suck and lick my nipples. If he keeps this up I’ll be coming in seconds, no joke.

Our Caribbean honeymoon has far exceeded my expectations. I’d been secretly afraid of arriving an exhausted mess, wanting only to sleep the days away while Gage’s typical workaholism kicked in.

But no. We’ve excessively indulged in each other sexually, we’ve relaxed, we’ve hung out at the pool and the beach, and we’ve eaten fine cuisine on a nightly basis.

The sex, though . . . has been amazing. I feel more connected to this man than ever before. That Gage is my husband, the constant in my life, is both overwhelming and exhilarating.

“Mmm, you taste good,” he murmurs against my skin, his lips moving over the tops of my breasts, licking and kissing my skin.

I shiver when his fingers skim down my back so that his hand settles at the waistband of my bikini bottoms. “You feel good,” I whisper, a little sigh escaping me when he slips first one hand then the other beneath my bottoms and touches my na**d flesh. He squeezes my backside and tugs me against him, his erection rubbing between my legs, driving me crazy. Unable to control myself, I lean forward, crashing my mouth on top of his.

Our kiss is wild, frantic. Our tongues tangling as he works my bottoms off. I help him out, contorting my body in all sorts of awkward positions before I finally fling the skimpy fabric onto the deck. I love that we can make love so freely outside without worrying that others can see us. The suite offers us plenty of privacy, and Gage and I indulge outside every chance we can get.

“You need to get na**d,” I whisper once he breaks away from me to scatter damp kisses along my neck.

“Help me out, wife,” he says, his voice rough with want.

I comply, standing so I can tug his swim trunks off and tossing them close to where my bottoms lay. I sprawl out onto the lounger once more, lying between his legs, my lips right at his cock. Slowly I draw him deep between my lips, my gaze never leaving his as he watches me suck and lick him. His lids grow heavy and he reaches out, his fingers cradling my cheek.

I could do this for hours. I get off getting him off, I swear. Never before have I received so much pleasure when I’m giving it to someone else. Only for Gage.

He’s my everything.

My everything is also incredibly impatient. He pushes me off him within minutes, growling about coming too fast, before hauling me into his arms as if I don’t weigh a thing. I’m back in the same position I was originally, only this time there’s no clothing separating us. I can feel him, thick and insistent, brushing against me and I shift my lower body, reaching down so I can grab hold of him by the base and guide him inside me.

“Hold on,” he says, stopping me. “You touch me, and I’m afraid I’ll go off like a rocket.”

I lean back so I can look him in the eyes. He’s dead serious. “Really?”

“Really,” he says firmly as he wraps his fingers around his c**k and brushes the head against my damp folds. I stifle a groan by biting my lips, and he stops the movement, depriving me.

“Don’t stop,” I whisper and he presses his fingers against my mouth.

“Don’t hold back then,” he says just before he resumes stroking me with his cock. Driving me crazy.

A moan falls from my lips and finally he adjusts, so I can lower myself onto him. Slowly I take him inside, until he’s filling me completely, every inch of him inside of my body. Thick and pulsing, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, my hands buried in his hair as I clutch him close.

He feels so unbelievably good. I’m afraid to move for fear my body will start convulsing, and I’ll come too before we’ve even started.

“You’re so damn beautiful with the sun shining on your skin,” he says as he leans back against the cushions to watch me. I start to move at a languid pace, as if we have all the time in the world. My br**sts sway with my every movement and he reaches out, circling his thumb around one nipple, then the other.

Gage lets me have my way with him like he’s my plaything. Up and down, slow. Slower. Then I increase my pace, going fast. Faster. Until I’m practically bouncing in his lap, riding his c**k as I strive toward my orgasm that hovers so close yet is still out of reach.

“So . . . close . . .” I say as I move faster, leaning forward to get that friction I so desperately want that will help me come.

Gage reaches between us, his fingers settling on my cl*tas he deftly circles it again and again. “Like that, baby?”

I toss my head back as his fingers stroke me, his mouth on my skin, my breasts. The first waves of my orgasm threaten to wash over me. A whimper escapes and then I’m coming, my entire body trembling around Gage’s as he lifts his h*ps and thrusts deep inside. He shouts as he erupts, my name falling from his lips as he holds me so close I almost can’t breathe.

“I love you,” I whisper into his hair as he slowly relaxes his hold on me. “I can’t believe our honeymoon is almost over.”

“Baby.” He slips his fingers into my hair and tugs, forcing me to look at him. I stare into his eyes and can’t help but smile in response to the grin that’s on his handsome face. I press my forehead to his. “It’s only just begun.”

Chapter Seven

* * *


Two weeks since Gage and Marina’s wedding


I’m glancing at my phone but the sound of Bryn’s voice makes me stop short. My eyes widen in surprise when I find her in my office¸ sitting behind my desk in full-on assistant mode.

Not that I think of her as my assistant anymore. No way. She’s my business partner and she knows it. She has her own office and manages the administrative assistant plus organizes the winery’s social events.

But at this very moment, having her back in my office, looking like she does, it’s taking me right back to when she worked under me. How bad I wanted to keep her under me . . . but not to work. Oh, no.

More like keep her under me in bed. Naked.

I let my gaze wander all over her, drinking her in slowly. She’s got her hair pulled back into a long braid, wispy dark strands frame her face, reminding me of the way she wore her hair the first time I saw her after the famous Ivy-and-Marina makeover. She’s wearing a sleeveless black dress that emphasizes the lush curve of her br**sts and leaves her long slender arms exposed, a delicate silver bracelet around her wrist.

She looks . . . stunning.

“What are you doing sitting behind my desk, Miss James?” I shut the door behind me and turn the lock, ensuring no one will bust in on us. I can’t remember the last time we fooled around at work, especially once we moved in together and it was no longer really necessary.

Not that it was ever really necessary to get it on at work but . . . yeah. It sure as hell was a lot of fun. So I like the direction Bryn is going now.

A lot.

“Why, I have good news, Mr. DeLuca. Tremendous news, in fact. I couldn’t wait to share, so I thought I’d wait in your office for your return from the vineyards. You don’t mind, do you?” She folds her hands on top of my desk and smiles at me, again reminding me strongly of those first few agonizing months I worked with her. How badly I wanted her.

How I deprived myself of her since I knew our relationship would be viewed as inappropriate. I was her freaking boss.

Yet here I am, now her freaking boyfriend. Glad I pushed past my worries. Then I wouldn’t have this amazing woman in my life.

“Of course I don’t mind.” Like I would. And she knows it. “So what’s the good news?” I ask as I approach my desk.

I stop by her side, and she turns in the chair so she’s still facing me. The skirt of her dress is short, hitting her about mid-thigh and offering me a glimpse of slender flesh. My gaze locks there for a bit too long, and she clears her throat, drawing my attention back to her face.

“Well, we have four weddings lined up so far,” she says, beaming at me.

Ah, yes. I relented the night of Gage’s reception, finally giving in to her request that we advertise our event facility. Within twenty four hours of agreeing, she showed me a few mockups of print advertising, which just went to show me that she was bound and determined to make it happen, no matter what it took.

That’s one of my favorite things about Bryn. All that steely determination in such a sexy package.

“Four already, huh?” I smile at her, loving how pleased she looks. “That’s great.”

“It is. And I collected deposits from all four of them too,” she says, her expression going the slightest bit cocky. “This is going to be an excellent source of extra income, you know.”

“I know.” I lean over her, resting my hands on the arms of the chair, blocking her in. “It’s going to be a huge success, I’m sure.”

She smirks. “I’m sure too.”

I brush my face against her hair, breathing in her distinct floral scent. A little hum of pleasure escapes her when I nuzzle her cheek with my nose, then press my lips against her cheek. “Why are you so incredibly smart?” I ask.

“I’ve been hanging out with you too long,” she replies.

Jerking away, I stare at her, hating that she puts herself down. Why does she still do that? “This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you, Bryn. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

Her smile fades and her gaze dims. She offers up a little shrug. “You know how I am.”

“Yeah, I do,” I say vehemently. “You’re too humble. You act like all the great things you do are by accident or whatever. You accomplish so much.” I shake the chair arms, startling her. “You’re amazing, Bryn. I wish you could actually see that.”

She licks her lips and gives me a tremulous smile. “You make me feel amazing,” she admits softly.