One Grave at a Time Page 26

Her appearance cut off whatever the guard had been about to say. She pushed past them into the elevator none too gently, several strands of dark hair escaping from her ponytail. The sharp blue gaze that still had the power to intimidate me lasered on the group surrounding us.

"Are you going to shoot her, or push the button so we can leave?" she demanded.

I stifled a laugh at the instant consternation her words elicited. The guard who had his weapon pointed at me didn't know whether to lower it and look like he was following her orders or keep it aimed at me and look like an idiot. He chose the idiot route, and I pushed the button for the top floor, my lips twitching.

"What are you doing, Justina?" Don asked warily.

She glanced first at him, then at me. "I'm quitting," she stated. "I heard what he said about arresting you if you came back, and no one's going to forbid my daughter from seeing me if she wants to."

Her words hit me right in the heart. I knew how much my mother had wanted to make the team despite my strenuous objections. She'd argued that going after murderers was her chance to avenge the lives she'd been unable to save-hers and that of the man she loved. For her to give it all up because Madigan pulled a power play made me want to hug her and punch his lights out at the same time.

Since he was now three floors away, I put my arm around my mother, squeezing gently.

"Thanks," I whispered.

Pink shone in her gaze before she blinked, glancing away. "Yes, well, I'm sure your husband has missed me terribly," she replied with heavy irony.

My laughter startled the guards so much that another one of them prodded me with his gun. Again I resisted the urge to snap off the tip and bean him with it. The doors opened on our floor, and I got out, biting my lip as my arm was grasped in a hard grip once more.

"Seriously?" I muttered under my breath. My mother glared at them, green glittering in her gaze, but a low "don't" from me kept her silent. For once.

"Thanks so much for the assistance, boys," I drawled once they all but pushed me onto the roof.

The reply I received would've resulted in their instant massacre if Bones were here. Once again, I thanked God that he'd stayed back in Ohio. He might be coolly logical under most circumstances, but Bones had an irrational streak when it came to me. I couldn't point fingers about that because I was the same way with him.

"Anything interesting happen since I last saw you?" I asked, but the question wasn't directed at my mother. It was to Don, who hovered right behind her.

"Somehow Madigan knows he's being watched," my uncle replied, frustration clear in his tone. "Even at home, he doesn't let his guard down. All the computer files he accesses are the usual classified material, and if he's on the phone, he talks in code so I can't figure out what his real meaning is."

My sigh was swallowed up by the churning of the helicopter's rotor blades as the engine was started. No time was being wasted in getting me out of here, it seemed. I would've liked a chance to talk to Tate and the guys before I left, but that clearly wasn't happening. I'd have to settle for Don's relaying a message from me later.

"I don't like him at all, but is it possible that he's nothing more than what he appears-an arrogant, prejudiced suit who'll step on anyone to climb up the government ladder?"

That might make Madigan a dick and incompetent for this job, but it didn't make him the menace Don thought he was.

"You don't know him like I do," Don said flatly. "He's hiding something. I just need more time to find out what it is."

"The boys are going to be so upset when they find out that Madigan's not letting you come back," my mother remarked. "Morale is already low after what happened to Tate."

I had to shake my head. Hearing my mother talk about team morale was just too weird for my brain to handle.

"You need to come with me," I said to Don, with an oblique look at the various personnel waiting for me to climb into the chopper. Even if someone heard me above the noise from the craft powering up, they'd think I was talking to my mother.

Don hesitated. "But now is the best time for me to shadow Madigan," he said, backing away from me. Actually backing away. "You rattled him, Cat. I could be missing out on important information as we speak. Whatever you have to tell me, it can wait!"

Then he vanished, leaving me staring at the spot he'd just vacated with my jaw dropped open. He couldn't even take a few hours away from shadowing Madigan to be updated on what was going on? What if I'd found a way for him to skip merrily into eternity? Was that no longer a concern of his?

I had to make sure to badger him to tell me what happened in their past for Don to have such a one-track mind when it came to Madigan, but that would have to wait until the next time I saw him.

But thanks to Madigan's proving that he was every inch the suspicious bastard I'd initially pegged him as, the first thing I'd have to do would be to uproot everyone from my old house in Ohio. I didn't doubt that in the time it took to fly me here, Madigan already had a surveillance team staked out around the perimeter, ready to record any incriminating action or word. I'd have to call Bones and tell him not to bring the crew back there. So much for all the groceries and amenities we'd just bought.

"Ready, Catherine?" my mother asked, jumping into the chopper.

I shook my head at Don's behavior as I climbed in after her. Family. If one member wasn't being a pain in the ass, another one would be guaranteed to fill the slot.

Chapter Fifteen

Tyler ducked beneath the low entrance of the cave, his eyes darting around like he expected to be attacked at any moment.

"Are there spiders in here? I hate spiders."

"In an underground cave nearly half a mile long? No, not a one."

The look Tyler threw me said he didn't appreciate the sarcasm, but what did he expect? Rats seemed to avoid vampires with the same innate aversion other scavengers showed predators higher up on the food chain; but spiders either didn't possess that sort of instinct, or they considered us to be very distant cousins. Hey, both our species survived by drinking blood, so while I wouldn't invite any arachnids over for Christmas dinner, I couldn't ignore the similarities, either.

"If one of those hairy-legged things even touches me, I'm outta here," Tyler muttered.

I didn't reply. His fixation on spiders was just his way of controlling his fear over the other, far more dangerous aspect of his trip into the cave. The trap was finally ready, but with my ghostly powers being kaput, we'd need a medium to summon Kramer to it. Cue Tyler. He might be swatting imaginary spiders off his clothes and swearing, but his steps didn't falter as he followed me deeper into the darkness.