Suddenly Royal Page 49

I knew I should stop him once he reached my waist, but I didn’t. I closed my eyes, enjoying the smell of him and the feel of his hands on me. I heard him take a deep breath of his own and he stopped the zipper just above my panties. I could feel his hands shake just before he let go and stepped away.

“I think you can take it from there.” Need mixed with frustration in his voice.

“Thank you for helping.” I took a step forward, clutching my dress to my chest as I turned around.

“How long are we going to play this game?” He was irritated and I didn’t blame him. He wasn’t the only one feeling frustrated.

“I’m not going to be another conquest, Alex. I don’t do one-night stands. I’m not that person.”

“And I’m not looking for a notch in my bedpost.” He took a step toward me.

His words scared me more than if he was just looking for a quick tumble in the sheets. Falling in love with Alex would leave me open to too much hurt. Anything I had with him would be short-lived. He’d eventually have to move on and marry someone who could help him rule a country. I looked around the room, at a loss for words. Refusing to say the words that would reveal my cowardice.

“Samantha, none of those women stayed at the palace.” Alex looked at me with serious eyes. He had taken my silence for something else. “At least they didn’t stay at the palace with me. Tabitha and Adriane have stayed here because they are from noble families. Kyle was just trying to upset you.”

“Alex, I don’t need to know.” I shook my head and grabbed at the excuse he had provided. “Besides. We’re friends. You don’t need to give me the list. I don’t care.” The last sentence sounded forced and desperate.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re a terrible liar.”

“I know.” But I wasn’t ready for anything else. Would never be ready for anything with Alex. I knew with just the little that had happened between us it would hurt too much when it fell apart. I had lost so much already and was on the verge of losing my father. Losing my heart would be unbearable. “I feel like my entire world was just shaken by a massive earthquake. I don’t know how anything works or what I’m supposed to do with myself. I can’t fall—” I stopped and swallowed. “I wouldn’t be a good girlfriend right now and I’m not up for sex with no strings. Once my dad gets here I won’t have any time.”

“All good things are worth the work. And what we could have would definitely be good.” He threw my words back at me and I had no response. I just stood there silently as he turned and left.

I let the dress fall to the ground and sat on the bed, staring at the door. My heart was still racing and I felt like kicking something. Mainly myself. And Alex. And Kyle.

Eventually I pulled myself up and got undressed. I checked out the attached bathroom and whistled. There was a huge jetted tub, separate shower, and everything was shiny. Apparently the inside of the palace was much newer than the outside. After sending a text message to Dad and Jess, I went to bed. I had no idea what tomorrow held for me.

Sunlight was streaming in the room and I woke to a knock on my door. I sat straight up and looked around the room in confusion. The knock came again and I slipped out of the blankets and padded to the door. I pulled it open and glared at Chadwick on the other side.

“Good morning, Duchess. I brought you some coffee.” He held a cup out to me that I took without hesitation. It could have been poison, but as long as there was some coffee mixed in I’d die happy. As I drank, he made his way into my room and set up a laptop and notebook on the desk in the corner. “I’ve already ordered another cup for you and can call for food if you’re hungry. I wasn’t sure if you’d want breakfast or lunch.”

“Slower, please.” I looked at him confusion. “Breakfast or lunch?”

“Yes, it’s almost noon.”

The cup stopped halfway to my mouth. “Oh my God. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“There was nothing pressing this morning.” He sat down and went through the drawers until he found a pencil. “I thought you might need the rest. You’ve had a busy week.”

“You could say that.” I sat down in the chair across from the desk.

“I’ve gone through your schedule and set up some of the meetings you’ll need to have in the next few days, including time for you to see some of the country. Alex insisted you get to spend a few days here in the capital before leaving for your estate.” Chadwick sat primly at the desk. “I believe Catherine is hoping to join you as well.”

“Okay.” I pulled my feet up in my seat and finished off my cup. “First, food. Then we start doing what we need to do.”

“Excellent. We’ve already received requests for appearances and you’ve been invited to several dinners here in town. I’ve told them everything was pending approval at this point.”

“Appear where?” I latched onto the thing I thought most important.

“The American embassy has requested you meet with the ambassador. I believe they want to check on you.” He smiled fondly like it was cute. “There was also a request for you make an appearance at a local American school and the local zoological gardens sometime this week.”

“An ambassador, a school, and a zoo.” I thought it over in my head. “I haven’t technically been granted my title back.”