Forbidden Love Page 37

“Only the really special ones.” I felt his lips tip up into a smirk against my skin before I heard his snicker.

“Don’t be a tease.” I laughed with him. Dylan spun me around and pressed me up against the kitchen counter.

I felt his excitement before he fully pressed against me, his erection large and in charge. "Is that a gun your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" I quipped, my expression matching his.

"Oh, sugar, you know it's always you. I'm never armed with more than what you see before you. Every inch belongs to you and I fully intend on using that to my utmost advantage." His words were rough and low, a promise of what was to come.

"I like what you're sayin', cowboy. Why don't you take me to bed and show off what you’re packin’?" I shivered in anticipation, but didn't wait for a response. I turned in his grasp and let my ass rub against him. I slowly turned the cap on the wine, and poured two generous glasses.

I picked each up and handed one to Dylan as I took a sip from the other.

"Yummm…" My lips made a loud smacking sound as I swallowed. The flavors of pear and honeysuckle fresh on my tongue.

He watched as I took another swallow of the sweet white Pinot; each time I made a different sound of enjoyment. "Boy, what I wouldn't give to be that glass or that wine. He took a swig of his own. "Those sounds you’re making sure it make it difficult to keep my hands to myself."

I looked at Dylan, my eyes sparkling. "Then don't."

And with that, he took my glass, set them both on the counter and threw me over his shoulder. My hair fell into my face and I started to sputter through the laughter that had attacked my system. "Put me down, caveman!" I scolded, my words holding no merit between fits of giggles.

He swatted my butt as he walked down the hall. "Calm yourself, woman. I need to take you to bed."


This was what living hell felt like.

I stood no more than ten-foot from the glowing happy couple who stood cuddled up, laughing and blissful. My heart lay under Haven’s six-inch purple heels, and she was none the wiser.

Family barbeques were now my own personal nightmare.

I walked into the kitchen, attempting to get as far away from the happy couple as possible. The boys were outside running circles around the adults in their chairs, chatting about whatever the day had brought them. I could hear their delighted screams when someone would catch them briefly for a tickle or a kiss.

A kiss. That kiss. The last one I had with Haven before she ripped my heart to shreds on her living room floor. A kiss I just witnessed between her and dickwad outside. I slammed my palms to the counter and hung my head. “Mother—”

“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence in my house, mijo.” Ma came into the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. “What’s the matter that you have to swear like that, hmm?” Her large brown eyes stared at me, wide with concern.

“I love your daughter,” I blurted. Her gasp had me second-guessing my confession. “Mace didn’t tell you?” I asked, shocked he would keep something like that from his mother. “I thought for sure he would’ve said something…but don’t worry. I also know she doesn’t love me and I’m not going to cause problems for her with McFu—Dylan.” I hung my head and shrugged, waiting for Maria to say something.

She didn’t. She just stared at me. Her expression was filled with pure adoration as she walked up to where I was and put both of her hands on my face. “You, my son, are a good man.” She kissed both cheeks and continued, “My Haven is a lucky girl. She has two men who love her.” I saw her smile falter as she paused to gather her words. “Just remember, old love can be made new again under extenuating circumstances.” She patted my scruff-lined jaw and moved toward the stove. “Can you please go check on the barbeque? I don’t know if your brothers are watching it.”

And just like that, I was dismissed. Her words not lost on me as I made my way back to the hell-on-earth backyard, where the love of my life was basking in the glow of the love of hers.


Spending the day with Dylan, while surrounded by my family was everything I had hoped it would be. The sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot. A light breeze blew every so often, rustling the leaves in the trees and lifting my skirt. I had to hold it down a few times, the gusts pulling up Marilyn-Monroe style; the fact I was without panties was definitely not something I wanted to share with the world.

Dylan and I laughed as we talked with my Tia, and my Abuela, cracking inappropriate jokes at his expense. It was no secret they adored Dylan. I loved how freely they accepted him into our family unit. I even caught one of them trying to steal a kiss.

Dylan being ever the gentleman, quietly obliged, his face crimson from bashfulness. “Abuela, you’re so bad!” I admonished. “Leave my boyfriend alone.” I smiled and tsked her when she looked back at me, a devious grin on her face.

“Oh, Haven!” She swatted my bottom. “There’s plenty to go around. Humor an old lady.” With that, she turned back toward Dylan, grabbed his flushed cheeks and laid a nice, wet kiss on his plump, pink lips.

The laughter that followed was our soundtrack for the day.

If it weren’t for Dylan being by my side, I may have crumbled being there. As it was, I cringed when I spotted my mother kissing his cheeks in the kitchen. I knew she loved him like a son. It just didn’t make it any easier to see him with all the other people I loved.