Midnight Lies Page 50

Whatever doubts I’d had about his health increased a hundred-fold as he leaned into Reyna and wiped his forehead.

My attention skimmed over the others, to see if any were wearing seafoam green robes, and snagged on the high mage of water. Kian glared at me, and I dropped my gaze to his robes. Blue. In fact, none of the council wore seafoam-green robes.

I had no idea what my grandfather had told the other high mages to remove the bounty on my head, but I was grateful.

“I need to stand at the head of Crescent,” my father said and then gave me a quick kiss before going to stand with our pack at the back-right corner of the ballroom.

My gaze flitted past the mages, past the podium, and to the left side of the platform, to two gilded thrones. And there was my amazingly sexy mate. He stood tall just in front of the bigger of the two thrones, his chin held high. Wearing a crisp charcoal suit and legit gold and ruby crown, he was every inch a king.

‘Damn,’ I called from the crowd. ‘Looking good. Nice crown.’

I watched in delight as he scanned the crowd, and then his gaze landed on me before his eyes went half-lidded with appreciation. ‘That dress looks even better than I’d hoped. The crown is a gift from King Ozark. I had Declan’s head delivered to him early this morning.’

Grinning, I tipped my head. ‘Who would’ve thought he’d have such an eye for fashion.’

‘Har har.’ He slid onto his throne and patted the seat next to his. ‘Get up here, woman.’

I blanched. ‘What?’

‘You’re my mate. I want you by my side. For everything. I’ll not rule a kingdom that doesn’t respect our bond.’

Legit swoon.

‘Okay,’ I replied—even my mental voice was all breathy. Marry me now. My heart swelled with his declaration. Love and pride.

Working my way through the crowd, I noticed the packs grouped together, one in each corner, with their alpha at the front. The center of the room remained primarily unoccupied except as stragglers entered and crossed to their pack. The bare circle reminded me of an arena—or a theater.

Justice wished me luck and peeled away as he stood in front of Midnight Pack, facing my father, who had all of Crescent Pack behind him.

‘So many people,’ I told Rage.

He nodded, watching me walk toward him.

Sweet Honor remained at my side, almost like an extension of myself.

‘Incoming,’ Rage warned.

My heart jumped, and I spun, preparing for an attack from Mallory or worse. Instead, the twins Audrey and Sadie plowed into me, laughing as they hugged me. I relaxed and squeezed them back.

“Thank the Mother Mage you’re alive! We were so worried until we got the invite for the coronation.” Audrey said.

Sadie shook her head. “Mom legit lost it. She tried to get Dad to send in an entire rescue team, but by the time we hiked to Selkie Cove, you were gone.”

That was the sweetest most loyal thing I’d heard. Sara and John stepped up behind them, their daughter Lizbeth in tow.

“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Sara said, giving me a radiant smile. “We were surprised to get the summons from Prince Courage. Surprised and thrilled, right, John?”

We both looked to him, but his attention was fixed … glaring daggers at Mallory’s dad Clive, but John nodded.

“Is Clive your…?” I looked at John’s hardened expression like he legit wanted to rip Clive’s head off.

“Younger brother,” he all but spat, and my mind chewed on that information.

A bell chimed from up front, and I turned to see Grandpa standing at the podium.


‘Making me look bad up here all alone, Crescent,’ Rage taunted. ‘Hurry up or I’ll come fetch you.’

‘Don’t you dare!’ I started toward the stage, whisper-yelling to the twins, “Let’s catch up after!” Then I broke into a run.

Honor stayed at my heel as I gracefully, or not so gracefully, climbed the stairs and stumbled to my seat. I dropped into the golden chair beside my mate … the king.

‘I’m sitting on a throne.’ I wiggled my butt and grinned at Rage. ‘I could get used to this.’

Rage looked out onto his people, but his lips tipped up in a smirk. ‘Mine’s higher.’

‘Pshh,’ I scoffed, not even caring. ‘I’m going to put six-inch risers on mine. Ooh. Or maybe I’ll challenge you—’

Reaching out, he grasped my hand and squeezed. ‘I’ll make sure they’re even before the day is done.’

Mother Mage, I loved him.

“Welcome, wolves!” my grandfather spoke from the podium, his voice carrying throughout the room just as it had at the affinity ceremony. “As high mages, we stay out of shifter affairs. But because of the Wolf-High Mage peace treaty, we bear witness to the coronation of a new alpha king.”

There must be two thousand wolves in here and more spilling outside.

The wolves of Midnight Pack rumbled their approval. Rage tried not to smile, but I could feel his pride.

‘You’re going to be an amazing leader,’ I told my mate.

‘Thank you, love.’

“Courage Midnight,” my grandfather said, turning to face us. “Have you picked a member of your pack to officiate?”

“Noble Midnight,” Rage said.

Gramps stepped to the side, and Noble walked out of the crowd and into the center of the empty circle, microphone in hand.

‘This is it.’ Rage looked at me and winked.

Rage descended the steps and crossed the red rug to where his brother stood in the center of the room. Unable to sit, I stood as well, nerves churning through my belly.

Gramps shuffled over to me and leaned in closely. “I need to talk to you about something…” he wheezed. “As soon as this is done.”

“Of course.” Poor guy had been through the wringer the past few days with me and needed his rest.

“Wolf clans of Shifter Island!” Noble bellowed. “Come forth and pledge loyalty to the new alpha king … Courage Midnight.”

There was a thunder of applause that reverberated through the wooden platform all the way up to my chest. I scanned over the crowd and frowned because a significant portion from the Daybreak Clan remained … quiet.

My father stepped forward and then dropped to one knee. “As alpha of Crescent, we pledge fealty to Courage Midnight as alpha king.”

He bowed his head, and Crescent cheered. I felt so much pride I might burst.

Kaja’s father came next. He looked so much like his daughters with his shock of red hair. Representing Harvest Clan, he bowed his head and dropped to one knee. “As alpha of Harvest, we pledge fealty to Courage Midnight as alpha king.”

Justice stepped forward, and my momentary confusion cleared as I connected the dots. As the next heir, he would have to concede his place and not contest his brother.

With a deep bow, Justice took a knee. “As second alpha heir of Midnight, I pledge my fealty and that of our pack to Courage Midnight as alpha king.”

Holy. Mother. Mage.

Midnight Pack roared.

And then all eyes landed on Mallory’s dad.

Clive Daybreak stood in front of his pack, his chin jutting forward as he sneered at Rage. He had yet to move a muscle in support of the new king.