Midnight Kisses Page 42

He led me to a creek where we both lapped at the water.

Why couldn’t it be like this when he was human? I didn’t need him to parade around and tell everyone we were mated, but…

‘Mate sad,’ his wolf said.

I faced him, studied his features, and wished for the ten-millionth time that I knew who he was.

‘Yes, I’m sad. I wish you trusted me—that your human trusted me.’

Before he could answer, a twig snapped, and we both scented the air.

‘Male wolf.’ I curled my lip in disgust. This wolf smelled of whiskey and smoke and foreign wolf.

My mate crouched low, growling.

Shit. The male was closing in.

‘Rogue. Get down!’ my mate snarled to me.

Something in the tone of his voice told me this wasn’t a matter of dominance, and I ducked as he launched himself forward—into the air and over me, crashing into another wolf with dark, honey-colored fur.

Feral snapping bounced between the two males, their fur a moving blur as they snapped so fast I could barely tell who was who. My heart raced as I watched the fight, but for me to jump into the fray could make things worse, not better. A blur of fangs precipitated a flash of crimson…

Oh Mage! The moonlight came through the trees just in time to light up the two wolves fighting. The honey-colored wolf bit down on my mate’s shoulder, and his low growl became a high-pitched whine.

‘No!’ I lunged forward, snarling, intent to intervene when the crunch of bone punched me in the gut.

Instinct took over.

Charging forward, I snapped at the attacker’s tail, biting clean through the end.

The golden-colored animal yipped in pain, releasing my mate, and I darted away, spitting out the chunk of bone and fur. My mate pushed off the ground where he’d been on his back and lurched forward, reaching out with his uninjured paw to swipe at the rogue wolf’s face. The hit was so hard it knocked the wolf off balance, and that’s when my mate attacked.

The second the honey-colored wolf fell backward, my mate launched on him with the grace and speed of a seasoned hunter. The two wolves slammed into the dirt, and my mate dove forward with a vicious snap of his muzzle.

The golden wolf’s howl of pain cut off with a wet gurgle.

The human part of me winced, but my wolf felt nothing but pride.

Much like watching my father fight, I was pleased my mate was fast and precise.

With one jerk of his head, my mate threw the hunk of honey-colored fur right at my feet like a prize. He’d just torn out the other wolf’s throat.

He faced me then, his muzzle covered in blood.

I blinked, stunned with the emotion welling within.

‘Go,’ he said, drawing near me. ‘Go home.’ He limped forward, nudging me with his bloody snout. ‘Must keep mate safe.’ He nuzzled my neck.

‘No, you’re hurt.’ My wolf sniffed his shoulder injury, and a high whine emanated from my throat. It was bad, the meat and bone exposed.

‘I’m fine. Go home.’ He nudged me with his head.

When I didn’t move because both my wolf and I didn’t want to leave him, he dipped his head low, in submission. ‘Please? Guards coming. Go.’

He’d asked, not as an alpha. As an equal. As if he knew this would be the best way to get me to agree. Fierce pride and … love? Or … maybe just pride flashed through me, and I nuzzled him back. If guards were coming, this would turn into a shitshow, and he was trying to protect me. My clan already had enough infractions on it—maybe this would get me kicked out? But not him…

‘Go. Mate be safe. Please.’ He pushed my chest with his head, and my wolf skidded backward a little.

‘Okay.’ I finally agreed. ‘But send word tomorrow that you’re okay. A letter. Something,’ I begged him.

I couldn’t leave him like this. It was torture. A howl rose up in the night, and I knew the guards were coming. Had they scented all that blood? Maybe there were other rogues on campus.

With one last look at my injured mate standing over his kill like a hunter claiming its prize, I ran.

My heart hammered the whole way home. This strange feeling crawling through me tethered me to my mate—willingly—for the first time. Was this sensation love? Loyalty? I had no idea what to call it, but it was binding and freeing all at once.

The wolf of my mate fought for me—which meant the wolf part accepted our bond—accepted me—even loved me. But had the human side of him changed his feelings? Was he in agreement with his wolf? Or would he treat me as he had after the party—as something to hide, to be ashamed of?

If only I knew who, I could ask him.

After making it back to my dorm, I lay awake for hours, tossing and turning. How bad was my mate injured? Would he need more skill than a normal healer could give?

Why did I leave? I should’ve stayed and helped him or called a healer. The temptation to sneak over to the healing unit in the castle was nearly overwhelming. The only thing holding me back was the risk. If I got caught by one of the guards, what would I say?

The king and douchebag Kian were already “looking into” the fated mates. How could I explain a late-night gallivant that ended with an injured wolf and a dead rogue?

So I just lay there, replaying the scene over and over in my head. But the things that stuck out the most were… ‘Mate. Home. Safe. Please.’

Something warm and comforting unfolded inside my chest, the sensation blossoming as I thought of the black wolf. All the feelings of a tender … mate.

Only … we couldn’t ever be together. Not really. We were from different clans.

At most, we’d have midnight runs over the next four years, fading kisses at masquerade balls before we’d both have to return to our respective packs. And take a breeding mate.

Tears pricked my eyes. I let them slide down my cheeks unchecked.

Either the Fates were wrong, or the rules were. Why did it matter if we were from different clans? How could being together with my mate be a crime? So many questions and zero answers.

Eventually, I fell asleep, my pillow damp with tears.

Chapter 16

The next morning, Nell burst through the door, her eyes wide. “Oh, thank the mages,” she declared, her shoulders slumping. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I wiped the crusty remnants of tears from my eyes as I sat up, frowning.

“There was an attack last night, in the woods,” Rue said, appearing over Nell’s shoulder.

Kaja pushed aside her sisters, forcing her way into my room and shutting the door behind her. She held two paper cups in her hands, both full of French toast sticks. Crossing the room to my bed, she shoved one at me as she sat on the edge. “Everyone is talking about it.”

She took a large bite, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned. “You should eat those before I decide to take them back.”

Nell grabbed my left hand to hide my mate marks while the last remnants of a bad night’s sleep left me.

Rue chewed on her lip. “Attacks on students don’t happen on Alpha Island. Like … ever.”

Here we go. I sucked in a deep breath and then blurted, “I know, I was there.”

All three of them gasped, and Nell’s grip on my hand went slack as it fell to my lap. Still, I trusted them. More importantly, I needed someone to talk to since the school failed to offer therapy. A big oversight, in my opinion, especially with their sucky security.