Midnight Kisses Page 49

My eyes widened. “You are?”

I had no idea if the mage was professing her love or Justice. Something wasn’t right here.

Nell’s shrill scream burst through the hallucination, jarring me back to the present. “You’re killing her!”

I stared at three blurry-Nells, and they all lunged at me then, yanking my arm out from under the mage’s blade. The mage dropped the knife and pulled the jar to her chest with both hands as Nell swiped the blade from the ground and waved it at the witch.

“That’s not fair. You tricked her!” Nell bellowed. “That jar is spelled. It never fills.”

“If either of you had wanted something specific, you should’ve demanded it before we sealed the contract.” The woman grinned. “Life’s not fair; neither is death. Remember that.”

She walked away as if Nell threatening her life didn’t bother her one bit.

Maybe it didn’t.

“Nai, are you okay?”

Nell’s concerned face swam into view just before I shook my head to clear my thoughts of Rage and Justice.

Oww. Bad idea. The headache was akin to that cursed blade stabbing my brain. I held my hand out to examine the cut, which was now healing, and croaked, “Fine.”

Two of the hunchback dudes shuffled into the room then coalesced into one, carrying two potions in his hand. The purple iridescent fluid danced in the small glass bottle.

Nell gasped. “That’s the same stuff Justice got when he saved your life.”

Shock ripped through me. Would Justice have seen the same mage? Would he have given a blood sacrifice to save me?

No way…

“Wake Kaja,” I said, shoving one of the vials toward Nell. I took the other bottle, the one intended for the Headmistress Elaine, and uncorked it. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to walk out of here in my current state, so I’d have to follow my instinct. Tipping back the vial, I took a tiny swig of the syrupy liquid into my mouth and swallowed. Immediately, my entire body heaved at the revolting taste, and I would’ve spat the liquid out if I hadn’t already swallowed. Even so, I gagged and spit, wishing for a mint…or even a drink of water. Peering back at the vial, I prayed that three-quarters full was enough to save the Midnight princes’ mom.

“What is in that?” I rasped.

The dark mage ignored me, whistling happily in the corner as she poured my blood into a huge wine barrel labeled “Virgin Blood.”

Before I could repeat my question, Kaja gasped and then started coughing.

Legit, almost dying sucked.

Stumbling toward my BFF, I swayed as the tent spun around me.

Nell tucked the now-empty vial into her pocket, tears streaming down her face. She turned and stepped away from Kaja, catching me by the upper arm just in time for me to avoid a faceplant. “Maybe you should take the other one.”

I held my hand out to stop her coaxing. “I took a sip. I’ll be okay.”

That second vial was for my mate’s mother.

We helped Kaja sit up, and Nell dipped her head to look her sister in the eye. “Hey, girl. How you feeling?”

My bestie’s hair was matted with blood, and her eyes held dark circles. “Near death … and jittery.”

My head started to buzz, and my body twitched with a sudden need to move.

Nell chuckled. “Well, that’s accurate.”

Kaja opened her arms, and we all crowded in for a group hug. “I love you guys.”

The dark mage stared us down from the corner of the room. “All right, wolves,” she growled. “I’ve got another client, so it’s time to skedaddle.”

Would she have bled me dry had Nell not intervened? I pushed the thought from my mind. All I could do was bring someone with me next month who’d have my back.

Kaja was still weak, so we lowered her cross-legged into the wheelbarrow. Once she was settled, Nell pushed her toward the entrance of the tent with me trailing behind.

“See you next full moon, virgin!”

I faced the dark mage and gave her a brittle smile.

Next month, I’d tell her to keep the v-word on the down-low.


Maybe I wouldn’t even show…

“Just in case you’re wondering … if you don’t come, a curse will fall upon you and all of your future children.”

Great. I should’ve known. “What kind of curse?”

She grinned but didn’t answer. Of course not.

“See you next month,” I growled, and followed Nell out of the dark mage’s tent and back into the market.

“Kaja!” Rue screamed, throwing her arms around her sister. When she looked up at me, her gaze fell to the healing gash on my arm. “You did it?”

Nell’s eyes widened as she stared at Rue. “Is this where you snuck off to every full moon last year? You were paying a debt?”

Rue swallowed hard. “I don’t want to talk about it. Can we just … go home … please?”

I patted my pocket. “We need to get this healing life potion to the headmistress.”

“Life potion you say?” a man asked, his voice low and growly as he grabbed my arm. “I’ll take that off your hands.”

I jumped, and a group of five thugs converged from between the tents, knives at the ready.

I was way too depleted of energy to make a fireball; my arms felt like they were filled with lead. We were grossly outnumbered here, so my adrenaline needed to kick in—pronto.

Nell growled beside me as fur sprouted down her arms while Rue stepped in front of Kaja’s wheelbarrow.

Before either of them could shift, a dude jumped between us and the goons, bringing with him the scent of sandalwood.

I blinked, and all four Midnight princes appeared before us and then proceeded to kick the shit out of the thugs.

“Rage,” I screamed, my heart thundering to life at the sight of my sometimes frenemy.

He pounded the guy in the ribcage, pummeling with his fists until the dude dropped the knife. As the thugs ran off, Rage spun, and—chest heaving—he ran his gaze from my head to my toes.

“Why are you bleeding?” he demanded.

“What are you doing here?” Justice asked.

Noble stepped forward. “Are you hurt?”

They crowded around me, and Rage grabbed my arm and ran his fingers over the still-healing gash. His gaze flicked from me to Madam Surlama’s tent and back. “You didn’t…”

“What’s going on?” Justice growled, bringing the heat of his body closer to me.

I tried to see which of the two boys had been hurt, but it was impossible to tell. For all I knew, that’s why they were here, but neither wore a bandage now.

“While you were gone, the school was attacked,” Nell said.

Immediately after Nell, Rue said, “Dozens are dead, including all the palace healers.”

All of the princes’ eyes widened; they had no idea. They must’ve been here all day… while whichever one was injured healed.

“Kaja almost died,” I said, by way of explanation. “And your mom was hurt too.” Reaching into my pocket, I handed Justice the serum. “Now we’re even.”

His jaw dropped, and he blinked at me for several awkward seconds before he managed to swallow. “You … did this for our mom?”