Wicked Cravings Page 16

Dante had to give the female credit for her creativity. She even had her Alpha believing her.

No, Dante thought as he studied Nick more closely. Nick didn’t believe her. But he wasn’t happy about what had happened. “And what do you think?”

“I think…that you’ll lie for Jaime no matter what she did.” Dante didn’t deny it. He had strong morals and a fierce sense of right and wrong, but he’d sacrifice both to protect his wolves. He especially would for Jaime, but he didn’t want to think on why. “Doesn’t mean I’m lying when I say she merely responded to another female provoking her.”

“Responded is putting it lightly, don’t you think? I’m surprised Trey hasn’t banished her.”

“If you’re going to question our Alpha’s decision,” rumbled Dante, his tone low, “you really don’t want to do it in front of me.”

Nick gave a curt nod. “Okay, I overstepped my boundaries. But Jaime caused a lot of damage to Glory. It took four sessions to heal her, though it’s fair to say our healer operates in a different way than Taryn and so it takes longer. I might not have a particular fondness for Glory, but she’s still part of my pack. She’s still under my protection.”

“And Jaime’s under mine. She told me the things Glory said to her. Not only did she lay claim to me again, but she repeatedly insulted Jaime and threatened her. I won’t punish Jaime for responding to a threat, or for feeling a need to defend her own Beta. It’s what we do here—we take care of each other, look out for each other. I told you at the diner that if Glory continued to make a claim to me then she’d be dealt with. Well, she’s been dealt with.”

“And the way she was dealt with doesn’t bother you? The way Jaime lost all control doesn’t bother you?”

Dante’s patience was wearing thin now. “She didn’t lose all control or she’d have shifted—

which is something you know. But what I fail to understand is why you’re so interested in Jaime.”

“I’m just surprised she hasn’t been banished. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I can understand if you’re all hesitant to ask her to leave, but you have the other members of your pack to think about.

What if Jaime was to feel provoked by one of them? Would it be fine to you if she was to attack, say, Shaya in the same way that she attacked Glory?”

“Well, neither Shaya nor the other females are any of your business, so…” Marcus let the sentence trail, shrugging.

Dante couldn’t help but notice the way Nick fisted his hands so hard that his knuckles turned white. “Jaime is none of your business either. I don’t have to justify anything to you, and I won’t. If Glory didn’t want to get her ass kicked, she shouldn’t have dished out her attitude to Jaime. It’s as simple as that.”

Ryan grunted his agreement while Marcus said, “Yep” and Tao said, “Exactly.”

“No, there’s nothing simple about it,” objected Nick. “Maybe some of your pack could stay with mine for a while, just until you’re sure Jaime’s under better control. The mated pairs and the females, for example.”

“Why would you care about what happens to the people in our pack?” asked Marcus. It sounded like a simple inquiry, but Dante had known Marcus long enough to know when he was toying with someone.

“We have an alliance. Packs who have alliances help each other out.” Nick shrugged as if to emphasize the simplicity of his offer.

Marcus tilted his head. “Well, Cam and Lydia might be happy to leave. Grace won’t, which means Rhett won’t. Greta wouldn’t move from this place unless Trey did—which won’t happen.

Hope won’t leave because she’s become quite attached to Gabe, who I’m pretty sure will fully intend on remaining with his sister.”

“What about Shaya?”

“Shaya won’t leave Jaime or Taryn. Or Dominic, for that matter. They’ve become quite close.”

Nick’s face hardened. “I see.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re off somewhere together now, actually. If anyone was to try to harm her, Dominic would protect her with everything he has. She’s in very good hands.” Dante’s eyes danced from Marcus to Nick. Although the Alpha hadn’t picked up on the fact that Marcus was—for some reason—playing with him, he still looked like he was about to explode.

“Anything else?”

Nick shook his head. “If you change your mind about any of your pack staying with me for a while, let me know.” Sharply, he rose from his chair.

“I appreciate the offer and I know that Trey will too, but it won’t be an offer we’ll take you up on, especially when the cause of all the trouble is in the very place you’re proposing I send some of the pack.”

“Yeah, Shaya would kill her,” said Marcus with a smile. When Nick’s gaze shot to him, he nodded. “She may be a submissive wolf, but she knows how to take care of herself better than most people. I suppose we can thank Taryn for that. The pair of them used to train together, and Taryn knows her stuff when it comes to combat.”

Hearing his cell phone ring, Dante fished it out of his pocket. Cam. “Hello. What? ” Motherfucker.


Leaving the Toyota outside Ivy’s house, Jaime, Riley, and Ivy got a cab to Enigma. The place was bigger than most. In fact, it looked more like a large warehouse than a club. The music seemed to vibrate through the ground. The second she entered, an array of odors assailed her: alcohol, lust, sweat, wolf, falcon, lion, jaguar, pure male musk.

Jaime inhaled deeply. The delicious odors, the heat, and the contradictory mix of excitement and satiation all came together and engulfed her, feeding her body’s needy state. A tingle spread through her already sensitive system, settling between her thighs. “I feel like a succubus in heat.”

“I’m not feeling much better,” said Riley. “I could draw blood with my ni**les they’re so damn hard.” As she went to strut off in her tiny red skirt and her barely there white vest, Ivy tugged her backward.

“Oh no, Nala,” chided Ivy.

“I told you to stop calling me that!”

“No going off on your own. Let’s hit the bar first. Then we dance.”

“Sure,” said Jaime, “if we can get through the mass of gyrating bodies.” It was a further two minutes before they found a spot at the bar and were served. “One, two, three, down it!” Simultaneously Jaime, Ivy, and Riley gulped down their tequila shots before slamming the glasses down on the bar. Jaime gave a contended sigh. “That confirms it: happiness is a drink called tequila.”

“That was our fourth, right?” asked Ivy.

“Fifth,” corrected Riley. “Did you notice those guys over there?”

“If you’re referring to the ones about five feet away, staring right at us like we’re big juicy steaks, then yeah.” Going by the fact that their scents were each a combination of pine, wet earth, musk, and wolf, it was easy to guess that they were wolf shifters.

“Cute, aren’t they?” purred Ivy.

“They’re definitely on the prowl,” said Riley.

They most certainly were. Lustful and heated vibes were wafting from them. Jaime could admit to herself that those vibes were having the desired effect. “I quite like the one in the middle.

What about you guys?”

Ivy gave her a concerned look. “You’re really ready to move on from that giant?”

“Yup. I suppose I could continue to embarrass myself, but I’d rather not. Plus, now that he knows how messed up I am, he’s not going to care either way.” During the drive there, she had told them all about what happened at the Rouge Bar. It had taken fifteen minutes to talk Ivy down from placing a curse on Glory.

“Maybe he’s gay,” offered Riley. “I’m not just saying this because I’m your friend and I love you, but you’re gorgeous and fun, so if he’s not g*y then there has to be something wrong with him if he doesn’t want you. I mean, look around you, there’re plenty of guys giving you looks. Just pick one of them and get Dante out of your system.”

“And you’re definitely over Aidan?” Ivy asked Riley.

“Oh yeah. The two-timing bastard actually had the nerve to accuse me of sleeping around on him. He even accused me of having some kind of affair with you.” A snort popped out of Ivy. “You don’t meet my standards.”

“Bitch,” said Riley affectionately, then pushed her glass away. “Come on, girls, get up. Time to hit the dance floor.”

Jaime couldn’t have agreed more. She hadn’t been there long before a guy—falcon shifter, her nose scented—pressed up against her. She twisted in his arms and locked hers around his neck as they danced. He truly was a gorgeous-looking guy. Her body’s response was “oh yes.” Her wolf’s response was “meh.” Her mind…It felt all wrong to her mind. There was only one guy she really wanted.

But you can’t have him, so stop the pining.

Ordinarily she truly disliked being told what to do, but the voice had a valid point. So she stopped thinking about him and continued to dance with the gorgeous falcon shifter in front of her. His mouth was just coming down to hers when she heard a rumble behind her that made both her and the falcon freeze. A low, lengthy, pissed-fucking-off rumble. At the same time, a familiar delicious scent washed over her, exciting her wolf. What in God’s name was he doing here?

Slowly she pivoted, only to find herself face-to-face with a homicidal-looking Dante: his eyes flashing wolf, his muscles bunched up, his mouth set into a hard line. The falcon—maybe he was dumb or perhaps it was a suicidal urge he was having—placed his hands on her h*ps in a “she’s taken” gesture. Dante reached out, snatched her wrist, and tugged so hard that her body slammed into his. She thought about struggling but was more worried about the falcon’s fate. He made a move toward Dante.

“I really wouldn’t,” warned Dante, though it wouldn’t be a hardship to punch the prick.

Jaime watched as the falcon halted. As usual, that low tone of Dante’s had the effect of a yell.

Her wolf approved and was instantly aroused by it, just like Jaime’s traitorous body.

Dante held the falcon’s gaze, refusing to let him look away. “Let me tell you what you’re going to do now. You’re going to turn around and walk away. Simple. If you don’t, I will gut you open right here, right now,” he said very matter-of-factly. “And then I’ll feed your intestines to you. From what I hear, they don’t taste great. Want to find out if that’s true?” The falcon glanced at her, and she gave him a “just go” look. A mixture of indignant and agitated, he spun on his heel and walked away. Smart. Jaime tensed as Dante’s eyes suddenly locked on her like a predator watching skittish prey. “What’re you doing here?”

“I came for you.”

“How did you even know where I was?”

“It was easy enough to guess. You’ve gone here lots of times with your coworkers on Saturday nights. Now let’s go.”

She pulled her arm free. “I am not some teenager who sneaked out, and I don’t have to ask for your permission to leave pack territory.”

“Your wolf could have got freaked out over something and—”

“My wolf is what you might call fried. It’ll be a day or two before she even has half the strength to overpower me.”

“I don’t care. We’re going.” He reached out to grab her, but she dodged him. “Don’t pull away from me, Jaime. You can’t imagine how much it irritates my wolf when you do that.”

“Haven’t you figured out yet that you can’t control me?”

Yes, he’d figured it out a long time ago. Strangely, he liked it just as much as he hated it. Right this second, though, he wasn’t in the mood to be challenged by her. “You’re pushing me, Jaime, and you’re pushing me hard. Don’t do it, don’t make me more pissed than I already am.” She laughed a humorless laugh. “You’re pissed? Good, because I’m really, really pissed right now. You came after me when you have no need or right to, you chased away that guy as if he’d assaulted me or something, and now you’re trying to drag me back to pack territory like I’m some petulant kid. What is your problem?”

His problem was that he wanted her so damn bad he ached with it, so damn bad that he couldn’t ignore that ache anymore. If his attraction to her had been purely physical—hell, attraction was a mild word—maybe it would have been easy enough to ignore. But there was much more to it than that. He admired and respected her for everything she had gotten through, for how much fight she had inside that amazing body. He enjoyed her company, he enjoyed her smart-ass comments, and he valued that she didn’t fear him. No matter how thunderous his temper was or how firm his orders were, she never bowed down to him, never tried to placate him, never cowered.

Each time females shrank away from him in the past, it greatly offended both him and his wolf.

Dante would never harm a female, no matter the situation, and had those females looked past his build, had they looked deep enough, they would have known that about him. So far, Jaime was the only one who had looked deep enough. And that touched him in a way that he hadn’t expected.

Maybe he should have been distrustful of her, knowing that she’d lied to him, but he wasn’t at all. She’d held her secret to protect herself, and he could never judge her for that. Although she’d kept that secret, she wasn’t a fake. She didn’t hide her nature or personality—what you saw was what you got. Yet she was as complicated as she was straightforward. That amused, entertained, and drew him.