Fractured Page 33







The Alpha dragon shifter was seriously good-looking. Unkempt russet hair, tall toned body, and electric blue eyes that saw way too much. He didn’t hold a candle to Butch but, still, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed—or, at least, I wouldn’t if my bed wasn’t already occupied.

Two equally good-looking males flanked him, but they weren’t the only ones around. I could sense people standing amongst the trees that fringed the large field. Really, considering the history that existed between our two species, I couldn’t blame the Alpha for being so cautious.

For long moments, no one said a word as we sized each other up. The Alpha took in Butch’s protective body language, and his eyes smiled. Yep, he saw way too much. Then he nodded at the male on my left and greeted simply, “Marco.” The Alpha’s eyes shifted to me, now glinting with curiosity. “You must be his first-born.”

“I must be.”

Marco spoke. “Imani, this is Andres. Andres, Imani.”

Andres inclined his head ever so slightly at me. I gave him a brief nod.

“Ask your questions,” said Andres. Apparently there would be no chit-chat. Good.

“Actually,” I began, “I don’t have any questions. I’m here to pass on a message from the Grand High Pair.”

His lips flattened. “What message is that?”

I lifted my chin. “Whichever dragon drove is planning to obliterate The Hollow should seriously reconsider it.”

The air seemed to chill and the three dragons went unnaturally still. Finally, Andres asked, “What makes you think any such plan exists?”

“Someone had a premonition; they saw the dragons warring with us at The Hollow.”

“Really?” He sounded bored and unconcerned. Granted, I wasn’t expecting fear from him. But, at the very least, I’d expected him to take this seriously.

“I respect that your kind is powerful,” I told him. “But you have one weakness.”

He didn’t like that comment. “We do?”

“Your numbers are low in comparison to ours. The vampires at The Hollow are there because they’re very powerful. If dragons come, they will die. Personally, I think enough dragons have died at the hands of vampires.” I didn’t hide my regret about the latter, and the emotion seemed to appease him slightly.

“The vampire who had this premonition…they lied.”

Of course, Butch tensed. Before he could leap to my defence, I asked Andres, “Why would you say that?”

“If an attack was being planned on The Hollow, I would have heard about it.”

“You’re sure?”

His eyes narrowed. Oh, he didn’t like being questioned.

“The vision was real. Your kind will soon attack mine.”

The certainty in my voice seemed to reach him. “How soon?”

“Soon enough.” Even if I did have an exact date, I wouldn’t have given it to him. That could have led to a self-fulfilled prophesy.

His lips twitched. Why my evasiveness amused him, I couldn’t say.

Frustrated, I said, “Let’s say that, hypothetically, dragon shifters were planning to attack The Hollow. Why might they do that?”

Eyes gleaming, he said, “Hypothetically?”


“There are only two possible motives. One, your Grand High Vamps made a serious enemy of a drove. Or two, they were hired to attack The Hollow. If the first had occurred, I would know.”

Which left… “Mercenaries.”

“Yes. They will work for anyone, if the price is right.”

Shit. “Maybe you could pass on our message. We truly don’t want to war with your kind. But if there is an attack on our home, we will stand against it. There will be deaths on both sides. I don’t think you want that any more than we do.”

Andres studied me for a moment before shifting his attention to Marco. “We’ll no doubt speak again soon.” As one, he and his dragons turned—giving us their backs to communicate their lack of fear. Whatever.

At my signal, Ian teleported all five of us to the castle entrance, where Sam, Jared, and the two squads waited on high alert.

Sam moved straight to me, but it was Ian she spoke to. “Take Marco inside; this is Hollow business.”

Marco’s spine snapped straight. “You brought me into this. That makes it my business.”

Sam snorted. “Not on your life, Marco.”

Ian teleported him out of there before Marco had the chance to object again. Within seconds, the teleporter was back.

Jared arched a brow at me. “Well?”

After I repeated the short conversation I’d had with Andres, Butch said, “My gut says that he’s telling the truth and hasn’t heard of a plan to attack our kind. And, since I think Imani’s right and he doesn’t want a war, I’d say he’s likely to pass on our message. I just don’t know if anyone will heed him.”

Sam sighed. “And that’s the problem.”

“Now that that’s over and done with, we can get back,” said Jared.

“Before we leave, I’d like to just wish Eleanor a happy birthday,” I said. We’d all been invited to the party that was currently in full swing, but I didn’t think it would be a good idea to attend. The guests would most likely be drunk out of their minds by the end of it, which meant they wouldn’t be thinking straight. That could lead to either Tait challenging me or Marco blindsiding Butch. Neither of those scenarios appealed to me.

“Not alone,” stated Butch.

“I agree,” said Jared. So, at his order, I was accompanied by him, Sam, Butch, David, Ava, and Salem through the castle and out to the massive courtyard.

David frowned. “They’re having a rock concert?”

I smiled. “It would seem so.”





Spotting Lazarus and Annalise in a VIP box, Imani mouthed, “Where’s Eleanor?”

They both pointed to the front row, near the stage. Imani shot them a smile of thanks, and then we all pushed our way through the crazy throng of dancers. Eleanor gave her a huge hug and seemed disappointed that Imani wasn’t staying, but whatever explanation Imani said into her ear had the other female nodding in understanding.