Fallen Academy: Year Three Page 4

I nodded. “Is that how you got to be so close with him?”

Her gaze narrowed. “I know my place here. I know what’s at stake, and I obey orders. Do that, and you can have more than me. You are very, very special to him. Like a daughter.”

Literal vomit rose in my throat at her words, which was impressive considering I hadn’t eaten in hours. The Dark Prince thinks of me as a daughter? Ew. He slit my throat two weeks ago! What kind of father figure did that?

I simply nodded again. Raksha had drunk the punch; I wouldn’t be winning her over anytime soon. The simple act of hearing the word ‘obey’ had every muscle in my being resisting, but I forced myself to stand up and get ready. Raksha had me brush my teeth, put on fresh clothes that consisted of a too big, black silk, knee-length skirt, and a black silk blouse. I looked like I was going to a funeral.

Maybe I was.

She pulled out some half-used makeup I’d never seen before, and made me apply blush and mascara. I was starting to worry this was actually a date, or something equally creepy, but then she also put on makeup, which she never wore. She was also wearing black slacks, leather loafers, and a red silky blouse.

“So this is formal, then?” I asked her, as I grabbed my cane, and prepared to take the short walk to his office.

She shrugged. “It’s a matter of respect. Play your cards right tonight, and he could order me to take you off the medication completely so you can start your training.”

Being off the damn meds actually sounded thrilling, but the thought of ‘playing my cards right’ with the Devil was terrifying.

I just nodded. What else could I do here but nod? If I called her a brainwashed bitch, she’d smack me upside the head, drugging me again. If I talked back to Lucy, he’d never lift my medication protocol, and I’d never be strong enough to get out of here.

‘Lucy? Hah! I love that,’ Sera interjected, and I grinned. It was so good to have her back.

Raksha made quick strides down the hall while I followed, nerves tightening in my gut as I wondered what the dinner would be like. Did the Devil eat? If so, what did he eat?

‘Small children and kittens?’ Sera offered.

Another smile curved my lips, but when Raksha looked back at me, I wiped it from my face.

When I went to adjust the grip on my cane, I noticed my ring for the first time in a few days. It had become so much a part of me recently that I didn’t feel it there anymore. My heart dipped in my chest at the sight of the tiny blue and white diamonds.


The mere thought of him, what he must’ve been feeling since I’d been taken, had my stomach in knots. He’d been through so much loss already. If I could just get word to him, tell him I was alive, it might make all the difference. For both of us.

Before I knew it, we’d reached the large double doors that led to Lucifer’s lair. As far as I knew, he rarely left this place.

Raksha knocked.

Am I going to be able to get through dinner with the Devil?

She turned and stared at me, her eyes questioning. “Are you ready?”

Only one way to find out.

Chapter Four

“You may enter!” the Dark Prince called out, and Raksha opened the doors wide.

I did a quick sweeping glance around the room, and wanted to vomit. A large rectangular table had been set up in the middle, adorned with black candles, and varying skull shapes. Lucifer stood at the head of the table, behind an ornate chair. A black silk suit and red silk bow tie clung to his muscular frame, and he was irritatingly handsome, in a vile way.

I peered at his suit and the table decorations. “Is it Halloween or something?” I asked dryly.

Lucy grinned. “Isn’t every day Halloween in Hell?” He winked.

How dare that bastard wink at me! Only Lincoln and Noah were allowed to wink at me. And Archangel Michael. Oh God, what I would give for Michael to fly in here right now and save me.

I wondered then what the actual date was. Time was different here.

“Thank you for inviting us, sir. It’s a great honor.” Raksha bowed her head.

Lucifer smiled down at her like she was a beloved child. “Of course, dear. I always enjoy spending time with you.”


‘I wonder if they’ve done it,’ Sera interjected.

Oh God, double barf.

He asked us to sit down. There were only two seats, one on either side of our host, so I hobbled over to one of them, my eyes skimming the gurney where we’d created that horrible creature.

Who could eat in this room?

The moment I sat, the doors opened and two servants entered wheeling carts of food. When a plate of steak, potatoes, and green beans was placed in front of me, I thanked the waiter with short brown hair. He smiled shyly, and then set a fork and steak knife before me.

My eyes widened at the cutlery. I wasn’t even allowed to shave. Surely this was a mistake.

‘Quick, stab him in the eye and then cut his balls off!’ Sera screamed wildly.

My gaze flicked to the Dark Prince and he grinned, picking up his own knife, and cutting his steak.

This is a test.

I glanced at Raksha, who was giving me a look that said, “Don’t you freaking dare.”

‘Do it,’ Sera taunted.

Reaching over, I picked up my knife, relishing the feel of the heavy blade in my hand. I swallowed hard, and started to saw off a small piece of steak.

I have to be smarter than this. One steak knife isn’t going to kill the Devil.

After I’d swallowed my first bite, I looked at my dinner companions.

“Lovely weather we’re having,” I held in my usual sarcastic tone.

Lucifer laughed, a rich and deep belly laugh that was frightening. “Oh, Brielle, you remind me so much of myself when I was your age.”

“When you were my age, you were still an angel, right?” I asked coyly.

His eyes narrowed. “Right.”

We ate a few more minutes in silence when I suddenly had a thought. “Do you need food?” I asked him.

He chuckled, seeming to like talking about himself. “Coffee is my favorite. I like it black.”

Of course he did. But I noticed he’d sort of evaded my question.

“I like mine with cream and three sugars,” I offered. I wasn’t sure where exactly I was going with the conversation; I was just trying to get through this weird-ass dinner without stabbing anyone. I was also attempting to make it seem like my stomach didn’t absolutely revolt at being in his presence.

“Raksha, how do you like your coffee?” I asked my punch-drinking, fellow captive.

She smiled shyly. “I’m more of a tea person.”

The Dark Prince watched me as he dabbed his mouth with a black linen tablecloth. “You know, Brielle, I know you very well by now, and it’s my understanding that you won’t cooperate without a little motivation.”

My stomach tightened. “What? I am cooperating.” I tried not to pout like a five-year-old. His words had come out of nowhere, and they set me on edge.

He shrugged. “Yes, but for what’s to come, I’ll require your full cooperation and loyalty.”

What’s to come? I didn’t want to ask.

Staring at the knife in my hand, I contemplated stabbing him in the neck with it.

He grinned. “You want to kill me, don’t you?”

I threw the knife down and sighed. “You slit my throat! You made my family think I’m dead!”

He nodded. “A necessary evil. It’s better this way. You’re meant to be with me, and if they think you’re gone, it’s a cleaner exit.”

My chest was rising and falling as my gaze flicked to Raksha, whose fork was poised at her mouth, her eyes hard slits.

‘Kill her too!’ Sera commanded.

Fuck my life.

I felt frozen.

“What is to come? What do you need my complete loyalty for?” It was the question I knew he wanted me to ask. He’d never get my complete loyalty, and I was pretty sure he knew that. We were at a crossroads.

His eyes flicked to my nanny. “Raksha, you’re excused, my dear.”

Her mouth popped open in shock, and she set down her fork. She continued to sit there, looking dejected as the Dark Prince just stared at her. Finally, she stood and bowed her head, leaving the room.

Oh God.

I’d lost my appetite. Setting my own fork down, I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Lucy.

He must have seen the fire in my eyes, but he just grinned. “Now that we’re alone, we can work out the details of our arrangement.”

Screw you, douchebag!

“Arrangement?” I forced myself to be civil, but it was damn hard.

He picked up a glass of what looked like red wine—though it could’ve been blood—and took a swig.

“I intend to enact my revenge on my brothers and sisters in Heaven, for disposing of me the way they did, and you are the key to my plan.” He spoke so casually, like he hadn’t just said the most batshit-crazy thing I’d ever heard.

I snorted. “Umm, no. And why after all this time? Haven’t you been ‘disposed of’ for like a thousand years?”

His eyes gleamed at my defiance, like he enjoyed it. “Because, Brielle, until now, I didn’t have the key.”

Oh shit.

‘Oh shit,’ Sera echoed.

Lincoln had mentioned that he’d heard Sera was a key to the gates of Heaven. Was she the key Lucifer was talking about?

The Dark Prince leaned closer, and I could smell the wine on his breath. Oh good, not blood, then.

“Are you ready for your motivation?” He grinned.

My heart hammered in my chest. What is he going to do?

Drawing his hands together, he clapped suddenly and all the candles blew out, making me jump. On the far wall, a movie projector-like scene played out, similar to the one he’d played before at my funeral, but this time… it was Shea. She was humming to herself, driving my car from the looks of the interior. Our view was as if we were sitting right next to her in the passenger seat. She had dark circles under her eyes, clutching the wheel with her left hand. From my viewpoint, I could see a new tattoo on her wrist. It was of my name in cursive letters.

A sob lodged itself in my throat.

“One flick of my wrist and I could have her crash that car,” Lucifer taunted next to me.

I snapped my teeth shut. “Don’t you dare!” I gritted.

As Shea pulled into a parking lot, I recognized it as Lincoln and Noah’s apartment complex. Oh my God, a few more minutes and I might see Linc and my mom.

“Or I could have my men take her too, bring her down here to motivate you.” The scene changed then to a warehouse full of demons. They were playing cards, fighting, milling around. “One call to these men, and Shea’s life is in my hands.”

Whatever strength, whatever fortitude I’d built up against him over the past few days shattered in that moment.

“Please don’t hurt my family. I’ll do whatever you want.” My voice was barely a whisper.