Fallen Academy: Year One Page 15

“Hey, yeah,” I replied awkwardly. Making new friends was my least favorite thing.

She grinned, showcasing her fanged teeth. “I’m Chloe. We all thought what you did to Tiffany in weapons’ class was badass.” She nodded to her friends, who stood behind her. They nodded back with encouraging smiles.

“Oh… thanks.” It wasn’t really me, just my weapon, but if it made me more friends, I would take the compliment.

“Anyway.” She slid a purple flyer across the table. “My dad owns the Third Eye Moon. It’s this underground nightclub. He’s letting me rent it out for my nineteenth birthday, and I want you to come. Bring any of your friends if you want.” She smiled at Luke and Angela.

Wow. I’d never really been invited to a big club party before. My heart sank as I scanned the flyer. It was that Friday night. At ten.

I scratched my neck nervously. “I… uh… don’t live here.” I pointed to my forehead to drive it home.

She shrugged. “So what? You could get past the border guards by showing your school ID. Say you have night class or something.”

I could hide Shea in the back seat. I wanted to go so bad. “All right, I’ll try my best,” I told her with a smile.

She nodded. “Cool. See you later.” Then she left, taking her Nightblood friends with her.

Luke watched her leave and gave me an impressed look. “Chloe Brisbane is like Nightblood royalty. Her entire family are Nightbloods. Rumor has it that two demons crashed into their living room the night of The Falling, so they all got the same magic. Her dad is like the mafia leader of them all or something.”

Sounded like a big fat rumor. “But she’s cool, right?” I didn’t want to get in with the wrong crowd. The bullies and assholes could keep to themselves.

He nodded. “Totally. Her older brother is a senior officer in the Fallen Army. He’s so frickin’ hot I can’t even breathe around him. He’s in Lincoln’s brigade.”


I’d almost forgotten about him and the key to his trailer, which was burning a hole in my pocket. I needed to drop my weapon there and then get back to work.

“Cool. I gotta get going. See you tomorrow?” I told Luke, standing up. I wouldn’t tell him I was on borrowed time until the last day.

He nodded and then eyed the flyer. “Yeah, see you tomorrow. Hey, what are you doing Friday night?” He gave me big puppy dog eyes.

I laughed, pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the flyer so I’d have the address. “You and Angela are totally coming with. I’ll bring my best friend Shea, so you can meet her. She’s a Mage.”

They brightened and gave me enthusiastic nods.

Racing out of the cafeteria, I pulled out my car keys. I was kind of dying to see what Lincoln’s house looked like. It probably smelled like sweaty boy and was a mess. He’d said not to snoop, but I was totally going to be tempted.

I was just passing the double doors to Raphael’s office when they opened and I smashed into someone’s chest.

“Ommph!” The breath came out of me, as strong arms wrapped gently around my biceps to steady me. I looked up to see Lincoln’s dark hair messed over his forehead, stormy blue eyes assessed me with great care.

As the door was closing, I peeked inside. All four archangels were standing there, looking at me with unreadable blank gazes.

“Lincoln, I….” I didn’t know what to say. I was still smashed against his rock-hard body, which was a teensy bit distracting.

He looked down at me. “Go put your seraph blade away in my house, and I’ll meet you at your car, okay?”

I frowned. “What’s going on?” He’d previously said all four archangels only got together for special occasions, so why where they all back?

“I’ll tell you on the ride to your work,” he said, and my mouth popped open.

“You’re coming to work with me?” Maybe Raphael was going to buy my contract.

He simply nodded.

Why does he look nervous? And why is he looking at me so… differently?


“Please, for once in your life, do as I say. This is important.”

“Okay.” I frowned.

Walking to his trailer, I looked behind me, but he was nowhere to be seen. When I got to the silver Airstream, I eyed the motorcycle next to it. With a bit of nervousness, I put the key in the lock, and popped the door open. A waft of fresh linen, and something spicy and manlike hit me. Two small steps led up to an open kitchen and eating area, everything was clean and modern, with a red-and-black theme. My eyes went to the dining table, an acoustic guitar and a small bowl of picks lay on top.

He plays guitar. He drives a motorcycle.

I never would’ve guessed that… though I guess I didn’t know what to expect from him. An Asshole of the Year award gracing his dining table, maybe. It smelled good in there too, dammit. Again, not what I’d expected.

Bending down to peek out the window, I made sure he wasn’t watching me, then walked back to the open bedroom at the very end of the trailer. There was a large bed with a messy dark blue blanket, a book of classic poetry atop it. I grinned, knowing I was so going to use that against him one day.

Quick strides brought me back to the dining room table and I started to unhook my leg sheath.

‘Take me with you. I have a bad feeling about this,’ Sera said, spooking me.

‘Bad feeling about what? I’m not allowed to take you into Demon City,’ I told her.

‘Why is he coming with you?’ she asked.

With a shrug, I placed her on the table. ‘Maybe to buy my demon contract.’

‘That could be done over the phone, and with a wire transfer. Take. Me. With. You.’

I frowned. Why exactly was Lincoln going with me to my work? He’d said it pained him to even be in Demon City, after all.

‘You need to trust me. I have a feeling. Take me with you,’ Sera added, in a voice of finality.

A growl escaped me. If I got caught or she was stolen, Lincoln would have my ass. Sighing, I laid the empty sheath on the table, then slipped Sera into my boot. I’d never forgive myself if something happened and I hadn’t heeded her advice.

I left the trailer, locking it behind me, and jogged to my car.

Lincoln was standing next to the passenger side with a large duffel bag. “Can you drive?” he asked.

I scoffed. “As if I would let you drive my brand-new car.”

His lips curled into a momentary smile, though it quickly faded and his face took on a serious tone. Unlocking my door, I slipped in and he sat next to me.

“Now, can you tell me what’s going on?” I asked, heading off campus, and onto the freeway.

Lincoln pulled his shirt off in one swift move, and my eyes widened. “Okay… I mean, we just met a few days ago, but I wouldn’t mind a little show,” I joked.

He pulled out a thin chain mail top and started working it over his head.

My brow furrowed. “What…? Why are you putting on chain mail? Lincoln, talk to me! I’m getting scared.” My gut clenched in fear. I hated the unknown.

He sighed, and pulled out a metal breastplate, clipping it over the chain mail. He’s putting on full freaking battle armor. What the hell!

“Every demon slave contract has wiggle room. I’m going to find yours,” he stated.

I was half listening to him, and half wondering if he was going to take off his pants next. But then his words registered, jarring me.

“You need full battle armor for that?” He remained silent. “Lincoln,” I pressed, as we neared the checkpoint.

He threw a long-sleeved T-shirt over the armor, so it couldn’t be seen. “I’m going to fight your boss. Winner gets you.” He revealed it like it was no big deal.

My eyes bugged out of my head. “You? You’re going to fight Master Burdock?”

He glared at me. “I happen to know a thing or two about fighting.”

I hadn’t meant it like that.

The border demon stopped us, and I flashed my card, showing my work hours and allotted travel access.

“And him?” the demon asked.

Lincoln pulled out some laminated card. “Fallen Academy business.”

The demon furrowed his brow at the card, holding it to the light. A holographic image reflected on it, and he handed it back. “You’re not permitted to stay the night.”

Lincoln nodded. “Of course not.”

The demon slapped the side of the car twice, hard, and I drove through.

“So you fight Burdock and he just, what, lets me go?” I asked him incredulously.

Lincoln winced, as if he were in pain. “Look, I can spend the next ten minutes explaining this whole thing to you, as I grow weaker and weaker, or you can take this time to tell me all about your boss. What kind of demon he is, what his weaknesses are, things like that.”

Oh shit. This was real. It was really happening.

“Is this a fight to the death?” I asked him in shock.

Lincoln looked sideways at me. “Yes. Now unless you want it to be mine, start talking.”

Oh my God.

“Burdock is a Brimstone demon. He can spew black smoke and fire out of his mouth and horns.”

He nodded. “Okay. What else?”

“I’ve heard that he can create direct portals to Lucifer, and that he’s impossible to kill unless you cut off his horns first. They carry some regenerative power or something. But those are all rumors.”

“Worth trying.”

We were one block away from the clinic. I wanted to circle for a few minutes just to process everything.

“Can’t Michael or one of the archangels fight? I mean… why you?” I didn’t want him to think I didn’t have confidence in him, but… I didn’t. I was scared for him. Yeah, he was a Celestial, but he was twenty-two going against a demon who was hundreds of years old.

“The archangels can’t intervene in certain human matters. This is one of them. You signed that contract with your own free will.”


“And I have all the archangels’ blessing to do this. They chose me, and I’m honored,” he told me defiantly.

Well, okay then.

I pulled into the parking lot of the reanimation clinic, parked the car, took a deep breath, facing him.

“Why are you doing this? I mean, why fight for me?” He could be killed. This is stupid. “Just let me be sold to the Abrus demon, and go on about your life,” I told him grumpily.

He turned to face me, his piercing blue eyes practically glowing. “Because you’re special.”

My entire body melted, warmth spreading throughout my gut.

His eyes widened a little. “I mean to the war and to the fallen angels. You’re special to them, and I work for them, so that makes you special to me.” He cleared his throat, and looked anywhere but at me.