Balance Page 26

His eyes went yellow.

“But?” he asked.

“But I have a conscience and I can’t let the vampires take over the world knowing I am meant to stop it. I have this Devi here inside of me.” I pounded my chest. “She’s full of power and waiting to lash out when the chance strikes. I’m not myself; I’m part her. I can’t get rid of her until I fulfill my purpose. Only then will I be one hundred percent Aurora. I’m doing the best I can to live both lives. You don’t understand what it’s like. The duality is maddening sometimes. Human, werewolf, witch, Devi. I’m on the edge of losing it.” My eyes were wild. I needed him to understand. I was barely holding my shit together lately. He was my rock and I needed him to be solid right now.

Kai gave me an expression of pity. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that hard. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to share your body, to feel like your actions are not your own.” He tenderly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and eyed my lips.

I shivered thinking about it. “I just want this over, Kai. I want to use me as bait. I want Layla to show up and I want to rip her head off and burn the body.”

His deep rumble of laughter made me grin. He kissed my chin. “Then that’s what you shall have, my love.”

I was still straddling him … naked. I gave him my best seducing look. “Wouldn’t it be a cool story to tell our child that they were conceived at the hot springs,” I kissed him, “one warm summer night after we had a big fight?”

He licked his lips in anticipation and kissed me again, his greedy lips parting with hunger. Standing up, he hoisted me out of the hot tub as I continued to straddle his waist and kiss him. Walking us over to a soft bed of grass, he lay me down, kissing my neck, then my chest, my belly button. I moaned. I could do this. I could have everything I wanted in life. I could have it all. I would.


I awoke the next morning with a grin. The night before was amazing. Mist crept down from the trees, rolled across the grass and saturated our lovemaking.

After dressing, I went out into the kitchen. Kai was standing over the stove. On the counter was orange juice, a veggie omelet, toast, fresh fruit, and two bottles of vitamins.

I laughed. “What is all this?” I asked.

Kai turned around holding a skillet with veggie patties. “Take one of the prenatal vitamins and then another of the DHA. Then enjoy your breakfast.”

I laughed. “Kai, this is enough food for the entire pack! Also, I’m pretty sure werewolves don’t get birth defects. We heal, remember? Never heard of a werewolf with cancer or anything.”

He looked at the pills. “Take them anyway.”

I shrugged. “Okay.” It was adorable. He was such a protective guy, I wouldn’t deny him this.

“So … when are we planning on going after Layla?” I said casually as we ate. We had agreed to the plan last night, right?

He stared at me. “I was hoping to put it off as long as possible.”

“Kai,” I started, but he put up a hand to stop me.

“I will start planning the operation and we can go tomorrow.”

I nodded. “How’s Max with the whole Tara thing?”

Kai shook his head. “Completely guilt-ridden. This will help take his mind off of it. Brett can’t reach Sadie. They are blocking the mate bond.”

My mouth opened. “Is that possible?”

He shrugged. “It shouldn’t be. Witches,” he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes.

After eating as much as I possibly could, Sylvia knocked on the door. She was with Gretchen and a few other witches.

“Hey, guys, are we having a lesson today?” I asked, confused.

Sylvia shook her head, clutching some glass bottles and a velvet bag. “No, I thought we could try something, a new spell.” She raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at me.

Luna purred and rubbed herself up against Gretchen’s legs. “Okay, let’s go outside. Kai doesn’t like witchy stuff in the house.”

Kai grumbled behind me. “I never said that.”

I shrugged. He didn’t have to, I felt it.

Sylvia gestured to Kai. “Actually, the spell experiment will be on him.”

Kai’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?” He leaned casually against the wall as I let the ladies enter our home. Well, this should be interesting.

Sylvia and the witches put their things down and began to gather in a circle. “Right now we can’t smell Layla or her clan. Prudence has done something to make this so, but I think I can do the same for some of your pack and give us an edge when we use Aurora for bait.”

Kai looked impressed now as he strode over to where the witches stood. “Okay, but why not do it on Aurora and keep her safe?”

“She is the prize. Layla must smell her to come after her. But Layla won’t come for her with over 800 people on this mountain fighting for her safety. Between the militia and your pack, she is well guarded.”

Kai puffed his chest. “Yes, she is.”

“Too well guarded for Layla to attack,” Sylvia added and their eyes met.

She was right and Kai knew it. This entire time I had been thinking of how I could get to her and end this. I was making it too hard by staying in my fortress.

“So we conceal the wolves and just let Aurora and one other wolf keep their scent. Have her go somewhere public and wait for Layla to attack,” Sylvia added.