Balance Page 54

“You’re having twins.” The Devi let her words float on the wind. That realization knocked into me. I was pregnant! I had a purpose, an earthly purpose. I needed to stay. Suddenly, walking out of the bright light, was Nahuel. His glowing light body radiated orange and yellow. He nodded at the Devi who nodded back and took his hand. Nahuel pulled the Devi hard and I cried out in pain.

“I need you,” Kai whispered to my earthly body. I saw all of the thin wisps of energy, which was my pack, floating in the air all around me, tying me to them. Grabbing them until my hand was full of pulsing energy, I pulled them taut. I felt the pack giving me their strength, calling me back to my body. Alpha, Alpha, Alpha. Grabbing the pack bonds in my right hand, I yanked hard and all of a sudden, a ripping sensation flared in my left hand and I was free of the Devi and falling back into my body. My last visual was of Nahuel smiling down on me.

My two halves slammed together as my eyes flew open and I sat up quickly gasping for air. Holy shit. Kai’s face was inches from mine. Yellow eyes glaring at me. I looked down at my legs, my belly, my hands. My body. Me. Just me. No Devi.

“Don’t ever do that again,” Kai roared.

I coughed. “Deal.” That was the most intense experience of my life.

“You’re tough as nails, sweetheart,” Max told me as he came into view.

I turned to him and saw Tara was in his arms. Then I turned to look at Sadie smiling shyly with Brett. We were going to be okay, we were all going to be okay.

Turning to Kai, his warm chestnut eyes roamed over me.

“We’re having twins,” I exclaimed. I should have known that I would give birth to the next Matefinder and her male protector. His eyes widened and a huge, sexy grin lit up his face.

“I love you,” he said and pulled me in for a deep, passionate kiss. His lips pressed on mine with a hunger that I matched after being without him for the last twenty-four hours. I let my hands roam over his biceps and down his back. Breathing in again, letting his scent wash over me. Mate.

‘I love you, too,’ I replied, happy to have our mate bond and pack bond repaired. I sighed. We did it. Against all odds, Kai and I got our happy ending.

But then the limp, maroon-haired figure lumped in the grass caught my attention. Sylvia. Oh God. Chelsea. Safe Haven. Sadie’s memory. This happiness of mine came with a cost and I would never forget it.

Kai took my chin in his hands and tilted my face up to his as I met his yellow eyes.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said with certainty and touched my bangs, pulling them in front of my face. Blonde. They were blonde again.

I nodded. I would make sure that all of the sacrifices were not in vain. I had rid the world of Layla and her sick plans. Avery and these twins I was carrying would live in a better world. I would make sure of it.


Two years later

“Where are my black heels?” I asked Kai while Jaxon and Anya tore through the house chasing each other and just managing to not trip over things or break stuff. I couldn’t believe the twins were a year old already. It had all been a blur of sleep deprivation, only showering once every three days and lots of poopy diapers. Having twins was no joke, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But it was getting easier now that they slept through the night and God, they were cute. Light caramel skin, unruly mops of golden brown hair, and my blue eyes. A perfect mix of Kai and I. Jaxon was such a goofball with a dominating personality already. He would shift into his wolf pup form and bite his sister’s tail. Anya, she was a spitfire; we were in trouble when she was older. She was a ball of personality and sass. Constantly competing for attention and pushing Jax’s buttons. But at the end of the day, they were best friends. Shared the same crib, ate from the same spoon, and ended every argument with a hug.

Today was a happy day. Jai and Maxine, his mate, were having their mating ceremony. I was still having visions and finding mates but my magic side was different. My power had been cut in half and I no longer had the affinity for healing although some of the magic still lingered. A small scrape or cut could be healed but nothing major. It seemed that when the Devi had left, she had taken her powers with her, which was fine by me. I rubbed my hands along my arms, it felt nice to be in my own skin. Just me. I hadn’t seen Nahuel since that day but a part of me knew he was still around if I needed him.

Kai slipped out of the closet, holding my black heels.

I smiled as I saw him looking at the twins. Jax was yanking on Anya’s pigtail as she shook her head to rid herself of her brother. Kai slowly walked over to me, dropping the black high heels at my feet and taking my face gently in his hands.

“You sure you want to do this with the witches after? We can wait, you might change your mind. We could have one more,” Kai pleaded.

I tried not to growl. Gretchen and the witches were coming to the ceremony and after they were doing the spell to make me permanently infertile. That way, none of Layla’s followers could get any ideas of coming after me. Most of the evil vampires had either been wiped out by the militia or turned to more gentle ways.  Sure there were still pockets of evil but for the most part, it had shut down when Layla died. The government was now funding a voluntary blood feeding program. Any human willing to donate blood would be financially compensated and vampires enrolled in the program got blood delivered to their door in an effort to keep the peace. I wasn’t giving anyone a reason to come after me again and to be honest, two kids was enough for me. What was the saying? Two kids is like ten and three kids is like a hundred. No thank you.