Balance Page 6

“She’s winning.” I glared at the blank wall behind Kai trying not to let the depression settle over me.

Kai reached out and pulled me closer to him; his warmth comforted me.

“We’re getting closer to catching her. We have more information now.” He was the eternal optimist.

I nodded but still felt unsettled. I wouldn’t sleep well again until Layla was wiped from the earth. Was that the Devi’s thought? Or mine? It was hard to tell. Kai placed a kiss on my forehead. “Shhh.”

“I wish I could turn my brain off,” I confessed.

He gave me a sexy, lopsided grin. “How about I distract you?”

I smiled and his hand expertly roamed my body as he pulled me in for a toe-curling kiss. No matter what was happening in the world, this was where I was meant to be.


The next morning passed slowly until Kai came home from checking in with some of the Portland wolves.

“How’s everything in Portland?” I asked, eager for gossip from anywhere off of the mountain.             

“Portland pack is good, they confirmed the blood banks were burned down and that vampire club activity has lessened. Either the vampires are becoming wary of our attacks or they have gone into hiding.”

A sigh escaped my lips.

Kai looked me in the eyes. “I see an opportunity, with so many of Alek’s kind without blood ...”

I squinted, sifting through the mate bond until I got his meaning. “We have to ask the militia. They’ve given so much to us already.”

“I know,” Kai stated. “Barn meeting in fifteen minutes.” He crossed the room in a few quick strides and was out the door again.


I stood in the barn with Max and Alek as Earl walked in slowly with Kai, Alexa, and another militia member. He was tall and muscular, his head was buzzed clean, and he had an American flag tattoo on his forearm.

Kai introduced everyone to Alek. “This is Alek. He’s a vampire and he’s here to help us. He’s given us very valuable and distressing information that we need to talk about.”

Earl kept his eyes on Alek, sizing him up.

“I’m Earl, leader of the Pacific North Militia, this is Todd, my second.”

I grinned at Earl. He was showing us that his militia was his pack. He was Alpha and Todd was second. I really liked him.

Todd saluted us. “Senior Chief Todd Renault, United States Navy.”

Did Max just roll his eyes? I had to suppress a smile.

“Good to have you, Chief. Let’s get down to business,” Kai told them. “We have a situation. Most vampires are a part of Layla’s North American vampire clan. They import heroin and kill humans for sport. But a small percentage, like Alek, either drink blood from willing donors or from a blood bank.”

Earl and Todd shared a look I couldn’t interpret.

Alek took over. “Layla burned those blood banks to the ground recently and now we have all of those vampires without their source of food. They will be weak and suggestible. They might even join up with Layla again, if it means they can have a food source.”

Earl gave a low whistle. “How many of your kind are there?”

Alek looked uncomfortable with sharing numbers. “About ten thousand across the United States that I know of.”

Earl’s face was lined with worry. “That’s a lot of vampires to feed.”

Alek laughed. “That’s nothing compared to Layla’s clan. If we can supply these vampires with donor blood, they will do whatever we want as repayment.”

Kai looked eager. “Wouldn’t hurt to have ten thousand vampires on our side.”

Alexa interjected, “The human media is all over us now. We need to be careful about publically siding with vampires. Even if they appear nice.”

Kai nodded. “Agreed. We will do it in secret.”

Earl nodded. “I will hold a vote with my people.”

Kai thanked him and he left.

“You gonna let us vote?” Max asked Kai with a smile.

Kai smirked at his friend. “Nope, we’re doing it.” He placed a hand on Max’s shoulder.

Max threw his hands up. “Great, bon appétit for the blood suckers.”

Alek glared at Max. “If it makes you feel any better, we much rather human blood. Werewolf blood tastes like dog.” Then Alek turned on his heels and left the barn.

I stifled a laugh. “Max, you hurt his feelings.”

Max shrugged. “He’s a vampire, Aurora.”

Kai growled softly. “He’s my guest.” Kai left to go after Alek and Alexa went to check in on Emma, leaving me alone with Max.

Max rolled his eyes. “I could tell you stories of Kai back in the day. He hated vampires. This new Kai is weird.”

I chuckled. “Be nice.” 

After leaving Max at the barn, I decided to go back home and take a nap. Being pretty much held captive on the mountain, had left me with zero entertainment options. I was bored as hell. Pulling Luna into our bed, I knew Kai would yell at me later for it. He hated her scent on our sheets. Oh well. Luna’s deep purr rattled against my chest and helped me drift into a peaceful sleep.

‘Wake up! Get to Emma’s. It’s happening. She’s in labor. Coming fast.’ Kai’s voice slammed into my sleeping state and jarred me awake.

I leapt out of bed and whacked my leg on the corner of a chair piled with laundry. “Oww!” I cried out while wriggling into clothes and then took off running out the front door, nearly plowing Max over.