Sixth Grave on the Edge Page 57

While I completely disagreed, I just wanted to convince him to open up. To tell them. The rest could come later. “You don’t have to tell them what you are.”

“I don’t mean just that.” He turned away from me. “I’ve spent the last ten years in prison.”

I stepped around, forced him to face me. “For a crime you didn’t commit.”

“I still have the stench of prison on me. Inmates are different. They act different. Their social skills aren’t exactly up to par. They would know.”

“Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“I’m not.” He took hold of my arm, his demeanor changing on a dime. “And I don’t want you to tell them either. This is my life, Dutch. I do not want you to interfere, do you understand?”

No matter how much I wanted to, I had to respect that. If he didn’t want to meet his biological parents, I could not force the issue. He had every right to his privacy, but the thought of them still in pain after all these years, still not knowing what had happened to their baby, broke my heart. There was a lot to be said for closure. Leaving it as it stood was like leaving a gaping wound, well, gaping. Surely there was a way around his wishes, of just letting them know that their son was safe and doing well—very well, in fact—without giving away his identity.

“Promise me,” he said, taking hold of my other shoulder.

Before I could make that promise, another thought hit me. “Oh, my goodness, what about the son they have now? The Fosters? Is he even really theirs?”

“I have no idea.” He let go of my shoulders and crossed his arms. “I have a feeling he was abducted as well, since he is blond and they’re both dark.”

“Holy crap on Communion bread. This is just so wrong. They have to be stopped.”

“Is this your way of getting out of promising me you’ll keep that little nose out of it?”

“What? Me? Wow, look at this rain.”

“Dutch,” he said, his deep, sexy voice all deep and, well, sexy. The soft rain had molded the once-white T-shirt to him as though it were form-fitted to the expanse of his shoulders, to the tapering at his waist. “You may regret looking at me like that.”

My gaze bounced back up to his face. It didn’t help. “I could never regret looking at you.”

He frowned as though he didn’t understand. “Why?” he asked, completely serious.

And I was lost. I leapt into his arms, quite literally, and pressed my mouth to his. He fought a smile for a moment, returned my kiss enthusiastically, then backed me against his car. One hand instantly sought out the weight of Danger. He coaxed her to attention with a thumb. His mouth, so hot against mine, left to suckle her crest and only then did I realize he’d unbuttoned my shirt and released both Danger and Will from their confines.

The fact that we were outside didn’t even register. The blistering heat of his kiss engulfed me as he suckled Danger. She tightened under his ministrations, hardening so fast, I almost cried out. The jolt of ecstasy was overwhelming. He switched to Will and then back again, offering them both the same amount of attention. Each time he drew on a pink crest, I felt a cutting bite of arousal lance through me. I looked down at him as he kneaded and suckled, his exquisite mouth beautiful against my pale flesh. But it was his teeth grazing across their hardened peaks that was my undoing. In one quick burst, the bittersweet sting of orgasm rocketed through me, colliding like fire and ice during a hurricane.

A scream I could not stop wrenched from my throat. Never. Never in my life had I ever cl**axed in such a way. I gasped in utter astonishment as the orgasm pulsated through me like a waterfall of pleasure. It slowly ebbed, leaving me quaking in its wake, and yet I wanted more. Always more when it came to Reyes Alexander Farrow.

His mouth descended onto mine and I wrapped my arms around his head as he laid me back, easing me onto the hood of his car. Before he could rise off me, I reached down and fondled the erection that his pants could barely contain. He sucked in a sharp breath, the air it stirred suddenly cool against my lips, causing another wave of raw desire to ripple through me. Before I knew it, he had peeled off my pants. How he managed that stuff without my notice amazed me, but I lay on his car, half naked, gasping and spent when, without the slightest bit of fanfare, he entered me in one long stroke.

I seized and clutched him to me, the sharp spike of need obliterating my self-control once again. He stayed there, buried inside me, allowing my body to adjust to the fullness of his erection until I grabbed handfuls of hair, bit his shoulder, and shoved my h*ps against his, forcing him even deeper.

He growled against my ear, wrapped one arm under a knee, and drove into me again and again with quick, short bursts, coaxing the heat in my abdomen to swell, to swirl and churn, building with each thrust like the pressure from a volcano of molten lava about to erupt. My ni**les were still sensitive. They rubbed against his chest with each thrust, doing their part to milk me to the edge once again.

The muscles in Reyes’s powerful shoulders flexed under the strain of his efforts. His breaths grew ragged, more and more labored as he forced me to still under his viselike grip. I dug my nails into his flesh, urging him faster, begging him not to stop. Never to stop. His expression was one of agony as he bit back his own need to coerce me into another explosive cl**ax. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as the fever inside me rose and burst like a floodtide crashing through a dam. Reyes growled again as his own cl**ax shuddered through him. He trembled against me, his anguish just as powerful as mine, just as intoxicating. He held on to me so tight, it was almost painful and served only to send the crest of my orgasm higher. I rode it, reveling in the exhilaration that flooded me body and soul until ever so gently it ebbed, dissipating completely over the span of several heartbeats.