Matefinder Page 13

Kai growled.

Sylvia looked up at him. Her eyes, once a bright green, were silver. “Not by me, wolf. Stand down.”

She looked back down at my palm and sniffed long and deep. I fought the urge to pull back. “Yes. She has magic, too, from her grandmother.” She paused, looking up at me tilting her head to the side. “How odd. Your grandmother was a Witch.” Her brow crinkled. She took a deep breath again. “Your blood smells powerful, but there is a block. I can’t see more. I don’t know what clan you are from. Someone has shrouded you in protection magic.”

“How can she be part witch? That isn’t possible.” Devon stated what I was thinking.

Sylvia grabbed Kai’s hand and held it next to mine. “It shouldn’t be possible. Old lore states that Matefinders can take on their mate’s ability. She can do what Kai can do. Matefinders are always female, always born in a set of twins.”

I gasped and pulled my hand away, breaking the spell. Her eyes became green again. I choked on a sob.

“Drake.” I couldn’t speak. A rush of images bombarded my brain. My little twin brother drowned at six years old, pulling me from the raging creek. My father never forgave me for losing his precious son. That’s when he began the drinking and abuse.

Kai picked up on my thoughts. Sylvia grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes with compassion. “Like I said, Matefinders are born in a set of twins. The female always inherits the gift and the male is her protector.”

My mind was still playing catch up. “Wait, my grandmother was a witch? That means my mother or father is half witch?”

“Men are called warlocks, dear.” She smiled, but a sad look came over her. “The story is written that the last Matefinder, your mother I presume, was half witch and half wolf. She gave you and your twin to a guardian for safekeeping, someone she trusted. She gave you to your mother, as you call her. That’s what the legend says. Your biological mother was the only other Matefinder on record. You are the second. It’s believed to be a genetic gift.”

My mind was reeling. “My… my biological mother. You said was… she WAS half wolf and half witch. How is that possible?”

Sylvia nodded. “She died. She was captured and forced with dark magic to use her abilities. She was forced to find mates before it was time. Wolves started changing humans. Babies. Anything to grow the werewolf race, but they were changing their mates before it was their time. Or their mates were already wolves, but it wasn’t yet the right time to meet. They forced the mating ceremony living out unhappy marriages because it was not a union guided by Spirit. It was evil, what they were doing, and so your mother… she killed herself. As far as how she was half witch and half wolf, we don’t know. The legend stops. There is no information to suggest interspecies child bearing is even possible. It’s a mystery. The harder I look into it, the more confusing it becomes. So we call it a legend. Those that lived through it have only vague memories. Very powerful magic has been put into covering this up. Then you come along.” The silence was permeable.

I sat on the floor and stared at a crack in the baseboard, completely numb.

“I think that will be all for today,” Kai told Sylvia.

She nodded. “I understand. Then there is just the matter of my payment.”

He held out his arm and to my shock she produced a steel knife and sliced his arm catching some blood in a jar. Once she was done, the wound healed before my eyes. She looked at me indicating the jar.

“Weres’ blood makes for some powerful spell craft. When you want more stories come and find me. I’ll be expecting an invitation to the mating ceremony.” She smiled knowingly.

Kai knelt and cupped my face. “Tell me you’re okay.” His eyes were pulsing from brown to yellow. His wolf was close to the surface.

“I’m okay,” I croaked, lying. “I just need to lie down. I’d like to take a nap.”

He scooped me in his arms and carried me down the hall, ignoring the stares from others.

Sometime later I awoke to a single yellow wildflower on my pillow, accompanied by a note. “You twitch your nose in your sleep. It’s adorable. –Kai (Your boyfriend)”

I smiled taking a deep inhale of the flower’s fragrant petals. After showering and changing, I made my way to the kitchen. Jake and Kai were talking in hushed voices standing over the stove. A frying pan sizzled and I could smell grilled onions. Kai turned, facing me as if he sensed me coming. He beamed, his smile reaching his eyes.

“Good Afternoon! Are you vegan or just vegetarian? According to the internet there is a big difference.”

I laughed. “Vegetarian. I have milk and eggs. Free range obviously.”

“Obviously,” Jake agreed, covering a smile.

“Good. Then enjoy this veggie omelet and Jake and I will be back from Arizona before you know it.” He turned around tending to the skillet.

I scowled and put a hand on my hip. “Nice try, Kai. Really, well played. When do we leave? I am NOT staying here!”

Jake shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

“You’re not going,” Kai said, putting the power of the Alpha behind his words and turning around to face me. I stepped forward holding my head high. “I AM going. I was in the vision and you are not leaving me here. This is MY gift. I need to see this through.”

Kai sighed. “You are safer here. I have already called and asked permission from the Scottsdale, Arizona Alpha to temporarily cross into his territory, but he is wary. He will send men to make sure we don’t out stay our welcome.”