Matefinder Page 16

We all decided it was best to wait outside. Once I had put on some clothes, I met everyone out back. After a couple of hours of idol chatting, Kai spoke into my mind. ‘She will survive the change. Bring Jake and Emma.’ A huge sense of relief washed over me. I still wasn’t even sure about being a werewolf, or if I felt confident being a Matefinder and having visions. This was confirmation that my vision was correct. It gave me chills.

“Jake, Emma, we are needed,” I told them. Akash and a few others had joined our backyard party and now everyone looked at me expectantly. “She will survive the change,” I said, grinning. Jake picked Sadie up and swung her around as she laughed.

Kai had just showered and greeted us at the door to my bedroom. His hair was still dripping wet and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Her wounds are already closing and her hair is growing. Her blood tasted like poison. The chemotherapy, I assume.” He scraped his tongue against his teeth.

“Jake and Emma, would you keep watch by her side and get me when she is coherent?”

They nodded and went into the room quietly.

Kai met my eyes. I paled and stared at his chin. “Anna will be using your room for the night, so you can either sleep on the couch or with me. Let me be clear that sleeping is all I intend. And maybe some kissing.” He grinned. All was forgotten from our earlier argument. I stepped closer. “Well, I will only share your bed if there is a promise of kissing AND snuggling.”

Kai put his finger to my lips. “Shhhh! I have a reputation to uphold. Alphas don’t snuggle.”

I tilted my chin up and crossed my arms defiantly. “Then I’m not coming.”

He scooped me up in his arms. I screamed in delight as he walked me into his room, setting me down at the foot of his bed. Looking at his soft blue sheets, I felt my stomach drop. I didn’t want to go too fast.

“Just a kiss or two and then to bed, my darling. I’m tired, and I wouldn’t do THAT until our wedding night anyway,” he stated.

“Ugh! Get out of my head.” I smiled while kicking off my shoes and jumping into his bed, wondering if he was serious about waiting until marriage. True to his word, three toe-curling kisses later he was snoring beside me with his arm tightly around my waist.

I took a moment to just reflect on all that had happened. I couldn’t believe the transformation that had taken place within me. I couldn’t believe I was lying in bed with a man I just barely met. He was my Alpha and my Mate. Normally, I wouldn’t rush into things so fast with a guy. I wouldn’t trust so easily. I would have my guard up. Maybe that was my problem. Being a werewolf gave me new senses and instincts I never had before. I could sense a deep connection to Kai, like I had been waiting my whole life for him, that we had been created for each other. Oh man, I had it bad. I was falling in love for sure. With a sigh, I drifted off to sleep.

“Meri Pyari,” a husky voice whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. I opened my eyes to see a sexy Kai with dark, tussled hair inches from my face.

“Is that Hindi?” I inquired.

“Yes, now get showered so we can take Sadie to Seattle before she bugs me to death.” He sat up rubbing his head.

“You know she is going to leave our pack and join his, right?” I saw it in my vision. The look Kai and her share as she walks towards her mate, it was a look of goodbye. “Will you miss her?” I add delicately.

“I’m happy for Sadie, and if she wants to join Seattle pack I will grant it.”  He shut the door. Okay, didn’t exactly answer my question. I needed to find out more about Sadie from Emma. I was starting to recognize something else about my newly changed self, something I never had before. Jealousy.


God, being a werewolf was so political! Because we pissed off the Portland pack recently, we were denied access to travel through Portland to Seattle, which just meant we had to take some different freeways. Sadie was rubbing her hands on her legs nervously.  I was staring out the window at the beautiful green scenery when I felt a tingling sensation in my head. I tried to ignore it, but Kai could sense something.

“Aurora?” he asked from the driver seat next to me.

Before I could answer, a vision slammed into me. Sylvia was standing over a large oak table littered with small bottles and crushed powders, a tall and very pale man in a grey silk suit stood beside her. The man’s eyes began to glow violet.

“Tell me what you know of a person called the Matefinder. Where is she?” His voice was trancelike. Sylvia shook her head and frowned. A fine mist leaked from her skin like a protective bubble.

“How dare you try to use compulsion on me! I’m a High Priestess!” She clutched a medallion on her chest. “You are here to pay a blood debt. Pay and then be on your way!”

Anger flared in the man’s face, but he extended his wrist to pay the debt.

I was suddenly aware of Kai growling in front of my face. The car had been pulled over and Sadie was peeking from the back seat at me, while Kai hovered over my face.

“Aurora!” He shook me.

“I’m here, I’m fine,” I shouted.

He sat back. “I’ll never get used to this. You go all zombie on me and I can’t reach your mind. I don’t like this. What happened?”

I chewed a nail. “Do vampires have purple eyes when they are using compulsion?” I queried.

Kai’s eyes went yellow. “Yes, they do. Please tell me you are not having visions of vampires doing compulsion on you!” he roared.