Matefinder Page 20

“If you ever steal one of Aurora’s hairs again, you and I will have a serious problem.”

Sylvia pursed her lips, turned away and left.

Kai turned to me. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re not very good at taking orders.”

I backed him into his chair and straddled him. “Yes, every man that has ever tried to order me around has told me that.” I leaned in tentatively and kissed him. I really loved kissing him. He never went too far and I felt in control. I felt safe with him.

“Do you want to know the secret to getting me to follow orders?” I pulled at his bottom lip.

He groaned. “Yes.”

“Stop giving them.” I lifted myself off of him and walked to the door giving a flirty look over my shoulder before leaving.

His eyes were yellow but there was a smile on his face.


I knocked lightly on Anna’s door. It was my door really, but it was her room for the time being. I wasn’t exactly complaining about sharing a room with Kai.

“Come in,” a bright voice answered on the other side.

I opened the door and tried to mask my shock. Her face had filled in and she looked like she gained at least fifteen pounds. She looked healthy. Her cheeks were rosy and her hair was already a couple of inches long. She had a cute red clip pulling some hair away from her face. She looked beautiful. Jake sat at her bedside and they were both leaning over a photo album and smiling.

Jake looked up when he saw me. “Hi, Aurora. She is taking things pretty well, considering. I’ll give you two a moment to talk.”

After Jake left the room I sat down and nervously picked at my jeans. I didn’t have a formal plan of what I wanted to say to her, I just wanted to make sure she was okay. Let her know that I knew how she felt. She started the conversation for me.

“Jake tells me you were hit by a car. That Kai, who is our Alpha, changed you and then you found out you were mates. How romantic.” She smiled.

“Romantic is one word for it. Scary, intimidating, horrifying, shocking AND romantic is more like it.” I smiled and we both shared a laugh.

“Jake tells me that we’re mates, too. I’m not sure what that really means but I think he’s a good guy and he is pretty hot, too,” she offered with a smile.

I wanted to set her mind at ease. “Well, you haven’t done your first shift yet, so once you fully let your wolf out, you will feel what it’s like to find your mate. It’s pretty incredible and I’m sure if you ask Jake to take it slow, he will.”

“I just escaped death. The last thing I want to do is take things slow. I’m ready to live my life.” She reached out, grabbed my hand and squeezed. A tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you for finding me and for letting Kai change me.  I was in so much pain, so defeated. I wanted to fight for my life but the doctors kept telling me to give up. I feel so strong now. I have so much hope for the future.”

My throat swelled up and I was overcome with sudden emotion. I never attributed my Matefinding gift as a good thing but maybe it was. In this case it was. I thought of Sadie and how happy she must be to have moved on to another pack and settled with her mate. I made up my mind to be a Matefinder, to fully embrace this gift no matter what. Bringing soul mates together and starting families is something I could do for the rest of my life with no regrets.

“You’re welcome.” I returned the squeeze to her hand.

That afternoon, Anna ran with the pack for the first time. You could see the instant bond her wolf had with Jake’s wolf. They nuzzled and nipped and ran around like total love crazy goofballs. Because Anna was a changed wolf, she was told she would have a special power when she shifted. She hadn’t discovered her power yet. Kai said it might take a few shifts or a certain situation to bring it about.

Right before the run, Anna’s place in the pack was tested. She was fifth from the top; a very dominant female. Kai was pleased because she was a good replacement for Sadie. Kai was worried that someone might come to claim her but no one from her home state of Montana had even tried.

I was becoming more aware of the pack bonds when I was in wolf form. Kai told me that as his second and eventually when we were mated, I would have access to power through the pack bonds. I began to open myself to each member and the energy that they brought to the pack. I sifted through the bonds and felt for Emma. She was such a sweet and naïve energy. She served the pack well with her submissive peaceful energy. I felt for Akash. He was such a young and bubbly spirit. I sensed future dominance in him. He may become an Alpha of his own one day. I silently sifted through the pack members, getting to know each of their energy signatures.

That night we had a huge bonfire in the backyard. Emma, Anna, and I sat together and talked while Kai handed out food. He was an amazing cook. His Indian heritage showed in his food. He made me a chickpea masala burger that left me drooling for a second helping.

“I have something to discuss,” Kai shouted over everyone. The pack quieted.

“Aurora has chosen to stay in contact with her family and friends.”

There was a murmur amongst the wolves. I felt my cheeks redden. “And I support it,” he shouted, and everyone quieted again.

“Tomorrow, Aurora’s mother will be visiting her under the pretense that Aurora has come to live with me as her boyfriend. To explain the presence of all of you, Aurora has told her mother I run an alcoholic rehabilitation facility.”

The collective laughing was hard to ignore. Max stopped chugging his beer mid swallow.