Matefinder Page 24

“What happened? The mist…” I stuttered.

“You saw the mist?” Sylvia looked shocked. Then she reached out her hand. “Aurora, I think you have the gift of a powerful seer witch. I think I can show you everything I just saw. Take my hand.”

I reached for her outstretched hand but Kai stepped in front of me. “I don’t trust witch magic.”

I looked at Kai and chewed my lip. “I need to see.”

Then I grabbed her hand. I was pulled into a vision and it felt much like the visions I had when I saw a pair of mates.

A younger woman with long blonde hair sat on a bed of green grass stroking a large muscular man’s arm. He looked at her and smiled before taking her in for a passionate kiss. “Genevieve,” he whispered. Then the scene changed and it showed the man who was with Genevieve turning into a werewolf and running with a pack. It flashed to Genevieve standing over a spell book and her eyes glazing over white. She was a witch. Then Genevieve was at home and holding her swollen belly. She was pregnant. The man stroked her belly. “How can it be? You’re a witch and I’m a werewolf. How can you be pregnant with our child?”

Genevieve had been crying; tears streaked her face. “You don’t believe me? I haven’t been with anyone else, Vincent!” she screamed.

“I want to believe you! But it’s not possible. Werewolves can take witches and humans for lovers but not as mates. We can only have children with our mate!”

Genevieve stood boldly. “Maybe I am your mate! I just happen to be a witch, but I am your soul mate, Vincent Briar! I’m carrying your child and when the baby is born you will see. If only werewolf mates can produce a child, then how am I pregnant with yours?”

She ran from the house crying.

The next scene showed Genevieve having just given birth to twins, holding a small baby girl and a boy. The babies were wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. Vincent was there, he held them and stroked Genevieve’s hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. They are mine. I can see it. They smell like me, too.”

She gazed at Vincent and smiled. “I want to name her Ruby, after my grandmother, and I want to name him Cole, after your father.”

“I love you, I love them,” Vincent said as the scene faded.

The next scene showed Ruby growing up at varying ages, five and then twelve, and then when she met her mate. It seemed that when she shifted with her mate for the first time is when her Matefinder abilities manifested. Then it showed her wedding day. It showed her changing from wolf to human but also casting spells with Genevieve, her mother. She was some sort of Hybrid. It showed Genevieve arguing with a vampire and being killed. Vincent tried to defend her honor and was torn apart by the vampire coven.

Ruby explored her new abilities finding mated pairs but was sad not to have her mother’s guidance.  Then it showed her pregnant and also having twins. She held the babies wrapped in her arms while her mate caressed her face; tears shown on her cheeks. “I want to name her Aurora, and his name will be Drake, after you.”

Her husband looked at her “Are you sure it has to be this way? I’m an Alpha, I can protect them. I will keep them safe.”

Ruby’s eyes glowed yellow. “I’ve seen her future and mine. We must have them turned human before the first full moon. Then they will go live with Beth. She is my best friend and she is human. We will have a high priestess wipe Beth’s memory. She and her husband have been trying to conceive. They will think the babies are their natural children. The priestess will fix her own memory so that no one ever finds out. I’ve seen it and it’s the only way to keep them safe.” Ruby cried openly as her husband held her.

The next scene showed Sylvia performing a ceremony on the twin babies. Sylvia looked at Ruby. “You know the price of turning wolf pups into humans?”

Ruby nodded boldly. “The children’s mother must take her life before the first full moon after their birth.” Ruby’s mate wasn’t present.

Then they were brought to Beth and her husband’s house and a spell was cast to wipe their memory of the fact that the twins were not theirs.

Ruby was captured by a werewolf pack and a dark warlock on the way back from the ceremony. They did horrible things to her. Tortured her, starved her, and forced her with magic to tell them who their mates were. The wolves started changing innocent children. Ruby’s mate and his pack showed up to free her and her mate’s head was torn off. He died protecting her. When her pack freed her of the magic chains binding her, she ran outside and looked at the moon. Not yet full. The pack that had taken her was still fighting. She walked over to the Alpha of the pack that captured her and sealed her death. “I challenge you as Alpha of Wide Rim pack.”

I knew what was next. I didn’t want to see her beheaded. I ripped my hand away from Sylvia, crying, and broke away from the vision. Kai caught me as I fell back. Sylvia ran over to me and held me for a long time. Kai seemed to understand I was okay and that Sylvia and I shared something intimate. It was a long time before I could speak.

“Ruby, she was my mother,” I croaked out.

Sylvia nodded and stroked my hair. “Genevieve was my best friend. I would do anything for her and Ruby. That explains why I would wipe my memory. Now I remember it all. We were trying to protect you and Drake. Your mother, Ruby, she was a powerful seer. She could see the future. She showed me the future she saw for you and Drake. You wouldn’t make it to your fifth birthday without being captured and drained for your blood if she hadn’t done what she’d done.”