Matefinder Page 36

The scar-faced man stepped forward. “How can I assure a high position in the pack without a fight? I’m third in this pack.”

Kai acknowledged him with a nod. “If fighting for dominance is the only way to calm brother wolf then you will have to find another pack. If you are okay with letting brother wolf out and staring into my most dominant wolves eyes, then we can establish your place in the pack without hurting my family members. If that doesn’t settle brother wolf then I will grant you leave to find another pack.”

The guy raised his eyebrows. “That works for me.” Something else crossed his face but it was too quick for me to read.

Lastly, the woman stepped forward. “My name is Isabelle and Dane attacked me on my way home from work. He took my money, ripped my flesh apart, and left me for dead. I have a husband and two small children. I survived the change much to his delight. I have wished every day since then, that I hadn’t. I don’t know where my family is now. It’s been two years. Every time I tried to run away Dane beat me and eventually held me captive in his basement, rarely letting me out. I know I can’t go back to being human, but I won’t go back to being a slave. I want to see my family.”

She held her chin raised and her jaw was set, but I could see her lip quiver. Her wrists, I could see now, were bound with thin silver chains. I felt sick.

Kai began to speak when I stepped forward and quieted him with my eyes. I walked slowly and lowered my gaze so I didn’t spook her. I could feel her dominance, yet she was fragile.

“Kai is a good Alpha and a kind man. I got into a car accident and almost died but he saved me. I survived the change too and when I told him I didn’t want to fake my death, that I wanted to continue to see my family, he allowed it. My mom just came to a pack barbeque last weekend.”

Tears were streaming down the woman’s face. I knew she needed more; she didn’t trust anyone. She needed proof. “If you join our pack tonight, then first thing tomorrow morning we will take you to find your family or you can leave. Be a lone wolf.”

‘She wouldn’t last a day as a lone wolf,’ Kai told me.

‘Don’t underestimate a victim of abuse,’ I fired back into his mind.

She stepped forward and bent on one knee accepting my words.

Kai raised his hands high up into the sky. “I call on my ancestors and invite in the pack magic that bonds us all, makes us a family. Let me lead you, let me protect you.” All of the new pack members were lining up.

“Do you promise to obey me and share all that you are with this pack?” I could see sweat had broken out on Kai’s forehead.

“I do, Alpha,” the first person said and rolled up his sleeve. Kai transformed his fingers to claws and swiped at the flesh of the young man’s forearm. The man winced and then clawed at Kai’s forearm. They touched their forearms together.

“Blood of my blood,” they recited in unison.

“Welcome to my pack, son,” Kai told the young man. The pack roared and cheered behind Kai, welcoming the new member. I was faintly aware of a new string of consciousness added to the pack’s energy.

‘You okay?’ I asked Kai.

‘Yes, just pushing out this liquid silver. Will be fine with a good night’s sleep and a couple of rare steaks.’ He smiled knowing that would gross me out.

Kai walked to the next person and repeated the ceremony. When he had finished inviting the last member, Kai’s arm was dripping blood. He looked exhausted. His shoulder was healing but deep gashes could still be seen. Fresh blood dotted his stomach. He needed sleep and food. But he was alive. I smiled.

Just as I was approaching him to suggest we get him home, the unthinkable happened.

The male dominant pack member that was third in the Portland pack, advanced towards Kai with yellow eyes. “I challenge you for Alpha status of this pack.”

The collective intake of breath from the pack gave me chills. I barely saw a flash of fear flicker across Kai’s vision before it was gone. Cold hard anger replaced it.

Suddenly, Kai’s mother was by my side, whispering. “A pack’s second in command can fight in place of an injured Alpha.”

I didn’t hesitate. “As second in command, I accept your challenge on behalf of my injured Alpha.” Oh, shit. Did I just do that?

Kai’s nostrils flared and he glared at his mother, sending ripples of fur down his body. “I forbid it!” he roared.

The man who had challenged him glared at me. “Too late. She accepted. If I win, I take this pack and you become my second,” he told Kai, “…if I let you.”

“Then when I am healed I will challenge you again and kill you. Withdraw your request!” Kai roared at the man.

“No. Challenge accepted.” He started to shift.

Okay, this was just another guy who preyed on weak people. I had prepared my whole life for this moment. All of Safe Haven, my martial arts training; it was all to keep bastards like this from taking advantage of the weak. I wasn’t weak though and I was going to prove it. I took a hint from Kai’s style of fighting and shifted instantly, running at the man full speed. I slammed into him knocking him back in his half shifted form. I glanced at Kai. He had shifted into his werewolf form. His mother had a chunk of his fur in her hand, holding him back. I knew then, that if it looked like I was losing, Kai would intervene and the council would later kill him.

I tore at the werewolf’s jugular as his half-clawed hands raked down my back causing me to let out a high-pitched yelp.