Matefinder Page 49

I could hear Max screaming now and looked to see the planes wheels just barely leave the tarmac about 100 feet away from us. The door was open. Kai and I shared a look. We took off running. I had never run so fast in my life. I almost tripped over my own paws, I was running so fast. I reached the plane first. With one giant leap, I lunged in through the small opening and scraped my back. I rolled and tumbled, smacking my shoulder into an interior seat.

I quickly moved out of the way as Kai soared through the air and landed hard. He whimpered but seemed okay. The vampire bite on his shoulder was bleeding. It oozed a blackish fluid. I began shifting back into my human form when I noticed that the female stewardess smelled like a human. She pulled a first aid kit from an upper cabinet and laid it in front of Kai. Once we had both shifted I looked at Max. “Get us some clothes. Did the weapons make it on the plane?”

Max nodded. “Weapons are here,” he told me and threw us some clothes.

I looked at Kai. “You got bit by a vampire. What does that mean?” I was hoping it didn’t mean what I thought it did.

He smiled. “Very painful. Will take a few days to heal. But I will be fine.”

I let out a relieved sigh.

I looked again at the stewardess. She didn’t seem fazed. She was making cups of ice for drinks.

“It’s okay, I’m a Duff,” the woman told me.

“A Duff?” I began to clean Kai’s wound.

The girl spoke up. “My parents are witches but I was born without magic, a lower class citizen in the witch world. I make my living by serving the supernatural community but I have no power.”


Kai spoke to my mind. ‘Some dark witches put curses on other witches’ unborn children. These children are born without magic but are given the knowledge of the supernatural community.’

‘That’s horrible.’

He nodded.

Izzy spoke up. “So what the hell was that? Why didn’t we see them coming? Do you think the pack we left back at home are okay?”

Kai seemed to consider this. “I can sense the feelings of the wolves we left behind on the mountain. They are worried for Emma but not under attack. We left enough members back that they should be okay if the vampires do attack on the mountain. We know that territory better than anyone. Everyone will protect Tristan and the kids. Don’t worry.”

Izzy seemed assured at his words. Just then, we all felt it. One of our peripheral wolves, Joey, who had come to the airport with us, was killed. It was like a string was being pulled through my body and out of my heart. His pack essence was gone. Kai screamed and the stewardess dropped a glass which shattered everywhere.

The vampires were picking off our already small numbers one by one. We flew the rest of the way to Los Angeles in silence.

The stewardess handed Kai a satellite phone. “It’s the Los Angeles Alpha,” she told him.

Kai groaned. He hadn’t had time to stop and ask our permission for coming into his territory. Someone from the pack we left back must have called him. If he was calling us, it wasn’t good. Maybe he was denying us permission. Anger flared up inside me. I growled lightly. Kai silenced me with one look.

“Hello, Kristoff,” Kai grumbled into the phone. By his tone of voice it didn’t seem he thought this would be a good call, either. After a few seconds Kai sat up straighter. “Excuse me?”

I leaned in trying to listen but the noise from the plane was too loud.

“Well, we would appreciate that. Thank you. We should be landing shortly.” With that, he hung up.

We all stared at him, waiting.

“The Los Angeles Alpha will be sending a few cars and ten of his strongest men. They have sniffed out the vampire hide out and want to help us get Emma.”

Max made a low whistle.

Kai looked at me. “Werewolves usually keep to themselves and fight to death over protecting their territory. It seems now that they will do anything if it helps you, Aurora. Kristoff sends his thanks for finding his mate.”

I swallowed. “Whatever helps Emma.” I searched the pack bonds. She was still there but the connection was weak. If they drugged her or hurt her. I couldn’t even think about it!

‘I’ve tried to contact Emma multiple times. I’m being blocked,’ Kai told me, ‘so is Devon.’

It was that witch! The one who saw me looking for them. If I had trained with Sylvia maybe I could break through and reach Emma, give her hope. I tried to send her a message but felt nothing. I glanced over at Devon. He looked so lost.

“We are beginning our descent,” the pilot said over the speaker.

No witch, no vampire, no supernatural could hide Emma from us now. I could feel a blood-thirsty craze start to hum just under my skin. Emma was an innocent and she would be saved.


Sixteen was a good number. It was the year I got my freedom from my drunken father because I had gotten my license and an old beat up car. It was the amount of money I had in my bank account before I started Safe Haven. It was also the number of wolves we were about to barge into the vampire den with and save Emma. We had surrounded the old house on Melrose Ave and I could smell Emma inside. I also smelled witches and vampires. A lot of them. It was dusk out. I had been told on the ride over that dark witches did spells on powerful vampires to give them sunlight immunity, so attacking in the daytime didn’t increase our chances.

Kai turned to me now and placed a silver stake in my hand, it had a rubber grip to protect werewolf skin. “You’re a good fighter; you will be a bigger help to Emma in human form. You go in last.” It was a command but his eyes held a vulnerability. He was trying to protect me. As long as I helped get Emma out, I didn’t care. I nodded and gripped the cold stake in my hand. He began to shift and I took a deep breath. I had never been religious, what kind of God lets kids get abused? But I sent up a silent prayer now. Please let Emma be okay. Let her baby live.