Matefinder Page 54

“Do we all agree that if there comes a time to fight for the humans, we protect them?” I asked. Somehow this had become my task. To make sure we would be there to protect the humans. Protect our pack, yes, but protect them as well.

The Native American wolf stepped forward. “I know you are new to this lifestyle, Aurora. Kai may not have had time to tell you all of the stories. It has, and always will be, a werewolf’s duty to protect the humans from vampires. Without that, the balance will tilt and we would be thrust into a future none of us want to see.” He held my gaze and in his eyes I was reminded of Nahuel. As I continued to stare, I suddenly became very sleepy. I began to fall backward and was caught by Nahuel. I was having another vision. We were standing in a deserted field with a huge water treatment plant in front of us. I looked at him. He looked sad. “It’s beginning,” he told me. I looked at the doors of the treatment plant and three vampires came out.

“What’s beginning? What are they doing?” I asked him.

Nahuel rubbed his hands together. “I’m not supposed to show you this. But the balance has been tipped towards the dark. I might as well try to tip it back to the light. If it’s going to go one way, I want it to go our way.”

“I don’t understand! Explain it. Help me.” I felt desperate. I could feel his anxiety.

“The vampires have poured liquid silver into every major water supply plant in all of the big cities. They want to weaken the wolves and then attack.”

I grabbed my neck and swallowed hard. “No!” I ran towards the three men coming out of the building. They had huge oil drums full of silver.

Nahuel caught my arm. “They can’t see us. We are in the future.”

“So we can stop it. What day does it happen?” I suddenly felt hope burst in my chest.

“I can only see a few hours into the future. It will happen today.” He looked sad.

I grabbed his face and turned it towards me. “Wipe that look off of your face. This hasn’t happened yet! You don’t know me very well yet, but I don’t give up! I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life and I didn’t make it out by giving up.”

His lips curled into a smile. He placed his forehead against mine. “Little sister, I have not given up. I wear this face because I’ve seen too much.”

“Why do you keep calling me little sister?” I asked.

He pulled his face back and wore a blank expression. “That is not my story to tell.”

All of the sudden I was spinning. I came to my body in a series of jerks.

Kai was in wolf form in front of me. The council was backed up against the wall of our living room. My head lay in Sylvia’s lap.

“I feel sick.” I grabbed my stomach.

Kai shifted into his human form, covering himself with a blanket from the couch. His eyes were yellow. The council leaned forward peering at me.

“Maybe everyone should wait outside until Kai calms down,” Raj told the council.

“No!” I stood quickly sending a wave of dizziness through me.

“Get on the phone, email, use your pack bond, do whatever you have to, to warn as many wolves as you can.” I was breathless. I wouldn’t have been shown the future if I couldn’t change it.

The council stood eerily still. “Warn them of what?” Kai asked me.

“The vampires are trying to wipe out our race. They are spilling liquid silver into the waterways. It’s going to happen any minute!”

Raj’s eyes widened in shock. “Do you mean to tell us that you have seen the future?”

“Yes! Hurry.” Why did they look so unsure? God I was sick of being questioned. I advanced on Jane quickly and the muscles in her arms flexed. I held out my hand.

“Make them see. We have no time,” I told her.

She took my outstretched hand and I could feel her sifting through my mind. I wanted to push her out but held still. I could hear Sylvia gasp behind me. Jane broke away with her mouth open. Then she closed her eyes and tipped her head down. All of the council members wore shocked expressions. Kai stumbled backward. She had sent my vision to them.

‘The vampires are trying to kill off our kind. We need to protect the water supply. Portland wolves split up. Half of you go to the wholesale market and buy as many water bottles as they have. The other half, bring your weapons and protect the Portland water supply. Mount Hood wolves, same thing. I don’t care who does what. Figure it out and move NOW!’ My head was still ringing with Kai’s command. He whipped out his cellphone and called Shamus telling him to spread the word.

“We won’t reach everyone in time!” I screamed desperately.

Sylvia approached Kai’s father. All of the council members were warning their packs.

“I’ve seen your bond with the other people here. You’re all connected.” Sylvia put her hand out waving it in the air. Raj’s eyes glowed yellow.

“Calm down, Alpha. I think I can help.” Sylvia nodded me over. I stumbled forward.

“What is it? What can we do?” I asked her.

“It’s a very powerful spell. It’s a communication spell between an entire species. It’s been done once before to warn the witches of the burnings in the Salem Witch trials. It would take all of these Alphas’ blood and your power as a witch to help me.”

“Let’s do it,” I told her.

“Hang on a second. I’m not giving this witch my blood,” Raj told us.