More Than Her Page 45


We met Dylan at the parking lot and swapped cars. I never had to ask him twice, he loved driving my car. I told him he could have it for a week. He tore out of the lot, wheels spinning as he did.

He was on his own when he arrived. In fact, come to think of it, I hadn't seen much of Heidi around at all lately.

Amanda walked around with her tablet and knew where everything was. I let her buy whatever she wanted. Honestly, I don't give a shit what was in my room.

I did however; step in when she asks the guy at the electrical store which TV had the 'prettiest picture'.



We'd only been home for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door.

She froze mid movement. I watched her closely. "Ty," she breathed out, before practically running out of my room.

This guy must be a god of some sort, judging by her reaction. Or ridiculously good in bed. I swallowed down the vomit that'd formed in my throat. The mental image of her being boned by some other guy was literally making me sick. Slowly, and attempted casually, I walked to the door so I could meet this asshole. She had her arms around his neck, his arms around her waist, lifting her off the floor. She was crying, but it wasn't the sad, fucked up, tears that I cause. They were happy tears.

He looked up when I walked into his vision. He placed her back on the floor, before taking the few steps to reach me.

"Oh," Amanda spoke, "sorry, this is, uh..." she trailed off.

"I'm Tyson," he spoke for her, hand out waiting. "Her ex. She's so damn awkward about it."

I shook his hand. "Logan."

His eyes widened and his body tensed. It was a small movement, and if I wasn’t glaring at him, I wouldn't have noticed at all.

He looked back at Amanda, then me again. "Huh," he said, as if something had just dawned on him. He faces her. "Dinner? We got a lot to catch up on."

She nodded


I called Dylan to help assemble all the shit Amanda bought. He was with Cam at the time, so they both came over. Lucy called Cam to hang out at Jake and Micky's, but he told her he was busy so everyone ended up coming here.

Amanda was having dinner with Ty, so I left all the smaller shit for her to do.

I was pissed that she was with him, instead of me, but I couldn't do shit about it. I told her I'd leave it alone, so I was trying. She only just left and already I was looking forward to seeing her again—to having her all to myself.


With four guys assembling, it only took an hour until everything was built.

"Shit," Cam said, "It looks just like your-"

"Pool house," I finished for him, taking a looked around the room.

She remembered.


"Dude," Dylan said to Cam, who'd just taken his cap off and was now shaking his head wildly. "You need to get a hair cut."

"Yeah," Jake agreed, "you look like that kid from One Direction."

We all looked at Jake before bursting out laughing.

We were all in the backyard, having a quiet night in.

"Which one?" Heidi asked, giggling.

Jakes shrugged and sat up, "I don't know their names," he spat, defensively.

We laughed harder.

"What!" he huffed. "Julie's going through a phase. Shut up!"

We kept laughing.

"I can't get a haircut," Cam said, interrupting the laughter. "Lucy won't let me."

"What!" Dylan practically yelled, the same time I spat out my beer. Cam was seriously the most whipped of all of them.

I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt. "Sorry, Cameron, you're going to have to repeat that. I couldn't hear you over the sound of your throbbing vagina."

Jake threw his head back, his body shaking with his laugh. Dylan and I bumped fists while Heidi snorted, which made her giggle harder.

"You assholes laugh it up," Cam said, pointing a finger at me. "Luce likes something to hold on to when I go down-"

"OH MY GOD!" Lucy yelled, the same time Heidi squealed.

We were all in fits of laughter when the back door opened and Amanda walked out, sans Ty. Thank fuck.

"You've been at work?" Micky asked her.

Amanda brought a chair from inside and placed it next to me before taking a seat. She faced Micky. "No. Just out for dinner. Um, Ty's in town." she said. There was no hint of any emotion in her tone. Not happy, not excited. She was just stating facts.

"Ty's here?" Micky perked up. Jake sat up a little straighter.

Amanda grinned. "Yeah, just visiting for a couple of days."

"Oh really?" Micky crooned. "I want to say hi to him."

Amanda gripped the side of her chair, leaning forward and rubbing her cheek on her shoulder, "He just went to catch up with some friends quickly, but he should be back soon. Hopefully you'll catch him."

"Oh my God," Micky gasped, facing Lucy. "Remember when I told you about that guy from my school that sang ‘Hey There Delilah’ by the Plain White T's at his graduation?"

I glanced at Amanda. It's her ring tone.

Lucy's brows furrowed, thinking, then, "Yeah, what about it?"

Micky's eyebrows rose and her head jerked towards Amanda.

"No way!" Lucy's eyes went wide.

Amanda chuckled a little, and then nodded her head slowly.

"Wait." Lucy sat up. Looking from Amanda to Micky and then back again. "That musician with the Juilliard scholarship? That's Ty? That's your ex?"