More Than Her Page 46

Juilliard? Really? How much do I not know about her?

Amanda laughed a little. "Yeah, that's him," she stated proudly.


Heidi piped up, "What am I missing? Who did what now?"

Cam held his hand to his heart, batted his eyelashes dramatically, and said in a high pitched voice, "Oh my gaaahhd. He's so dreamy. Mother fucking swooooooo-" He got cut off when Lucy back handed him in the stomach.

We laughed.

"So." Micky started, while Jake rolled his eyes. "Ty's two years older than us, right?" She looked to Amanda for confirmation. She nodded. Micky continued, "At his graduation ceremony, he convinced the committee to let him perform, in front of everybody. He sang Hey There Delilah, just him and his guitar, on stage, but changed it to Hey There Amanda." Her smile widened, " I swear to God, every girl there cried. And it was all out ugly cries. Everyone was so jealous of her."

"No way." Heidi shook her head slowly, looking at Amanda.

"True story," Amanda nodded, smiling back.

"Oh!" Micky yelled at Heidi. "It's on YouTube. Look it up. Look up Tyson Landry graduation." Then she sat back in her chair with a wistful look on her face.

Jake eyed her. "Are you done?" he ground out.

She pulled his cap down over his eyes and kissed his cheek before mumbling, "Shut up, idiot."

So Ty was a big deal at their school.

So what?

So he was fucking amazing.

So fucking what?

I decided that tonight was the perfect night to get a little wasted. It had nothing to do with the fact that her ex was in town. And that apparently he could make a bunch of grown ass woman turn into gushing pre-teen fan girls.


Not related.

At all.

The next ten minutes consisted of everyone loving the shit out of some guy no one had ever met.

Whatever, not a big deal.

Until said guy actually showed up.

Then I decided that tonight was a perfect night to get completely wasted.

He walked out from the back door and paused for a beat when he saw everyone, then casually introduced himself. Micky got up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting back next to Jake, who instantly put his arms around her shoulders. He was crazy if he thought Micky even looked at other guys. Ever.

Ty did a little spin, I guess looking for somewhere to sit. Cameron got off the bench he was on and walked to Lucy, who stood up and gave him her seat, before sitting back down on his lap.

Ty sat down the same time as Amanda stood. I watched as she walked away from me and sat on the bench next to him. He stretched his arms out, resting his hands on the bench behind him, enough so that one arm is behind Amanda. He leaned in close and whispered something in her ear. A slow smile overtook her face.

Jake broke the silence. "So, how do you know Kayla? I mean," he looked to Micky, "you and Amanda weren't really friends back then were you?"

Micky's expression changed, just slightly, before she recovered. "Uh, James and Ty played ball together. I think Ty's last year, James made Varsity, right?"

Ty nodded. He could probably sense that Jake didn't need to know any more.

"Anyway," Cam tried to ease the awkwardness. "The girls were just gushing about your performance at your graduation."

Ty's face lit up, and then he looked at Amanda and nudged her side. "Oh yeah, remember that? It was good times, huh?"

She nodded, "Yeah. You made me cry like a frickin baby."

"So worth it though." And then they stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime. I swear I think he was going to kiss her. My fists clenched at the thought, but eventually she looked away.

She was the first to look away.

That has to mean something.

I don't know how much time passed, with me in my buzzed state, before I saw him whisper something to her, she nodded before they both walked past me and into the house.

Lucy got off Cam's lap and sat on the abandoned chair next to me. "You okay, babe?"



Everyone left soon after and Amanda came to my room to finish whatever final touches she wanted to do. Ty was settled for the night, in her room. I'm assuming the floor, because I don't think I could handle anything else.

"Do you like it?" she asked, sitting on the bed next to me.

I looked around the room and adjusted us so my arm was around her waist.

It's perfect.

Perfectly me.

"Holy shit, Amanda. This is awesome." I faced her.


"Uh huh. I love it."

"I tried to make it like your pool house, you know?"

I nodded.

"So you really like it?" she waited expectantly for my answer.

I faced her. "I love it, Amanda. Really."

"Good." She smiled.

I finally tore my eyes off hers and looked around the room. "So you're really good at this—the design stuff. You don't want to study that? Make that your career?"

She looked down, "No. I mean, I love doing it. And I think I'm good at it. But it's just having a good eye. It doesn't take a miracle to do it. But—"

"But babies," I interrupted her, "babies are miracles."

Her jaw dropped, as her eyes widened.

"You remember?" she breathed out.

I took her hands in mine.

"I remember everything about that night, Amanda. I told you. Everything."