Desertion Page 59

“You know I can’t talk about the case, Nix.”

“Bullshit. If you want our club to work with the force on this one, we want full disclosure,” Nix calmly replies.

“You know this is even above my pay grade. The Feds already have their hands on it.”

“Yeah, on this fucker in Mexico. We still have our ways of getting T to talk. We’ll run our own investigation if we have to.” Nix doesn’t falter, letting Jackson know we’re not stepping aside.

“I’m not talking about this asshole Bates.” Jackson points to the folder. “I’m talking about the Warriors. We got them in our sights and we’re close.”

“That’s not enough to make me stop, Jackson.” I pick up the folder and start reading.

“Fuck me. You all are gonna get me fired.” He sighs and pulls up a chair. We don’t reply, just wait patiently for him to give us what we need. “We have an inside man on the job.”

“You got Feds undercover in the Warriors compound?” Sy asks. It’s the first time he’s spoken.

“Jesus Christ, Jesse, what the hell did you bring to us?” Nix runs his hand over his face. I don’t reply ‘cause I know he doesn’t mean to be an uptight ass. He wouldn’t walk away from this, not when there are innocent women being taken. But this shit is big. If Feds are in the Warriors, anything we pull could come back on us.

“You didn’t hear it from me.” Jackson nods.

“And you expect us to take your word?” Nix rocks back in his chair, fishing for more information.

“Your fucking knight in shining armor here”—he points to Beau—“picked up a woman belonging to a Warrior.” I look to Beau and watch him stand a little straighter.

“Don’t worry, our man hasn’t let on. He’s the one who let her get away,” Jackson challenges. I watch Beau relax slightly while Nix grows tense. Fuck that could have been some serious shit we don’t need.

“So what do you want us to do with this news?” I ask, not understanding any of this. So the Warriors are in on this. We go to them. Simple.

“Nothing. Let our men deal with it.”

“You know we can’t do that, Jackson,” I shake my head, not accepting his plan for us to stand down.

“Why the fuck not?”

“‘Cause as far as Bell is concerned, your department hasn’t exactly been successful.” I throw in the snide remark about my brother’s failure.

“Doesn’t give you the right to interfere in an ongoing investigation, Jesse.”

“It’s only ongoing ‘cause we gave you the lead, asshole.” I watch him recoil, knowing I’m right.

“Jesus, Jesse, what the fuck is your problem?”

“You’re my fucking problem. We got feelers out there and we’re gonna follow them through. With or without your help.”

“Jesse, if you fuck this up...”

“Oh, don’t mistake me for you, big brother. I’ve told Bell I’m going to do something, so I will do it.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” He stands, pushing the chair back with force.

“Means what you think it means, brother.” I follow him up, but keep my cool.

“Will you both sit the fuck down!” Nix bangs the table but I don’t obey.

“Jesse?” Bell’s voice comes around the corner.

“Bell, go back and sit with the girls.” I don’t move my eyes off Jackson, still trying to gauge where he’s taking this right now.

“What’s going on?” She ignores me, picking up on the tension.

“Bell, out now.” The room stays silent. Jackson and I are locked in a showdown on what’s best for Bell.

“You found her.” Her voice is small, unsure. It’s not a question, but a statement.

“Bell, no.” I begin to try to explain but what is there to say? “Just come with me.” I tear my stare from Jackson and move around the table toward her.

“No, Jesse, tell me. Don’t lie to me. Tell me the truth.” Her hands shake at her sides and the small dip in the dimple on her cheek deepens, but not in a good way, rather in a way that makes my stomach tighten.


“You’re scaring me, Jesse.”

“And I don’t want you to be scared, Bell.” I pull her close to my chest and try to offer her comfort. “So far it’s not much to tell. We have a lead, but where it’s pointing doesn’t look good.”

“Just fucking tell me. Tell me, damn it!” Her fist hits my chest and a lump forms in my throat.

“Bell, we don’t know for sure,” Nix speak ups, refocusing her attention.

“But you think it’s her?” She gains some composure and steps back from me to face him.

“Not gonna to lie to ya, it doesn’t look good.” Her hand reaches back for mine and I take it, giving her the connection she needs.

“Kadence, why don’t you take Bell to the front,” Nix calls and I look behind me to see both her and Holly had followed Bell in.

“No, I want to stay.” Bell shakes her head, not allowing Nix to order her out.

Pulling her back to me, I turn her to face me. “Bell sweetheart, I promise you, I will tell you everything. Just go take a seat.” Her lips start to part, ready to argue, but I give her a tight squeeze then nod to Kadence to take her back out to the sofa.