Easy Love Page 67

I comb my fingers through her hair and watch it fall back to her shoulders, then repeat the motion.

“I have a system,” she informs me primly. “And you’re messing it up.”

“I am?”


She sighs and closes her eyes as my fingertips rub her scalp.

“That feels good.”

With her eyes closed, I retrieve a sexy red nightie from the suitcase.

“And who, exactly, were you planning to wear this for?”

She gasps and steals the scrap of lace from my hand.

“Seriously. Stop touching all of my underwear.”

“You don’t mind when I take it off of you, cher.”

“That’s different.” She sniffs, her nose in the air. “And I wasn’t planning on wearing it for anyone.”

“Wear it for me, before you go.” The request is quiet. Sincere. She watches my eyes solemnly as she sets it aside.

“I can do that.”

“You’re good at taking orders,” I comment with a grin. She narrows her eyes at me.

“I’m no one’s submissive.”

“Indeed,” I agree, and run a finger down her cheek. “But I like that if I make a request, you’re eager to comply.”

“Why do I do that?” she asks with a frown. “Is that what got me into trouble with my ex-husband? I was too easy?”

“You didn’t get into trouble with your ex-husband,” I say, and take her face in my hands, making her look at me. “He was an asshole who didn’t know a good thing when he had it. He doesn’t know how to treat a woman, Kate. And wanting to please people you love isn’t a bad thing, when it’s done sincerely.”

“Thanks,” she whispers.

“So, you’ll wear the sexier than fuck nightie?” I ask with a grin, lightening the mood again.

“We’ll see,” she says with a wink. “I don’t want you to think I’m a sure thing.”

“Oh, sugar, that ship has sailed.” I laugh and pull her in for a hug, delighted with her. “You make me laugh.”

“Do I make you want to pack things?” she asks, making my heart still at the reminder of her leaving. “Because I need to finish this and you’re distracting me.”

“You make me want to undress you,” I reply, but she backs out of my reach.

“Oh, no.” She points a finger at me and glares.

“You don’t scare me.”

“No hanky-panky. This has to get done.”

“Hanky-panky?” I ask with a laugh. “What, exactly, is hanky-panky?”

She giggles and backs further away. “You know what it is. I have to get this done, Eli. I don’t have time for shenanigans.”

“Oh, there will be shenanigans, cher.” I slowly saunter toward her. She’s run toward the balcony, caging herself in. “Admit it. You like the shenanigans.”

“No. I don’t.” She giggles.

God, I love her giggle.

“You also like it when I get you naked.”

“Stop it.” Now she stands firm, her hands on her hips, as though she’s a teacher and I’m an unruly student. “I’m serious, Eli. I have work to do.”

I grin. “So do I.”

Chapter Nineteen


“I never did ask you what happened with Asher.” I’m chatting on the phone with Lila. “I was too busy looking like a blow fish.”

“A lot happened with Asher,” she says.

“Was there sex?” I ask, and throw the last of my things in my carry-on bag.

“Oh, indeed, friend. There was lots of sex.”

“Was it good sex?” I grin and flop on the couch, wishing Lila was still here, rather than back in Denver.

“Maybe the best sex that has ever been had on this planet. Every time.”

“Every time?”

“Every. Time.”

“So, was there the exchange of phone numbers?”

There’s a pause, and I sit up straight, stare at my phone, then, “Seriously? Lila!”

“I don’t have time for a relationship.”

“Who said anything about a relationship? Just call him up now and again have the best sex on the planet.”

“Impossible,” Eli says as he walks through the door. “We have the best sex on the planet.”

I laugh and hold up my hand, signaling that I just need one more minute.

“He lives in Seattle, Kate,” Lila says with a sigh. “I never go to Seattle.”

“Maybe he goes to Denver,” I suggest.

“I’m not going to be in Denver much longer either.”

“You’re not? Why?”

“Because, while I was in New Orleans, I had that interview with Tulane University, and I have a new job beginning this fall.”

“Shut the front door!” I exclaim, and jump to my feet, dancing around the living room. “I’m so excited for you!”

“Thank you. So, I have enough to keep me occupied for now.”

“It’s not like being occupied by the best sex on the planet is a hardship,” I remind her dryly.

“Seattle, Kate.”

“Fine.” I sigh. “I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, since you didn’t get his number.”

“When do you come home?”

“Tomorrow.” I bite my lip and glance back at Eli, who’s sipping a bottle of water and leaning against the countertop, watching me. “I get in around noon.”