Easy Love Page 68

“Want me to pick you up?”


“Okay, send me your itinerary. I’ll see you tomorrow. Go enjoy your sexy business man. Have the second best sex on the planet.”

“You’re sick,” I reply with a laugh. “Bye.”

“How is Lila?” Eli asks and joins me in the living room.

“Good. She got the job at Tulane.” I grin and stand on my tip-toes, so I can kiss him. He still has to bend down to meet my lips.

“Good for her.” He cups my neck in his hands and takes the kiss deeper, in that way he does that makes my toes curl and my fingertips tingle.

The man can seriously kiss.

“What would you like to do this afternoon?” he asks.

“I want to take one more walk through the Quarter. It’s so pretty this afternoon.”

“Grab your hat,” he instructs me, making me grin.

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t sass me.”

“No, sir.”

He swats my butt. “Smart ass.”

“Yes, sir.” I tug my hat onto my head, grab my purse, and Eli leads me down the steps to the sidewalk.

“Which way?”

“I get to choose?”

“Of course.” I stop on the sidewalk and take him in, standing so tall, his dark hair moving in the summer breeze, his sunglasses hiding his whiskey eyes. He has a little dark scruff on his face, and his lips are tipped in a half-smile, as if he finds me amusing. His body is perfectly comfortable in a white button-down and jeans, and despite having had him mere hours ago, I want to climb him.


“Oh, what?” I shake my head and look up into his face.

“Where would you like to go?”

“Oh. Let’s start in here.” I lead the way into the amazing botanical shop beneath my flat. “I love the way it smells in here.”

“After you.” He holds the door for me, then follows me in, hanging back as I wander through the racks and tables of lotions, soaps, oils, and extracts. I saunter through, smelling the potions.

“Hi there,” a woman with long, thick dark hair and bright, happy blue eyes says from the checkout counter. “Can I help you find anything?”

“No,” I reply with a grin. “I’ve been staying upstairs, and I’ve wanted to stop in to look around. The smells that drift upstairs are delicious. I stopped in briefly one day to buy shampoo, which I love, but I didn’t have time to browse.”

“Well, I’m Mallory, the owner, and just let me know if I can answer any questions.”

I nod and smile, and before I’m done, I’ve gathered more shampoo and conditioner, cucumber lotion for my eyes, lip balm, and an eye-pillow full of lavender.

Mallory rings me up and Eli pays before I can pull my wallet out of my purse, earning a glare from me.

“You’re not paying for anything when you’re with me, Kate.”

“Thank you. That was fun,” I say with a smile, as we step out onto the sidewalk. “I should have gone in there before. I love girlie stuff.”

“Well, you are a girl, so I guess that fits,” Eli says with a laugh, and takes the bag of goodies out of my hand.

“You’re quite chivalrous, you know.”

“Mama raised me right,” he replies. Damn that accent gets me every time. Especially when he was in my hospital room, whispering in my ear.

You made a man who’s incapable of love fall in love with you.

He thought I was asleep, but I heard him.

Not that it changes anything. I’m still leaving tomorrow, and I refuse to be the one to tell him that I love him when I’m not full of medication.

Because, what if I was wrong? What if I was hallucinating?

How embarrassing would that be?

He takes my hand, kisses the back of it, and leads me down the sidewalk, toward Jackson Square, toward the sound of music and people and the smell of beignets.

I’m going to miss this.

I’m going to miss him.

I glance up, and for just a moment, the words are on the tip of my tongue.

“What is it, cher?”

“I just—” I take a deep breath and chicken out. “I’m going to miss this place.”

He smiles softly and kisses my cheek, but doesn’t say anything in return, and I swallow my disappointment and decide to simply enjoy our last day together.


“Another lemon drop?” Joe the waiter asks, as he delivers our Brussels sprouts.

“No,” Eli answers for me, giving me a stern look. “I’d like to actually have a coherent conversation with you this evening.”

“Come on,” I reply with a laugh. “I’m fun when I’m drunk.”

“You are fun,” he agrees and spears a sprout with his fork, then holds it up to my lips. “But since this is my last night with you, let’s keep it semi-sober.”

“Deal.” I chew the delicious vegetable and sit back in my seat, enjoying the courtyard of Café Amalie. “This place is so beautiful. I love the pretty lights in the trees. Isn’t it pretty?”

“Yes,” he replies, but when I look over at him, he’s not looking at the trees. He’s looking at me.

“Charmer,” I whisper, and take the last sip of my drink.

“You look beautiful in this dress.” He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles, sending electricity up my arm.