Seducing Lauren Page 10

“Well, I don’t mean any offense, but Sunny is a bitch too.”

I laugh, relaxing a bit as Cara and I share breakfast and girl talk. I don’t remember the last time I felt this comfortable.

“Yeah, she is. I’ve cut some very toxic people out of my life recently.” I can tell that Cara wants to ask me more, but she doesn’t pry, and I don’t offer any more of an explanation.

“I also have a question,” I add.


“I know you and Jill Sullivan are supergood friends, and I was wondering if you know her brother, Ty, well?”

Her eyes widen and she offers me a small smile. “I do.”

“Do you know if he has a girlfriend?” I ask in a whisper, not willing to look her in the eye. God, this is mortifying.

“No, he doesn’t.” She tilts her head as she watches me. “Jill called me last night, said she delivered dinner and flowers to your place at Ty’s request.”

I flush scarlet and stuff a bite of my own scone in my mouth, not even tasting it.

“Trust me, if Ty had a girlfriend, he wouldn’t have done all of that.”

“He’s been very nice to me this week,” I murmur. “I don’t know why.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know why he’s being so nice to me.”

“Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that he must like you.”

It makes perfect sense when she says it. “I’m not used to receiving kindness with no strings attached.” I clear my throat and chuckle ruefully. “That sounded so . . .”

“Horrible. I think you should just enjoy someone doing nice things for you, Lauren.”

“Call me Lo,” I say with a small smile.

Cara meets my smile with a wide one of her own. “Ty doesn’t play games. He’s not an asshole. Enjoy him.”

I nod as I take a sip of my coffee. “Okay.”

“Also, I’m going to give you my number so you can text me all the dirt that happens from here on out, and Jill and I can torture him mercilessly.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I’ll take your number, but can’t confirm that you’ll get the dirt.”

“Oh, come on, throw us a bone once in a while.” Cara winks. “It’s our job to make his life a living hell.”

“You love him,” I observe quietly.

“He’s the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. So, yeah, I love him. And it goes without saying that if you break his heart, Jill and I will have to kill you.”

“Of course,” I murmur. “But I have a feeling it’s my heart that’s in danger of being hurt.”

Chapter Four

“So, what are your plans today?” Cara asks as we exit the café.

“I was thinking about going home and getting to work.” I take a deep breath of the crisp early-fall air. “But the sunshine is so nice, I might take a walk through town first.”

“Work? What kind of work?”

Shit. What is up with my blabbermouth these days? “Oh, it’s really more of a hobby.” I wave her off, and just as she opens her mouth to ask more questions, her phone starts ringing. Saved by the bell!

“Oh, this is Josh! I better take it. Have a great day, and thanks for the chat.” She smiles warmly and waves as she takes her call and walks toward her car. “Hey, babe.”

I wave after her and set off on foot down the sidewalk. I’ve always liked Cara. She’s a sweet girl, and maybe she’s someone I could eventually be friends with.

It’s a beautiful, sunny day on this Saturday morning. We are well into September, yet summer seems to be hanging on by the skin of its teeth, blessing us with chilly mornings, but warm days. I wander past the many gift shops, clothing stores, and restaurants that line Main Street, walking toward the residential side of town. Mrs. Blakely is sweeping the sidewalk in front of her little deli and offers me a wave as I walk past.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I grin when I read the display.

“Hey, Em.”

Emily Valentine is my closest friend. A fellow author, she lives on the other side of the country in Virginia, but we speak almost daily. We met at the beginning of our publishing journeys, and we spend many hours brainstorming new ideas for our stories as well as just talking about books, her kids, and my crazy ex-husband.

“Hey, girl. What are you up to?”

“I’m walking.” I smile.

“Walking? Walking where?”

“Just going for a walk through town. It’s a nice day.”

“Huh.” She’s clearly stumped. “That’s new. No swim today?”

“I skipped the pool this morning.”

“Okay, hold up. Who the hell are you and what have you done with Lauren?”

I laugh at the sarcasm in her voice as I cross the street. “I thought I’d switch things up a bit today.”

“You sound happy this morning.” I hear her shuffling papers.

“I feel happy.”

“Good. I’d feel happy too if these characters weren’t pissing me off.”

“What’s up?” I frown.

“I hate it when I plan out exactly what I want to happen in the story and then the damn characters decide to be assholes and throw a wrench in it.”

“Uh, Emily, you do know that you control them, right?” I grin widely.