Seducing Lauren Page 11

“Don’t accuse me of being mentally unstable, Lo. It doesn’t become you.”

For the next half hour we talk about the characters in Emily’s story, brainstorming and working through the kinks.

“Oh, I like this so much better,” Emily says excitedly. “Thank you so much.”

“That’s what we do.”

“So, what’s up with you? Who’s the guy?” she asks almost casually.

“I can’t just go for a walk and be in a good mood?”

“You’re not just happy, you’re chipper, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say you were going for a walk in the time I’ve known you. Spill.”

“See, this is why you write romance novels. You see a love story everywhere.” My voice is dry, but she laughs.

“No, we write erotic romance, Lo. We see a love story and the potential for lots of sex everywhere. So tell me all about it and use all the dirty words.”

“Oh my God, you’re so funny!” I laugh loudly as I wave at Mr. Hart, who is mowing his lawn. “Okay, so there might be a guy.”

“Is there might-be sex?” she asks excitedly.

“Not yet. Maybe eventually.”

“Jesus, don’t hold out for too long. Trust me, life’s too short for that.”

“You’re a perv.”

“You’ve read my books, Lauren. You already knew this.”

I laugh again, enjoying my friend. “So, he’s a guy that I’ve known most of my life. Grew up here in the same town as me.”

She cuts to the chase. “Is he hot?”

“Girl, you have no idea.”

“Pictures. I need pictures. Naked ones.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” We both laugh. “He’s a nice guy, which automatically makes me wonder when the other shoe will drop and his asshole side will shine through.”

“God, you’re so cynical. Maybe he’s just a nice guy.”

“Yeah, the last time I believed I’d met ‘just a nice guy’ I ended up divorced with a first-class jerk on my hands,” I reply sarcastically. My breath is coming a little faster now, but my legs are loose and the exercise feels fantastic.

“There are kind people out there, Lauren. Does this guy have a reputation for being an ass? Is the town littered with broken hearts thanks to this person?”

“No.” I chuckle as my stomach loosens. “I’ve never heard anything like that about him. And you could be right. After all, I met you.”

“You did, but I’m not gonna have sex with you.” A smile is in her voice.

“You’re no fun,” I tease.

“Have you been on a date with him yet?”

“No, but he said he’s interested. We’ll see. It might fizzle out.” I shrug, although she can’t see me, and turn down another long residential block. The sound of lawn mowers and children playing fills the air.

“Keep me posted.” Emily pulls the phone away from her ear and speaks to her little one. “I have to go make lunch. Jamie’s hungry.”

“Okay, have a good day. I’m sure I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

We hang up and I look around, realizing I’m walking down Ty’s block. I didn’t realize my feet were carrying me here. Maybe it was subconscious, since I was talking about him?

Or maybe I just want to see him.

He’s probably not home.

As I approach his house, I see his Jeep parked in the drive, the hood up, and a tight, jean-clad ass bent over the side.

Okay, he’s definitely home.

I tentatively wander around the other side of the Jeep and lean against the side, looking at the engine. He hasn’t noticed that I’m here yet, and I’m not even sure how he’ll react to seeing me here, but I can’t seem to stay away. His dark head is bent low, his arms buried in the engine, tinkering with something. His arms are bare as he’s pulled off his T-shirt, which is draped over the windshield. A thin sheen of sweat covers his shoulders and back, and his entire sleeve tattoo, which runs from just above his wrist all the way up to the top of his right shoulder, is on full display, making my girlie parts all tingle and come to life.

Holy Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

He’s so fucking toned it’s crazy. Jeez, his muscles bunch and stretch as he pulls on the wrench in his hand.

“Come on, you motherfucker,” he mutters. I have to bite my lips to keep from laughing out loud.

“So, what seems to be the problem?” I finally ask when he doesn’t notice me, keeping my eyes trained on the engine when his head whips up to look at me. I slowly lift my eyes to his and grin.

“I didn’t hear your car,” he murmurs with a smile.

“I walked.” I shrug and look back down into the bowels of his Jeep. “What’s wrong with your car?”

“You walked from your house?” he asks incredulously.

“No.” I shake my head and chuckle. “From Sips. I had coffee with Cara this morning.”

He stands up straight and leans his palms on the side of the Jeep, watching me. My eyes immediately fall to one drop of sweat slowly making its way down his hard chest.

“You had coffee with Cara?” He smiles.

“Yeah.” I shrug shyly. “I’m sorry to just stop by like this. I was out for a walk and just sort of found myself here.” I feel my cheeks heat and I back away, but he shakes his head and smiles widely.