Tied with Me Page 46

“Why didn’t you eat earlier?” Jules asks, concerned as she looks between me and Matt.

“Nerves.” I shrug. “New people. I’m shy.”

“Jesus,” Matt whispers and paces away from me.

“Are you on meds?” Meg asks and checks my pulse.

“No.” I shake my head. “I manage it with diet and exercise.”

“That’s why you don’t eat your cupcakes,” Leo says, his eyes also worried.

I stop sipping the juice to look around. All of these beautiful people are gathered around me, worried, watching me as though they might have to save my life any second.

They care about me.

“Like I said, too much sugar,” I reply and take another bite of the turkey sandwich Dominic delivered. “I haven’t had an episode like this in years. Honest.” I look up at Matt, but his face is hard, and his eyes are angry. “I take very good care of myself.”

The shaking has stopped, and my heart rate has returned to normal as I finish the sandwich.

“I’m sorry I worried everyone.”

“Do you need to lie down?” Luke asks.

“No.” I shake my head again and smile at the handsome former actor. “I’m really fine.”

“You’re not fine,” Matt responds in a cold voice.

“Matt…” Isaac begins, but Matt cuts him off with a harsh look.

“You should have told me.”

I look around again and firm my chin, raising it and squaring my shoulders. He will not shame me in front of these people.

“You never asked,” I reply just as coldly. “I’m fine, Matt.”

“I think she could use another sandwich,” Meg suggests with a knowing look at Matt.

“I think so, too. Come with me.”

He pulls me out of the lounge and into his arms and carries me toward the house.

“We need to talk.”

Chapter Twelve


I’m going to paddle her ass.

I stomp across Luke’s yard toward the house. Jesus, she took five years off my life back there. I haven’t been that scared in a long time, and I’m a fucking cop.

“I can walk,” she mutters with a pout, but I ignore her. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard.”

“Put me down,” she tries again, but I tighten my hold as I push open the sliding glass door and carry her into the formal dining room just off the kitchen and private from prying eyes outside. I set her down on the table and cage her in with my hands on either side of her hips.

“I thought you trusted me,” I begin, my voice low and hard.

Her green eyes widen before she frowns. “I do.”

“If you trust me, why didn’t I know before you almost passed out that you’re diabetic?”

“Because it isn’t a big deal!” she cries with an exasperated sigh.

“It is a big deal, Nicole, and let me tell you why.” I settle in closer to her so she has to look me in the eye. “It’s my job to take care of you. How can I do that if I don’t know what you need?”

“My diabetes is controlled very well, Matt.” She lays her hand on my arm reassuringly. “I’m very strict about what I eat. That’s why I don’t drink more than two alcoholic drinks at a time. No cupcakes or other sweets. I never want to be on meds ever again.”

“You were medicated?” I ask.

She nods. “In my early twenties, I was about fifty pounds overweight and didn’t care what I ate. Lots of sugar. I was on meds, and I finally decided that I didn’t want to live the next fifty years of my life that way. My ex-boyfriend, Ben, was a personal trainer, and he helped me.”

I stiffen at the mention of another man in her life, even if it was years ago. I don’t give a shit that it’s irrational. My emotions are all over the place right now.

I take a deep breath to reel myself back in and study her face.

“That’s when you got your navel pierced.”

She nods again. “It was a reward, like I told you.”

“Why did you never say anything, Nic? We’ve eaten together many times. I’ve asked you why you don’t eat your cupcakes more than once.”

“It’s nothing to be dramatic about.” She shrugs, and I see red.

“Your health is nothing to be dramatic about?” I push my hands in my hair and pace away from her, leaving her on the table. “I fucking scened with you at the club, Nicole. What if you’d had a diabetic episode while you were in my ropes?” Just the mere thought almost brings me to my knees. I wipe my hand over my mouth and turn back to her. “This could change everything about our sex life.”

“No!” she cries, her eyes wide in horror. “Matt, today is not the norm for me. I’m not fragile.”

“You’re everything!” I yell back. I lean back into her. Her head is tilted back, and she’s watching me with wide, emerald-green eyes. “Haven’t you figured that out? You’re everything. I’m in love with you. If anything happened to you, it would destroy me.”

I cup her face in my trembling hands. “You scared the fuck out of me out there, Nic. I didn’t know what was wrong. If I’d already known about the diabetes, I would have been able to do something, but you had my hands figuratively tied by not telling me. Yes, you’re strong and you have your life handled, but who the fuck takes care of you?”