Tied with Me Page 47

She swallows hard and continues to watch my face.

“This is my fault,” I continue. “I never asked you if you had any medical conditions, and I should have. You’ve just had me so off balance since the moment I met you. You’re all I think about.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’m not complaining, little one.” I swallow and lean my forehead against hers. “Being with you is exactly where I need to be, but it’s my job to make sure that your every need is met. I can’t do that if I’m out of the loop.”

“Matt.” She sighs and cups my face in her hands, strokes her fingers down my face, soothing me. “I wasn’t keeping it a secret. It’s something I’ve lived with for years, and I don’t usually have any problems. I didn’t tell you, not because I don’t trust you, but because I don’t want to be treated differently. I wasn’t thinking today, and I was stupid. I’m so sorry that I scared you.”

“You are different, baby. You’re so different for me that you’ve changed my life. What do you need? How do I help?”

“I don’t need anything.” She shakes her head and offers me a soft smile. “Really. Maybe another sandwich.”

“I can get you that.” I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hold her to me. “Is there anything else I need to know about your health?”

She stills, and I pull back, watching her face. “Tell me.”

“I have polycystic ovary syndrome,” she replies softly. “That’s why I’m on the pill.”

I don’t know what that means. “So the pill regulates that?”

She nods soberly. “Anything else?”

“There’s nothing else.”


“There’s nothing else,” she repeats firmly. “I’m not fragile, Matt. But if I’m ever not feeling well, I’ll tell you.”

“Is this why you had the headache last weekend?”

“No, I really did just have a headache.”

I sigh and rest my lips on her forehead, breathing her in. She’s so precious to me.

“How are you feeling now?”

“Better, but I’ll eat another sandwich and maybe drink another juice, and I’ll be just fine.”

“Okay.” I step back and help her off the table and lead her into the kitchen to grab a sandwich and some juice. “Do you want to go home?”

“No, there’s a party going on outside.” She grins at me. “A fun party with hot guys.”


She snickers, enjoying teasing me, and I maintain a sober face, letting her have her fun.

“Yeah, there’s a rock star and a hot football player here.”

I tilt my head to the side, curl my lips up in a half smile and step toward her. “Is that right?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Are you trying to make me jealous, little one?”

She bites her lip, and the pulse in her neck speeds up with excitement.

“I’m just telling you who’s here.”

“I see.” I lean into her and rest my lips next to her ear. “If any of them—brothers or not—so much as touches you, I will break their fucking fingers. You’re mine.”

She sucks in a breath in surprise and holds it, waiting for my next words.

“Mine,” I repeat. “I don’t share, remember?”

“Possessive much?” she asks breathlessly.

“Oh, fuck yeah, I am. You might want to remember that.” I grin down at her as I take her hand and lead her outside, back to the group, who quiets as we return.

“Everything okay?” Jules asks.

“I’m much better. Turkey does wonders,” Nic replies with a wink as I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her waist.

“Good.” Natalie smiles warmly and catches my gaze. “How about you, detective?”

“Never better,” I respond.

“We are talking about Meg and Will’s engagement party,” Jules fills us in.

“Engagement party?” I ask, surprised. “I didn’t think you were going to have one.”

“We weren’t.” Meg shrugs and rolls her eyes at Jules. “But Jules thinks it’s necessary.”

“Jules wants to have an excuse to buy a new pair of shoes,” Nate adds, earning himself a poke in the ribs by his wife. He lays his hand gently over her belly and nuzzles her ear. “I’ll buy you all the shoes you want, baby.”

“We can have it down at the vineyard and keep it pretty private,” Dom suggests.

“Alecia could totally pull it together quickly,” Jules adds and claps her hands.

I catch Dom’s scowl but choose not to comment.

“We should do it before summer training starts,” Will agrees.

“And before Leo leaves on tour again,” Meg adds.

“Hell, there’s not much to plan for just the family,” Isaac points out. “If Dom is gonna host it, and we’re going to have it catered, we could do it next weekend.”

“I’ll check the calendar, but that should work,” Dominic agrees.

“Fun!” Stacy says and kisses her husband’s cheek.

“Do I have to dress up?” Mark asks with a frown.

“No, come as you are,” Meg replies. “Will and I aren’t fancy.”