Enjoying the Chase Page 55

I bit my tongue as I tried not to hiss a string of expletives because I wasn’t sure if I could cope with how hot and wet her mouth was. She made a little moan of appreciation as her tongue swirled over the head, toying with the top little piecing.

I was going to lose it. I couldn’t take it. Her mouth had been on me for less than three seconds and I already felt like I was at the tip of the cliff. That was seriously not going to impress her if I came that quickly.

Then I did something stupid, I looked down at her while she sucked on my cock. The sight of it in her mouth, her long hair falling around and pooling on my hips, the way she drew her head back slightly as she sucked harder, pushed me right to the edge of my cl**ax. But when her eyes flicked up to meet mine and she pushed down taking in most of my dick into her mouth, I knew I was done for. Her eyes didn’t leave mine as she proceeded to give me the best bl*w j*b I’d ever had in my life. She seemed to take her time, savouring it, her tongue playing with the little metal piercings as if they were the most interesting thing she’d ever tasted.

I had never been on the brink of a cl**ax for so long. She seemed to know when I was about to lose it and she’d pull away and do something different, varying from pumping me with her hand and kissing the tip, or deep throating me while playing with my balls. It was easily the best sexual experience I’d ever had in my life. I couldn’t help but thrust into her mouth gently. If I’d died right in that moment I would have been happy to say that I’d just experienced the best that life could offer.

When I couldn’t hold it any more I squeezed my eyes shut and took her hand, pulling gently to tell her to move. “Rose, I’m…” I trailed off, unable to finish that sentence. If she didn’t want me to finish in her mouth then she sure as hell needed to move, and fast. Instead, she squeezed my hand and pushed down further, taking more of me into her mouth, gagging as she did it. Her whole throat tightened around my dick, and I groaned as the pleasurable burning sensation spread from the pit of my stomach, up my shaft. I cupped the side of her face and thrust into her mouth gently a couple of times as I cl**axed.

The pleasure was overwhelming, almost too much to cope with, I felt all of my muscles in my stomach tighten, forcing my shoulders to hunch and my hands to tighten into fists.

“Fuck. I love you, Rosie,” I growled through my teeth.

She pulled back quickly, making a wet popping sound as my dick left her lips. Her hand shot up to her mouth, wiping it roughly as she swallowed and seemed to gasp for breath. Her cheeks were flushed and there was a fine sheen of sweat covering her face. Her eyes were wide as she scrambled off me to sit next to me on the bed.

Oh. My. God. No!

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I laid there with my mouth open in shock while she just stared at me with big wide eyes, looking like she wasn’t sure what to say or how to respond.

I gulped. What the hell was that? Did I really just say those words? Why the hell did I say that? Why, Nate, Why?

I’d just said the three words that I had never said to a girl in my life. I’d just told her that I loved her.

What. The. Fuck?

Seriously, how do I make this right? Quickly, Nate, think of something. Take it back. Rewind. Rewind! Shit!

“I… I… sorry… I…” Fuck me, stuttering is NOT helping!

She pulled back slightly and sat next to me on the bed, clutching the sheet and pulling it to cover her chest. She looked like she was terrified, like she was literally scared motionless.

Oh God, help me!

“Rose, I-I haven’t been with a girl for a long time and that was just… I was… er…” Where the hell was I going with all this stuttering? I groaned and closed my eyes, wishing that a big bolt of lightning would strike me dead. “It just came out. I haven’t been with a girl for a long time now and it just came out?” I offered, hoping that would explain why, at the point of my cl**ax, with my dick half way down her throat, I’d just told her that I loved her.

“Umm.” She winced, looking just as uncomfortable as I felt.

I gritted my teeth. I didn’t want my time with her to end. There was me worrying that my crazy ass of a mother would scare her away from me, and I manage to do it with three little words. I wanted to pat myself on the back in congratulations.

I sat up and blew out a big breath, looking at her worriedly. I didn’t mean the words when I said them, did I? It was just a spur of the moment thing, wasn’t it? Not that I’d ever said I love you to a girl when I cl**axed, but that had to be what it was, didn’t it? It was a mistake, nothing more. I replayed the words over and over in my head. ‘I love you, Rosie,’ seemed to be on repeat, taunting me, frightening the life out of me.

“Sorry, I just-” I started, desperately scrambling for something to make this better. “I didn’t mean it,” I finished, shaking my head fiercely. As I said the words, I noticed how wrong those four words felt coming out of my mouth, compared to how right the three I’d said a minute earlier did. Was I in love with her?

“You didn’t?” she asked, swallowing loudly, looking both relieved and worried at the same time.

“No, sorry, it just came out. I was just…” I trailed off, not knowing how to finish that sentence.

“Grateful?” she offered, looking at me curiously.

I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I was just very, very grateful. Nothing else, that just slipped out. Sorry, Stripes,” I agreed.

Her eyes were searching my face; she chewed on her lip and seemed to hold her breath. “I really like you, Nate,” she whispered.

I smiled weakly. “Well, that’s not quite the declaration that I just made, but I’ll take it,” I teased, trying to lighten this intense atmosphere I’d brought down on us.

She laughed and slapped my shoulder lightly. “Shut up,” she joked, rolling her eyes. I grinned and wrapped my arms around her, lying back down and bringing her with me, holding her tightly to my chest. I could feel my heart crashing in my chest, my panic was slowly fading. She pulled her head back and looked at me nervously. “You’re a really nice guy, Nate, but,” She stopped and winced.

I groaned and slapped myself on the forehead as I cussed myself out under my breath. She giggled and gripped my wrist as I went to hit myself again, as if I could somehow knock some sense into myself. Seriously, I was so f**ked up. The one girl I liked and I couldn’t even get a simple declaration right. Something was wrong with me.

“It’s okay, I get it. I’m a nice guy, but you don’t feel like that for me. This is too fast, and now you think I’m some kind of psycho, so you don’t want to see me again. I understand,” I muttered, shaking my head, keeping my eyes closed.

She giggled and moved so she was hovering above me. I cracked my eyes open to see her smiling down at me, looking at me like I was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

“Finished second guessing what I was about to say?” she teased, smirking at me. I sighed and nodded. I actually had no clue what she was thinking at this exact moment. I obviously knew nothing about girls, contrary to what I used to believe. “I was going to say that you’re a really nice guy. But that was a little scary. It’s been only eight weeks, and that was a big thing. It just took me by surprise, that’s all,” she explained, moving so she sat on my stomach, her hands on my chest. “I’m not ready for that kind of thing, so although I liked the sound of it, I just need some time. I really like you, you’re incredible, but I was so hurt by Josh, I just need time, okay?”

I nodded. “So, I didn’t just completely blow it?” I asked hopefully.

She shook her head. “No, but I did,” she purred.

I burst out laughing and grabbed her, pulling her down to my chest as I kissed her. I rolled so she was underneath me and kissed her deeply before pulling back, just needing to say something.

“Stripes, you know that I said that I didn’t mean it?” I asked. She nodded, cocking her head to the side. “I think I meant it, just a little,” I admitted.

She smiled and stroked the side of my face. “Well, I think that I’d mean it a little if I said it too,” she replied nervously. “But that doesn’t mean that you didn’t just scare the shit out of me saying that.”

“Scared the shit out of myself too,” I admitted. She giggled, and I crashed my lips to hers again. The crisis was averted; I had no idea what in the world possessed those words to come out of my mouth – at least it was slightly better than a jacking off comment.

There was no way in hell I was saying those words again in a hurry, I was mentally scarred from it. For now, I was just happy letting my mouth roam over my girlfriend’s body, revelling in the gloriousness of Rosie York.

When I woke up in the morning, Rosie was cuddled up, na**d, at my side, her head on my chest, her arm thrown over me. It was probably the nicest wake up I had ever had. When I turned my head to look at the time, I groaned. It was almost lunchtime. We really needed to get up, spend a little time with my family and then get home before DJ came back with his dad. I was hoping we’d get to swim and stuff today before we left.

“Stripes?” I whispered.

She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, wriggling closer to me and pressing her face into the side of my neck, blocking out the light. “Ugh, if it’s before ten then I’m gonna shout at you,” she mumbled.

“It’s 11:42.”

She whimpered. “Please tell me you’re joking. I’m still sleepy,” she whined.

“Want to stay in bed for another hour then?” I offered, kissing the tip of her nose. She could sleep for another hour and then we’d just have less time at the beach, that would be fine.

She smiled and nodded, her hand tracing down my chest teasingly. “I definitely want to stay in bed. I’ve yet to hear you beg,” she whispered, her eyes opening slowly.

“Are you always this perverted in the morning?”

She laughed and rolled onto her back, shrugging, not bothering to pull the sheets up to cover her body. I guess there was no reason to now, I’d definitely familiarised myself with every inch of her last night. She looked beautiful in the morning. Her messy hair and tired eyes really got my blood pumping – unfortunately, it pumped it straight down south though, so coherent thought was a little difficult.

She stretched her body as she answered with a little contented smile playing at the edges of her lips. “Not usually. I think this is the first morning in forever that I’ve woken up totally and utterly satisfied. You should be proud of yourself for that,” she replied, winking at me.

“I am a little proud, actually, considering we didn’t even get to the nasty stuff,” I replied, scooting closer to her. I was so grateful that nothing seemed awkward after my little ‘I love you’ indiscretion. Hopefully everything would just carry on, and we would get there eventually.

We spent another hour in bed, just fooling around, making out, cuddling and talking, before we finally headed downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen, cooking lunch as usual for a Sunday. She grinned at us both knowingly when we walked in, her eyes sending me a ‘I hope you were making babies’ look, that I chose to ignore completely.

“Morning,” Rosie chirped enthusiastically. She’d had a permanent happy grin etched across her face since we woke up this morning, clearly she was happy with what happened between us in the bedroom.

“Good afternoon you mean. Did you two have a nice lie in?” my mom asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

I slipped my arm around my girl’s waist and pulled her to me. “Definitely,” I confirmed, as I kissed her forehead. She giggled and looked at me happily, chewing on her lip, driving me insane. The attraction to Rosie was unreal; she was literally the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out on the beach with my sisters, and, of course, Robert, who seemed to have somehow wangled an invite, yet again. “You think we should head home, Stripes?” I offered, looking at my watch, it was already almost four in the afternoon, DJ would be back for half past seven and we had to get back first.

She pouted a little but nodded at the same time. “Okay yeah. I had a really great time here with your family. They’re all really nice. Thanks for bringing me,” she agreed, smiling happily.

I grinned and stood up off our lounger we were laying on, and pulled her up too. “Thanks for coming. Maybe we could bring DJ next time; I bet he’d love swimming in the sea,” I suggested.

She frowned. “We can definitely bring him, but he doesn’t swim too good.”

Slipping my arm around her shoulders, I led her back to the house, wishing we could stay here forever. “DJ doesn’t swim too good?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I can’t swim, so I never taught him. Josh said that he would teach him, but he never takes him so…” She trailed off, shrugging.

“I’ll teach you both to swim,” I said, as we got to my bedroom.

She looked at me sceptically as we threw our clothes into the bags, ready to go home. “Seriously?”

I nodded in confirmation. “Sure. Swimming is an essential, lifesaving skill. There’s no way I’m letting my son and my girl go through life not knowing how to swim.” I threw the last of my things into my bag and looked back at her to see her staring at me, frozen, her mouth open slightly, her eyes wide. “What?” I asked, confused as to why she was looking at me like that.

She closed her mouth and shook her head. “Nothing, I just, what you just said, that was, er,” She frowned, looking away from me, a blush on her cheeks that made her look adorable.