Hell's Knights Page 29

Spike keeps his eyes on me for a moment. I’m sure I see that he’s unsure about what he’s doing. He quickly covers it though. “Your girl here, is a wanted one…”

Cade flinches. “What?”

“I was paid to track her.”

Jackson turns and stares at me, his eyes confused.

“What for?” he asks me.

“It’s a long story.”

“You being followed, and you didn’t think to fuckin’ mention that?” Cade barks.

I flinch and attempt to step out of his grips, but he holds me close. “Don’t fuckin’ move,” he snarls to me, then he turns to Spike. “Get the fuck outta town, Spike. You ain’t reportin’ shit to anyone.”

“Been paid good dollars to report her location,” Spike says, glaring at Cade.

“I’ll double it. Just keep the fuck away from my girl.”

His girl? What the hell? Both Jackson and Spike raise their brows.

“What the fuck?” Jackson snarls.

“You wanna pay me double, not to tell that pimp cunt that she’s here?” Spike says, shaking his head a little, completely ignoring Jackson’s outburst.

Cade’s voice comes out like ice. “That’s what I fuckin’ said.”

“You in love with her, Duke?”

Cade flinches. “She’s mine. I protect what’s mine.”

Spike’s face turns bitter. “Pity you don’t protect what’s not yours.”

“Not now,” Cade warns.

“Oh, touchy subject, Cade?”

What the hell are they talking about now?

“You gonna get outta town, or do I need to end this now?” Cade grinds out.

“I’m stayin’, your boss man just told me I was. You pay me and I’ll tell the man the girl is gone.”

I slump in relief.

“Give me a number,” Cade hisses.

“Cade…” I start to say, but the look he shoots down at me is enough to make me shut my mouth.

“Fifty thousand.”

Fifty thousand dollars! My mouth drops open. That means Jasper paid Spike twenty-five-thousand dollars just to find me. My body begins feeling cold.

“Done. I’ll wire it.”

“Cade you can’t,” I protest.

“Shut the fuck up, sugar.”


“Now,” he orders.

I close my mouth, but guilt fills me. What if Cade doesn’t have that kind of money? Spike watches us a moment, then cracks his neck from side to side.

“You got twenty-four hours, Duke. You don’t wire it, I give her location.” With that, he turns and walks back towards his bike. On his leather vest, I see the words “Heaven’s Sinners”. When he gets to his bike, he throws his leg over and yells, “Oh, and if I were you, I’d finish that pimp. He’s one determined mother fucker.”

Then he starts his bike, waves at his men, and disappears into the night. We all stand watching the empty road for a long moment, then Jackson turns to me.

“You got a lot of explainin’ to do.”

I open my mouth, but I quickly close it. I can’t hide this away any longer. Not now I know for sure Jasper is going to great lengths to find me.

“It’s a long story,” I say, my voice full of defeat.

“Then best you start fuckin’ talkin’,” Jackson growls.

I nod and watch Jackson turn and walk towards his bike. When he gets on, he glares over at Cade.

“Go get on his bike, sugar. I’ll follow.”

I turn to face him. “What? Why?”

“Respect, that’s why.”

Understanding, I walk over to Jackson’s bike. He thrusts a helmet angrily at me, and I put it on. Then I climb on the bike and wrap my arms around him. He’s angry. I can feel his deep breathing. He starts his bike, and pulls onto the road. As we ride, the sound of the Harley’s rumbling behind us, I consider how I’m going to tell them my story. They have an idea, but they don’t know all of it. They don’t even know the half of it. I have to tell them, which means I have to bare my soul to them. This is a moment I really was not looking forward to, but I can’t back away now.

They aren’t going to let me.

And part of me needs to be freed of this.

So I know it’s time.



“Mom?” I yell, watching my mother thrash on the ground.

There’s froth coming from the corners of her mouth, a bloody, disgusting froth. Her eyes are rolling, her body is convulsing. She’s having a reaction; she’s taken too much. This time it’s bad. I can tell it goes beyond all those other times. Her arms fly around as she struggles for air. My legs are glued to the floor, at least that’s what it feels like. I want to go to her, but my body won’t move. It’s like I’m in a trance. All I can hear in my head are her words over the years. All I can recall are the painful, bitter memories of her.

“You’ll be a whore too, Addison. You’re destined to be the queen of scum.”

“You’re worthless. Just a bastard child and a thorn in my side.”

“You’ll never amount to anything. You’ll never make anyone proud. You’re nothing.”



“Pathetic scum.”

“Jasper is good for you. He’ll teach you some manners.”