Honor Student Page 4

“Yes I do.” I whispered back, the words barely audible. His hand slid around the side of my neck and back into my hair. His breathing became heavier and uncontrolled.

“You don’t have any idea what you are getting yourself into.” He replied. I could not take it anymore. I needed to feel him. I licked my lips and parted them, breathing in his warm air.

“Please” I breathed. His fingers wrapped tightly in my hair and he crushed his lips against mine. His tongue slid inside of my mouth and I pushed back with my own. I breathed a soft moan into his mouth and he kissed me harder, groaning into mine. Every inch of my body was on fire. I slid my hands over his hard, muscular chest and up his neck. His lips slid down my jaw and onto my throat. I moaned louder and arched my back, pressing myself harder against him. He stopped suddenly, his fingers still wrapped tightly in my hair.

“We can’t do this here.” He said, his breathe ragged.

“Where” I asked as I kissed him again. He captured my lower lip with his teeth and tugged gently, his eyes hooded and full of wanting.

“My place.” He responded pulling back from me and holding my head away from his with my hair. I wanted to kiss him again but it hurt to pull against him. “I have to explain some things before this goes further.” He said and I nodded, biting my lip. I had no idea what he was talking about, but he could have been reciting the ingredients in a stew and it would have sounded sexy. “You have no idea what that does to me.” His words shot pleasure to my most intimate places.

He turned back in his seat, leaving me gasping for breath as he pulled back onto the highway at full speed.

Chapter Nine

We pulled up in front of an old warehouse on the outskirts of town. He hit a button on his visor and a large bay door opened as we drove inside the building. It was dark, except for a few sporadic security lights that lined the huge cavernous room. He got out of the car and I unbuckled my seatbelt as he made his way to my side. He opened the door grabbed my arm as he pulled me from my seat. He closed the door behind me and pressed me back against it, his hand circled around my bottom and pulled me against him. I could feel how badly he wanted me, as he pressed into me harder. His lips hovered above mine as I breathed in his air. “You can say no at any time.” He warned as he hungrily licked his lips. I pushed my hips into him harder and he let out a ragged breath. “Do you understand?” he asked and I nodded my head. His free hand wrapped in my hair and tugged harshly as his lips brushed against my ear. “Do you understand?” he asked again.

“Yes.” I breathed into his ear.

“Yes what?” he asked demandingly.

“Yes, Sir” I replied and he moaned as his teeth caught my earlobe, tugging and sucking on it.

“Good girl.” He replied and his words made me melt. “Follow me.” He said and his body lifted off mine. He held my arm as he pulled me behind him over to an old stairwell at the far corner of the room. We made our way to the next floor of the old, seemingly abandoned building. He grabbed the keys from him pocket and unlocked the deadbolt, pushing the door wide open. I could not believe my eyes. The large room was separated into different living spaces, painted in dark rich browns. It was incredible. “Not what you expected?” he asked as his eyed my expression. I shook my head no, as he pulled me inside and closed the door behind us, locking it again. He let go off my arm and I trailed behind him as he walked to the far side of the room. He stopped at an island in the kitchen. He dug around in the cabinets and I waited awkwardly on the other side. He came up with a bottle of liquor and two small shot glasses.

“Oh, I can’t.” I said, waving him off. He poured shots into both the glasses and slid one closer to me.

“You will need this.” He smirked and slammed back his shot. I bit my lip but decided it was probably a good idea. I gulped back the shot and did my best not to make a face as it burned my throat. He refilled the glasses. “I have very particular taste.” He said as he drank his shot and I followed suit. I looked around the room, taking in the beautiful dark colors and abstract artwork that lined the walls.

“I like your taste.” I said shyly.

“That’s not what I meant.” He relied with a grin as he refilled the glasses. “I like to be in control.” He explained. “But I will never do anything you don’t want me to do.” He continued and the conversation was making me nervous. He walked around the island and placed his hand on my neck, sliding his fingers down over my chest, stopping just before reaching my br**sts. I arched my body towards him and bit my lip with anticipation. His breathing was heavy and I could tell he was struggling with whether or not to go through with this. “I understand.” I replied.

“If you understood you wouldn’t keep biting your lip like that.” He replied, his voice low. He leaned in to kiss me, pushing his body against mine. I backed up against the island, the counter digging into my back. I ran my hands over his chest and fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. My fingers shook with nervousness. He captured my hands in his and held them. “Have you ever done this before?” he asked, his eyes searching mine.

“I don’t make it a habit of sleeping with teachers.” I replied tartly.

“That’s not what I meant.” He said, and I knew exactly what he was asking.

“No” I replied shyly, looking into his chest, afraid to make eye contact.

He pushed back from me, his expression shone of horror. Feeling embarrassed, I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Look at me.” He demanded but I could not bring myself to do it. “Look at me.” He growled as he took his fingers and tipped my chin up. His eyes searched mine for a moment and he looked just as upset as I was. “I can’t do this.” He said quietly and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He turned his back to me and I wished I could disappear. The alcohol was warming my body and I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I knew I could not keep them from falling so I headed towards the door.

“I’ll find my own way home.” I called behind me, trying to hide the shaking in my voice. Mr. Honor followed and grabbed my arm as I reached the door, turning me around to face him. My tears had begun to fall and as he looked at me with sadness, I could not stop them. He stared at me for a moment with pity. I wanted to scream. I pulled my hand from his grip and left, slamming the door behind me. I made my way down the dimly lit staircase. I realized my books where still in his car but I decided to leave them. It was taking all of my strength not to break down and cry. I just wanted to get as far away from here as possible.

Chapter Ten

I pulled out my cell phone and called Becka as I walked down the gravel road back to the main part of town.

“Hey!” she yelled into the receiver. I pulled it back from my ear and turned the volume down.

“Hey! What’s going on?” I asked, shouting back at her. It sounded like she was standing in the middle of a rock concert.

“I’m at the bar with Claire and a couple guys from school. I’m f**king wasted!” she giggled and I could hear people cheer in the background. “You should come! I heard Jeff thinks you’re f**king hot!” I searched my mind, trying to place Jeff but the name did not sound familiar at all.

“Where are you?” I asked but all I could here was laughter and loud music. After a moment, the line went dead. “Fuck” I mumbled to myself. My phone lit up and buzzed in my hand.

“Come get me.” I said as I answered.

“Where are you?” Mr. Honor replied. I pulled the phone back from my ear and read the caller I.D. It said ‘unknown caller’.

“Like you care.” I replied, not trying to hide my anger towards him. I felt completely rejected.

“I just want to make sure you make it home safely.” He replied and I could hear the frustration in his voice.

“I’m not going home. I’m going out.” I answered and clicked ‘end call’. I smiled to myself as I called Becka again. She answered after several rings and told me she was at a local club not far from where I was.

I made it to the club just before dark. The music could be heard from a block away. I was able to get inside with no effort. I walked through the crowded room scanning for Becka and Claire. I could not find them anywhere.

“Buy you a drink?” A man with dirty blonde hair asked from behind me, standing uncomfortably close.

“She doesn’t want a drink from you.” Becka called from a few feet away.

“Hey!” I shouted, so happy to see her.

“Come on, I’ll get you a drink.” She said, wrapping her arm around my waist and pulling me towards the bar. It was so loud I could barely hear myself think. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as we did a round of tequila shots. I slipped it out and looked at the screen. It read ‘unknown caller’. I pushed it back into my pocket.

“Let’s do another!” I yelled and everyone around us cheered. I drank another down as several boys gathered around us.

“This is Jeff.” Becka said pointing to the drunken person beside her. He was lean but muscular and had an amazing smile.

“Hey!” I said, biting my lip.

“We work out around the same time, at the gym on campus. Let me buy you a drink.” He said, leaning in to whisper in my ear. I nodded and he held up his hand, signaling to the bartender to pour us more drinks. I slammed back the shot, grabbing the beer from Jeff’s hand to wash it down. It burnt but the effects were already taking hold and I just wanted to forget about the rest of the day.

My phone continued to buzz and light up in my pocket but I ignored it. I had made a big enough fool of myself for one day.

“Who’s this?” Claire asked, pulling the phone from my pants.

“It’s no one.” I panicked and reached for the phone. She held it back from me as she hit the answer button.

“Hello?” she answered and my cheeks burnt red with anger.

“She’s right here. You should hang out with us. We’re at the Rapture.” She said as she smiled and shot me a wink. “See you soon.” She hung up the phone, holding it out for me.

“Why would you do that?” I asked.

“You never told me you had a boyfriend!” she replied with mock anger. Jeff made a face and I quickly explained.

“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just some ass**le.” I said, waving away Jeff’s worry. He smiled and ordered us another round. I drank the shot quickly. The room began to spin around me with the thudding of the base from the music.

“Are you alright?” Claire asked as she grabbed my arm.

“I’m fine.” I replied, pulling back from her. “I just need to use the restroom.”

“It’s over there.” She pointed across the dance floor to a glowing sign that read ‘restrooms’. I nodded and began making my way through the crowd. I was pushed all over the place and by the time I reached the sign I felt like I was going to be sick.

“Are you alright?” A woman asked as I walked through the doors. Why did everyone keep asking me that? I pushed her aside and dashed into an empty stall just in time to be sick. A knock came at the stall door and she pushed it open.

“Can I get you something?” she asked. I shook my head no but she refused to leave me alone. “Come here” she said and held my arm, helping me off the floor. She pulled me over to the sink and rand the cold water. “Splash this on your face.” She said as she pulled my hair back. I did and immediately felt a little better. “Better?” she asked. I nodded my head and grabbed the paper towels she was holding out for me. “I think you should call it a night.” She said and I nodded my head again.

“Thank you” I whispered and turned to make my way back out to my friends.

Claire was practically glowing when I reached her side.

“You ready for another shot?” she asked and the idea made my stomach turn again.

“I think I’ve had enough.” I replied, embarrassed. She frowned at me and Jeff looked disappointed but he seemed to already move on to flirting with Becka.

“Call me tomorrow! We party like this all weekend!” she yelled over the music and everyone around her cheered.

“Okay” I said and made my way to the exit. As soon as the cool night air hit me, I felt more energized. I pulled out my phone to call my aunt who had not seemed to notice I did not come home after school. The phone lit up before I could dial. The caller I.D. read ‘unknown caller’ and I knew exactly who it was.

“What?” I answered angrily, the alcohol making me feel bolder than usual.

“You look like you have had too much to drink.” Mr. Honor replied, his tone bordering on angry. I glanced around the parking lot. He was leaning against his car a few rows away from me.

“I can take care of myself, but thanks for your concern.” I shot back and I could see him smiling.

“I’ll give you a ride.” He answered coolly. I rolled my eyes but decided I did not have much of a choice. All of my friends were entirely too drunk to drive.

“Fine” I replied, and hung up the phone. I tried my best to look angry but he continued to grin and all I could think about was kissing him again. He opened the passenger door and slid into my seat as gracefully as I could manage.

Chapter Eleven

We rode in silence for a few minutes as we made our way down the main strip. The streets were overflowing with people who were out having a good time. I wrapped my arms around my waist wishing I had eaten dinner before drinking.

“Have fun?” Mr. Honor asked as the muscles flexed over his clenched jaw.