Dear Aaron Page 38

AHall80: It was. I already ate everything. :]

RubyMars: Party animal. :) RubyMars: Have you heard anything else about when you’re leaving for good?

AHall80: Not yet, but everything seems to be on schedule. Should be about 8 weeks. The longest 8 weeks of my life.

RubyMars: I’m sure.

AHall80: I want a shitty, greasy, deep dish pizza like you can’t imagine. I can already taste it.

AHall80: A hot shower… a real bed… AC everywhere…

RubyMars: Clean clothes?

AHall80: Clean clothes. Clean socks. No sand.

RubyMars: Clean underwear.

RubyMars: No sand? I thought you were planning on going to the beach?

AHall80: The beach is different. There’s water. It isn’t just desert and more desert.

RubyMars: I guess that makes sense.

RubyMars: My brother said once that his goal is to never see sand in his life again.

AHall80: For real.

RubyMars: What I didn’t finish saying was that he said that, but he’s gone to Cancun twice with his boyfriend, LOL.

AHall80: It’s different. I’m over this sand shit.

AHall80: Never again RubyMars: Does that mean you’re dead set on not re-enlisting?

AHall80: …

RubyMars: Whatever you want. I’m not judging. We don’t have to talk about it.

AHall80: It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it…

RubyMars: But you don’t want to talk about it.

AHall80: :] Basically.

RubyMars: I’ll change the subject then.

RubyMars: Have you gone #2 lately?

AHall80: Three days ago.

RubyMars: Are you joking?

AHall80: I wish.

RubyMars: AARON

AHall80: I know. I KNOW.

RubyMars: Does it hurt?

AHall80: Uh, when it comes out?

RubyMars: Omg

RubyMars: Aaron RubyMars: I meant your stomach.

RubyMars: Does your stomach hurt?

RubyMars: I can’t breathe RubyMars: Or type

RubyMars: I didn’t mean your… rectum.

RubyMars: Aaron?

RubyMars: Aaron?

RubyMars: Are you there?

RubyMars: AARON?

AHall80: You’re not the only one who couldn’t breathe or type.

RubyMars: LMAO I’m crying.

AHall80: me too

AHall80: me too

RubyMars: I mean… you can tell me if your butt hurts too, I guess.

AHall80: Ruby, stop

RubyMars: Seriously. You can tell me. I won’t judge.

RubyMars: It happens.

RubyMars: I think.

AHall80: Stop

RubyMars: I can’t breathe AHall80: I don’t know when the last time I laughed so hard was.

AHall80: Everyone is looking at me wondering wtf happened.

RubyMars: Your rectum happened AHall80: BYE

RubyMars: I can’t stop laughing AHall80: You’re never hearing from me again RubyMars: There are tears coming out of my eyes.

AHall80: Bye. I’ll write you again when I find my balls.

RubyMars: It was nice knowing you.

AHall80: BYE

March 22nd

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey

RubyMars: How are you?

RubyMars: And by ‘you’ I mean you as a whole, not any specific body part.

AHall80: ….

AHall80: ….

AHall80: Never living that down, am I?

RubyMars: What do you think?

AHall80: I’m thinking that’s a negative RubyMars: :) RubyMars: I’m still laughing about it.

AHall80: I bet you are

AHall80: Miss I walk into closed doors RubyMars: Har har

RubyMars: I’m guessing you found your balls somewhere?

AHall80: …

RubyMars: I’ll take that as a yes.

RubyMars: Guess what?

AHall80: You’re not constipated?

RubyMars: Yes because I eat enough broccoli (covered in cheese), but besides that.

AHall80: What is it?

RubyMars: I went on a date with that guy.

AHall80: The 21 year old?

RubyMars: Yep, and it was only awkward about half the time.

AHall80: What’d you do?

RubyMars: We went to this comic book store and then went for coffee.

AHall80: A comic book store?

RubyMars: He’s into comics. I like graphic novels more. The stories are better and they’re longer.

AHall80: Hmm.

AHall80: Did you have a good time?

RubyMars: Yes. He’s a little shy, but it was nice.

AHall80: Did he pick you up?

RubyMars: And tell him where I live? You nuts?

AHall80: Smart girl

RubyMars: Duh. We met up by the comic book store and the coffee shop was in the same shopping center. He had to wake up early for school, so we weren’t out all night or anything.

RubyMars: He texted me an hour afterward to see if I’d like to go out with him after his midterms in a couple weeks.

AHall80: Did you say yes?

RubyMars: Yeah. What do you think? I’m not in love with him or anything like that, but I didn’t mind spending time with him. I figured I’d give it another shot and see how it goes.

AHall80: “didn’t mind spending time with him…”

AHall80: Hmm

AHall80: Go with him