Dear Aaron Page 39

AHall80: I’ve done worse with girls I did mind spending time with.

AHall80: And here I am

RubyMars: Yeah, I’m sure.

RubyMars: I’m still going to finish my dating profile though. Why not?

RubyMars: “and here you are,” damn it, Aaron. You’re just picking the wrong ones is all.

AHall80: Good girl

AHall80: I never said I was picking good ones, more like “good for now.”

RubyMars: “Good for now”

RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: All I’m going to say is, maybe you just need to find the right girl. Not at a bar.

RubyMars: Maybe she’s waiting for you at a church or a shelter.

AHall80: You’re a pain in the ass, Ru

RubyMars: Yeah, you don’t like that idea so much when someone turns it around on you, huh?

AHall80: …..

AHall80: How’s your little sister?

RubyMars: Fine, we’ll change the subject.

RubyMars: She’s being a pain in the butt. She still hasn’t gone to the rink. I don’t know what to do.

AHall80: Drag her.

RubyMars: She’s bigger than I am, and stronger.

AHall80: How tall are you? I looked up a video of her and she looks small.

RubyMars: You did?

RubyMars: I’m five one. She’s five three.

RubyMars: She’s freakishly strong, don’t let her deceive you.

AHall80: You can take her

AHall80: Why didn’t I know you were short?

RubyMars: Honestly, I’m scared of her. You just have to know her to get it.

RubyMars: My mom is five feet tall. It isn’t a big deal in my family. We’re all short. I don’t even think about it half the time.

AHall80: Why are you scared of her?

AHall80: Your brothers are short?

RubyMars: Because she’s a crazy person. She doesn’t care about anything right now. When things are going her way, she might give two craps in a day, max. She can be the meanest person I know on a good day. I caught her eating ice cream straight from the gallon while watching Glee. She’s relapsing.

RubyMars: One of my brothers is like five six and the other one claims he’s five eight, but he’s full of it.

AHall80: Isn’t Glee the show about the kids in choir?

RubyMars: Close enough, and yeah, that show. It’s a bad combination. It’s the beginning of the end. I know I need to do something, but no one else wants to say anything to her. They’re all letting her sulk. If it wasn’t for her going to work, I doubt she’d leave the house.

AHall80: Do something RubyMars: I will, but I’m not forcing her to the rink. Actually, I think I have an idea…

AHall80: What is it?

RubyMars: I think I’m going to make her the nicest ice-skating dress I’ve ever made, since it’s not like I’m swamped or anything. She’s a sucker for the good ones.

AHall80: Do it

RubyMars: You think so?

AHall80: Yeah

AHall80: Have you talked to your aunt, the wedding one?

RubyMars: Yes.

AHall80: What did she say?

RubyMars: I talked to her about a new dress she wanted me to start working on.

AHall80: Ruby

RubyMars: I know, I know.

AHall80: You can do it. I believe in you.

RubyMars: You’re a good friend to me, Aaron not-an-asswipe.

AHall80: I’d be a better friend to you if I got you to stand up for yourself.

AHall80: I have this feeling she doesn’t pay you as much as you deserve.

RubyMars: :) RubyMars: Probably not. I don’t look at what she charges anymore.

AHall80: Ask her for a raise at least.

RubyMars: She was just complaining about how she’s broke.

AHall80: I’m going to drop it for now, but I know you know she’s taking advantage of you.

RubyMars: I know…

AHall80: I gotta go, but think about saying something. For real.

RubyMars: I will.

AHall80: I’ll msg you soon. Bye

RubyMars: Bye, Aaron.

March 24th

AHall80: Rubes RubyMars: Hey you.

RubyMars: How is everything?

AHall80: Good. About to go play some Halo.

AHall80: Check your e-mail

RubyMars: If you sent me a chain letter…

AHall80: Just check your e-mail.

RubyMars: Okay, one second.

RubyMars: He’s so handsome!!!

AHall80: I told you you didn’t have to send Aries anything.

RubyMars: I know you said I didn’t, but you did give me your dad’s PO box, and I had leftover material. It looks perfect on him.

AHall80: Max saw him and asked if you could make three more. He has two huskies and a lab mix.

RubyMars: Of course I can.

AHall80: How much should I tell him to send you?

AHall80: You better not tell me you’ll do it for free.

RubyMars: Why?

AHall80: Why what? Why you can’t make them for free?

RubyMars: Yes.

AHall80: Because you should sell them

AHall80: And we both have jobs and you don’t.

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: :] Let him pay you. I’ll tell him $20 each, or more?

AHall80: You can say more.

RubyMars: $20? Are you crazy?

AHall80: 15