Dear Aaron Page 40

RubyMars: No!

AHall80: 14.99

RubyMars: When did you become a pest?

AHall80: You’ve rubbed off on me.

AHall80: 10

RubyMars: $10 is too much. It’s from an old bolt I had and the bandanas aren’t even reversible, and it’s you.

AHall80: $9?

RubyMars: Stop. $5 each. That’s my final offer.

AHall80: You sure?

RubyMars: Positive AHall80: K. To the address you sent them from?

RubyMars: Yes, stalker AHall80: ….

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: How’s the job hunt going?

RubyMars: Terrible, but I’ve picked up a few more dress jobs and my brother’s boyfriend ordered dog bandanas and so did his mom. Something is something. As long as my mom doesn’t kick me out, I’ll be fine. No going out to eat for me unless someone treats, but that’s okay.

AHall80: You’re still fine besides that?

RubyMars: Yeah, I’m okay. I’m really grateful I didn’t move out right about now. :) AHall80: What’s that you tell me? Everything happens for a reason?

RubyMars: Yeah.

AHall80: See?

RubyMars: Yeah, I see, pita.

AHall80: Pita?

RubyMars: Pain in the ass. :) AHall80: Heh

AHall80: I gotta go. I’ll msg you soon.

RubyMars: Okay bye!

AHall80: Bye RC.

March 27th

AHall80: You okay?

AHall80: I just saw your e-mail to IM you.

RubyMars: Physically I’m fine. But I got cash from Max for his bandanas, and I also got four bolts of fabric in the mail that I know I didn’t order.

AHall80: Oh?

RubyMars: Don’t “oh” me. Did you send them?

AHall80: You’re welcome, Rubes.

RubyMars: Aaron. You didn’t have to do that!!!!!

AHall80: I wanted to. Happy early birthday.

RubyMars: How did you know my birthday was coming up?

AHall80: Stalker, remember? :]

AHall80: I told Max to look you up on Facebook.

AHall80: You shouldn’t have your birthday on there. People can steal your identity.

RubyMars: Apparently.

RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: You didn’t have to do anything for me.

AHall80: Okay.

AHall80: It wasn’t shit fabric, right? Max picked it out.

AHall80: I saw him wear a Hawaiian print shirt one day…. I should’ve gotten Des to pick it out instead.

RubyMars: No, it was great. I’ll e-mail you pictures in a second. I was so surprised. Thank you so much, Aaron. Really.

AHall80: I figured you could make more bandanas with it… or dog sweaters or something to make you money. Thought you’d like that more than a birthday card.

RubyMars: I like that so much more.

RubyMars: It’s way too much. I don’t know what to say.

AHall80: Thank you, Aaron?

RubyMars: Har har har

RubyMars: Thank you, Aaron! :) RubyMars: Really, thank you. I’ll make Aries something out of what you sent.

AHall80: That’s not why I sent it to you.

RubyMars: I know it isn’t, but you sent a lot of material. It must have cost an arm and a leg to ship them.

RubyMars: I’m going to send it regardless of whether you want me to or not.

AHall80: ….

AHall80: Fine

RubyMars: They’re going to be reversible. I can see them already.

RubyMars: Thank you!!!

RubyMars: Thank you. I really don’t know what to say. It made my month.

AHall80: Yeah, you’re welcome.

AHall80: I can only get on for a sec, but happy birthday, stalker girl.

RubyMars: Thank you, stalker boy. You made my day.

AHall80: :] I’ll write you soon.

RubyMars: Okay, be safe. :)

March 30th

AHall80: Rubes RubyMars: Hey stalker AHall80: ….

AHall80: I got your e-mail about going on date #2. How’d it go?

RubyMars: Really good. He had tickets to a hockey game and dinner.

AHall80: Houston has a hockey team?

RubyMars: It wasn’t pro hockey, just some local rec league.

AHall80: He knows about your sister?

RubyMars: No. I don’t usually tell anyone about that lazy fart. His friend is on the team.

AHall80: She still hasn’t gone skating again?

RubyMars: No…

AHall80: Shit.

AHall80: What happened to the dress you were going to make her?

RubyMars: I’m almost done with it, but I’m having second thoughts now.

AHall80: What’s the worse that’ll happen?

RubyMars: She yells at me and throws the dress on the floor?

AHall80: You yell back at her and sell the dress if she acts like that.

RubyMars: :) AHall80: It’s not like you have anything else to do.

RubyMars: I take back ever telling you you’re sweet.

AHall80: Lol

AHall80: Have you ever called me that before?

RubyMars: No, lol.

AHall80: Remember that time I sent you cloth?

RubyMars: Fabric and yeah, I do.

RubyMars: Remember that time I sent you socks?

AHall80: I’m wearing them right now

RubyMars: No you’re not.

AHall80: Nah, I’m not. They’re dirty. :]