Dear Aaron Page 42

AHall80: What does she think you’re expecting?

RubyMars: Someone perfect.

AHall80: That doesn’t exist.

RubyMars: I know it doesn’t. I’m not. I just figure I should feel something more than a little bit of weird friendship, but I just feel… I don’t know. Not enough. Like I don’t miss him if I don’t hear from him. I don’t go out of my way to text him. I don’t find myself telling him things. I don’t sit around thinking about him.

AHall80: I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody who I was crazy about first thing, Rube. Least not as more than a friend.

RubyMars: Never?

AHall80: Nah.

AHall80: But you should wait. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I just haven’t experienced it.

RubyMars: Maybe I should give him another shot.

AHall80: Or not

RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: You think I shouldn’t bother then?

AHall80: I’m thinking about it, and I think you got it right the first time. It’s basically wasting your time and their time if you aren’t interested like that. There has to be at least a little something there if you want it to last longer than a day.

AHall80: I wish I’d known that. It would’ve saved me a lot of crazy girlfriends.

RubyMars: Lessons with Ruby at 1 p.m. central time. Stay tuned.

AHall80: No

RubyMars: :) AHall80: What happened with your dating profile?

RubyMars: I haven’t finished it yet. I keep putting it off and haven’t felt like doing it. I might get back to it soon. I have more important things to worry about than dating.

RubyMars: If you say something again about me going to church or volunteering at a dog shelter….

AHall80: I’m not.

RubyMars: You were thinking about it, weren’t you?

AHall80: Maybe :]

RubyMars: Are you going to join a church when you decide to start dating again?

AHall80: …

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: Bye

RubyMars: Lol, that’s what I thought.

AHall80: I’m going to volunteer at a shelter.

RubyMars: You’re a freaking liar.

AHall80: :]

AHall80: Nah, I’m good, for real. I’ve had enough drama and bullshit for the rest of my life.

RubyMars: You’re over your ex though, right?

AHall80: Yeah I haven’t thought about her since the last time I msged you about her.

AHall80: I gotta go. Message you soon?

RubyMars: That works for me. Be careful.

AHall80: You too. Bye, Ru

April 6, 2009

AHall80: Hey you

RubyMars: Hey stalker RubyMars: How are you doing?

AHall80: All right. You?

RubyMars: Good. :) AHall80: I started packing today. I wanted to figure out what else I’m going to leave here.

AHall80: It’s too soon, but it isn’t like I have anything better to do.

RubyMars: What are you considering?

AHall80: Some books, cards, my shower bag.

AHall80: My worst underwear RubyMars: Would anyone want your old undies?

AHall80: Not willingly RubyMars: Lol, did you take a lot with you?

AHall80: Yeah

AHall80: Learned my lesson the hard way that it’s better to have too many than not enough.

RubyMars: Might as well leave the ones with skid marks while you’re at it too.

AHall80: Skid marks??

RubyMars: Are you crying or am I the only one?

AHall80: You’re the only one.

AHall80: I can promise you there’s 0 skid marks on my underwear.

RubyMars: Zero, really?

AHall80: Maybe not 0… maybe 2.

RubyMars: That sounds more like it.

RubyMars: Lol

RubyMars: How did we even get to this point?

AHall80: You telling me about peeing in public RubyMars: ….

AHall80: You talk about skid marks with all your friends?

RubyMars: Only with the ones I like the best. :) AHall80: Lucky me. :]

AHall80: I had a few old whities that aren’t so white anymore.

RubyMars: They’re brown now?

AHall80: ….

AHall80: Yeah, but not for the reason you think. They’re dirty because I don’t get to shower every day. I know better than to buy white ones.

RubyMars: Eww. Yeah, leave those.

RubyMars: Do you have to do anything right before you leave?

AHall80: Nah, not usually. Our replacements will start showing up soon, and then it’ll just be us sitting around, waiting for our turn to fly out.

RubyMars: I want to ask how long your flight is, but maybe you can tell me afterward.

AHall80: Yeah. If I disappear randomly, it’s because I’m gone, but I’ll try to let you know so you aren’t expecting the worst.

RubyMars: You’ll let me know at least when you get back to base? Just so I know you’re okay?

RubyMars: You don’t have to or anything.

AHall80: Yeah, but we still have time till then

AHall80: I’ll tell you

RubyMars: What are you doing after you get there?

AHall80: I got about a week of reintegration before I get 30 days of leave. I left my truck with Max, so I’m going to fly to Louisiana, then go to Scotland for a week, then Florida another week and back home for a couple days before I drive back to base.