Dear Aaron Page 43

RubyMars: I’m so happy for you going to Scotland. I think you’re going to have a great time with your friends. I’ll live through you.

AHall80: :]

AHall80: We got the beach house situation sorted too.

RubyMars: Where are you staying? South Florida?

AHall80: Nah. We just want to fish and stuff. We’re staying at a place in this town called San Blas.

RubyMars: I’ve never heard of it.

AHall80: I’ve been there a few times AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll msg you soon.

RubyMars: Okay, bye!

April 9, 2009

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey. How are you?

AHall80: Just got an e-mail from my brother that’s stressing me out

RubyMars: Everything okay?

AHall80: Some asshole was picking on my sister and she hadn’t told anyone RubyMars: Picking on her how?

AHall80: He works for my dad. From what my brother knew, he’d been coming on to my sister… touching her even though he knew she doesn’t like to be touched AHall80: I’m shaking from how fucking pissed I am

AHall80: I’m all the way over here and I can’t do anything, you know

RubyMars: This is going to sound stupid and presumptuous, but I’m getting pissed off and she isn’t related to me. How did he find out?

AHall80: My dad was looking through security film after someone fell and saw it. He asked my sister about it and she admitted he’d been doing it for a while. It wasn’t anything… inappropriate because he’d be dead by now if that was the case, just her arms and shoulders, stuff like that. Not a big deal for most people, but it is for her. I’ve gotten two hugs from her her whole life. She doesn’t… know how to react to people… what to say, how to interact, so she gets pretty quiet and doesn’t make eye contact… that kind of thing.

AHall80: That’s my little sister, Ruby.

AHall80: I’m shaking AHall80: I can barely type

RubyMars: If that was my little sister, I’d feel the same way.

RubyMars: What did your dad or brother do?

AHall80: He fired him, but that doesn’t change much. Everyone knows she’s autistic and this asshole took advantage of her.

AHall80: I’m sorry RubyMars: For what?

RubyMars: What can I do?

RubyMars: I’ve been taking kickboxing for almost a year now. I know how to booby trap an airbag, you know.

RubyMars: You tell me and I’ll do it.

RubyMars: No one will ever know it was me.

RubyMars: Strangers on a train, Ruby and Aaron style.

RubyMars: Are you there?

AHall80: Yeah, I’m here

AHall80: Just busy

AHall80: Shaking my head

AHall80: How you can make me laugh even when I want to kill someone is beyond me

AHall80: Thank you

RubyMars: :) I wasn’t trying to make light of the situation, just offering up my limited skill set for revenge since it couldn’t come back to me.

AHall80: I know you weren’t, Rubes, but thank you

AHall80: For real

AHall80: “limited skill set”

RubyMars: :) RubyMars: I stole part of it from a movie I watched a few months ago.

RubyMars: Joking aside, is there anything I can do? I really will booby trap an airbag. You can look up a video on how to do anything nowadays. I’ll do it for you. Because if that was Jazz, I’d kill someone.

AHall80: Thanks, but I already feel better. I don’t need you getting into trouble for me.

RubyMars: I wouldn’t get in trouble because no one would find out.

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: I really am sorry, stalker. Between my brothers, my sisters, and me, I’m confident we can do just about anything. You don’t mess with someone’s family. They’d help.

AHall80: :] I’ll tell you if I think of anything.

RubyMars: Don’t forget I took aikido for a while.

RubyMars: I said that to make you laugh.

AHall80: You did.

AHall80: I need to go, but I’ll msg you soon.

AHall80: Thanks, Rubes RubyMars: You’re welcome.

RubyMars: You’re a good brother for being upset.

AHall80: I could be a better one.

AHall80: :] bye

RubyMars: Bye

April 11, 2009

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey.

AHall80: We had another blackout.

RubyMars: I figured. You okay?

AHall80: Tired and the days are too long

RubyMars: Just think, in four weeks you’ll be touring Scotland and it’s going to be great. In five weeks, you’ll be lying out on a beach somewhere.

AHall80: That’s why my days are seeming longer I bet

AHall80: I’m ready to get the hell out of here. I keep thinking about that. I try not to because you never know what’ll happen in an hour, but it’s the only thing getting me through the days.

RubyMars: I get it.

RubyMars: Want a distraction?

AHall80: Yes

RubyMars: I got asked out on a date.

AHall80: With the 21-year-old?

RubyMars: No, with my brother’s friend.

AHall80: ….

AHall80: The one who led you on?

RubyMars: No. Not that one. My marine brother’s friend. My brother suggested it.

AHall80: Your brother was okay with it?