Dear Aaron Page 47

AHall80: Take my mind off it?

RubyMars: Okay.

RubyMars: Let me think. Nothing stupid has happened to me lately, or anyone I know…

AHall80: You were going to tell me about how your mom taught you how to ride a bike a long time ago.

RubyMars: I forgot about that! Okay. I’ll tell you.

RubyMars: It isn’t a long story.

RubyMars: It’s kind of stupid, actually. I don’t know why I was even going to tell you about it.

AHall80: Tell me anyway RubyMars: You’re sure?

AHall80: Tell me.

RubyMars: Okay.

RubyMars: Remember how I told you she’s always talked a bunch of crap to us but won’t let other people do that? Keep that in mind.

RubyMars: I was probably like 6 and my dad had been on my case about taking my training wheels off for a long time (they were still together back then.) But my dad has always been the softie of the two, and every time he failed with me learning, when the bike would tip over or if I’d crash into something, etc., he would drop it and put the wheels back on. No biggie, right?

RubyMars: My mom finally got tired of me not learning and came outside one day after I’d fallen while I was telling my dad I didn’t want to try again… pretty sure I was crying. Anywho, she comes up to us, points at me, and says “Get on the bike. I’m going to teach you since somebody can’t.” So I get on the bike, because by that age, I already know not to mess around with my mom. She holds the back of the seat while I get on and gives me some instructions… the same thing my dad would say every time. Balance, keep your hands on the handles, that type of thing.

RubyMars: Before she starts walking the bike and me forward, she leans into my ear and says “If you don’t do this right the first time, Rubella, you’re on bathroom and kitchen cleanup for the next month, okay, honey? You can do it. I believe in you.”

RubyMars: Yeah, I learned how to ride that freaking bike that time LOL.

AHall80: That’s not at all what I thought was going to do down.

RubyMars: She did the same thing to Jazz when it was time. I heard her. You’ve never seen two little five-year-old’s legs pump pedals that fast in your life.

RubyMars: When it was time for me to learn how to drive, I begged my older sister to teach me instead of my mom because I was worried about what kind of threats she’d make me live with once she got tired of my BS.

AHall80: LOL

AHall80: My dad taught me how to drive RubyMars: How’d that go?

AHall80: Fine. I’m a good driver.

RubyMars: That’s not cocky at all.

AHall80: I am. It’s the truth.

RubyMars: So modest. What kind of car did you learn on?

AHall80: His white sedan. He’s always had white cars. Says they don’t get as hot as black cars do.

RubyMars: My mom says the same thing!

AHall80: :]

AHall80: How old were you?

RubyMars: 17. I had to have a job first to pay my insurance. You?

AHall80: Got my permit at 15 and was driving at 16.

RubyMars: Show off.

AHall80: It seems like forever ago. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m going to be 30. I still think I’m 16 or 18 most of the time.

RubyMars: I know. I can’t believe I’ve been out of high school almost 7 years already. Like what have I done with my life since then? You know?

AHall80: Me too.

AHall80: I never knew what I was going to do, but it wasn’t being in the military.

AHall80: Still don’t know what I want to do.

RubyMars: You still have your whole life ahead of you. You can do whatever you want with it. You’re smart, responsible, and you have a good head on your shoulders.

AHall80: I don’t know about all that.

RubyMars: It’s true. I wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t.

RubyMars: I read somewhere you’re your happiest in your thirties anyway.

AHall80: For real?

RubyMars: Yeah, I guess by that point you know who you are better and have more of your life on track by then.

RubyMars: If that’s the case, I have six years to get my crap together, lol. I’m going to need every minute.

AHall80: You’ll figure it out.

RubyMars: Everything can always be worse. That’s what I tell myself when I’m not crying into a gallon of Blue Bell.

AHall80: What’s Blue Bell?

RubyMars: …

RubyMars: You’re joking.

AHall80: No what is it?

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: Yes, I’m joking. They have it in Louisiana.

RubyMars: Bless your heart, I was about to have to try and figure out how to freeze-dry ice cream to send it to you across the world.

AHall80: LOL

AHall80: You’re something else

RubyMars: :) I’ve been told I’m very loveable.

AHall80: Who said that? Your mom?

RubyMars: ……….

AHall80: ………

RubyMars: ……..

AHall80: :]

RubyMars: I take back that one time I called you nice.

AHall80: LOL

AHall80: I thought we were friends?

RubyMars: You’re basically my closest friend now.

RubyMars: I don’t know why I just told you that. No pressure. I don’t mean it to be weird. I have other friends too. It’s just different with you.