Dear Aaron Page 48

RubyMars: I like you more than just about everyone else I know. You get me.

RubyMars: I keep making it worse.

RubyMars: I’m going to stop typing now.

AHall80: I get what you mean. You’re pretty much my closest friend too

RubyMars: :) AHall80: You can start typing again RubyMars: I’m worried I’ll say something I’ll regret.

AHall80: Like what?

RubyMars: I don’t know. Something I’ll regret.

AHall80: Like?

RubyMars: I’m not digging this hole of shame any deeper, lol.

AHall80: You already dug one deep hole, what’s another one?

RubyMars: You stepped in human crap too!

AHall80: I was talking about the peeing in public, Ruby

RubyMars: Oh.

RubyMars: About that

RubyMars: Lol

AHall80: Yeah, about that

AHall80: :]

RubyMars: I’ll own it.

AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll message you soon.

RubyMars: Okay, bye and be safe.

AHall80: You too

April 26, 2009

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey.

AHall80: Peanut butter or jelly?

RubyMars: Is this a trick question?

AHall80: No.

RubyMars: Jelly.

AHall80: Thank God

AHall80: Just listened to five people argue peanut butter over jelly for the last hour at dinner. I was too tired to tell them they were all out of their minds.

RubyMars: You’re Team Jelly too?

AHall80: All the way

RubyMars: Good. I wouldn’t have wanted to stop being your friend over something stupid like liking peanut butter more, but I would’ve looked back on our friendship fondly.

AHall80: Heh

AHall80: Aaron and Ruby RIP 2008-2009

RubyMars: There are tears in my eyes

RubyMars: “Ruron Forever”

AHall80: Ruron? Ruby+Aaron? That’s clever.

RubyMars: It’s our ship name

AHall80: Like a battleship?

RubyMars: You poor, sweet, innocent child RubyMars: Ship. Shipping. I ship ______.

AHall80: I don’t know what you’re talking about RubyMars: Today is the day our friendship dies.

RubyMars: You’ve never heard that term before?

AHall80: No

AHall80: For real.

AHall80: “Today is the day our friendship dies”

AHall80: Ruby….

RubyMars: I’ll forgive you then. I forget the dork doesn’t run strong in you.

RubyMars: Shipping is… “relationSHIP” like, liking two characters and thinking they should be in a relationship together in a fandom.

RubyMars: Do you know what a fandom is?

AHall80: I know what a fandom is.

RubyMars: Okay. You watched Buffy. Remember Angel? The vampire? Buffy + Angel = Bangel.

AHall80: Got it.

AHall80: I liked the other guy more

RubyMars: ……

RubyMars: Spike?

AHall80: Yeah

RubyMars: Marry me.

RubyMars: I think I might love you.

AHall80: Lol

AHall80: OK

RubyMars: I’m not even joking. Marry me. The offer stands.

RubyMars: Kidding, I am joking. :) RubyMars: How much of the show did you watch…?

AHall80: ……

AHall80: 7 seasons?

RubyMars: There was only 7 seasons.

RubyMars: Aaron RubyMars: That’s tears in my eyes twice today AHall80: Max sent me tapes of every season about 4 or 5 years ago when I was deployed. He watched it too, but he’ll never admit it

RubyMars: I take back what I said. Today is the day our friendship turned into a forever thing lol

AHall80: :]

AHall80: Works for me

RubyMars: Good lol.

AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll msg you soon, Ruron RubyMars: Okay, bye, Ruron.

April 28, 2009

AHall80: You ever feel like beating the shit out of someone?

RubyMars: Hello to you

RubyMars: Only once or twice.

RubyMars: Why?

AHall80: Who?

AHall80: Just some new guy that’s driving me up the wall. He’s so damn na?ve and stupid.

RubyMars: Who did I want to beat up?

RubyMars: I’m sorry. Did you get into a fight with him?

AHall80: Yeah

AHall80: I didn’t, but I wanted to. I know he’s a dumbass private who hasn’t seen or done anything before, and I know he doesn’t know anything… but it’s hard to keep my mouth closed when he’s rattling nonsense out of his mouth.

RubyMars: I wanted to beat up this girl in high school who used to talk about me behind my back. I also wanted to beat the crap out of the random stranger who hit my car in the parking lot a year ago. That’s all.

RubyMars: Those kind of people are the worst.

AHall80: Somebody bullied you in high school?

RubyMars: I wouldn’t call it bullying. All she ever did was make stupid comments under her breath when I could hear her. It only upset me the first ten times she did it.

AHall80: Did you do anything to make her stop?

RubyMars: No.

AHall80: …….

RubyMars: I told you it didn’t bother me so much. She was just a hateful person in general. No biggie. But for a while, I did want to kick her ass if I could have.