The Tycoon's Secret Page 17

Marriage was about what two people could give each other, not about love and devotion, anyway. He tuned out the negative thoughts and just let himself feel good without guilt. He pushed his mother’s voice from his head.

After lunch they took a ride on the skyrail, soaring over the tops of the trees, getting a magnificent view of the Barron Falls and Red Peak. Each new sight had Sierra grabbing for him while she animatedly pointed. He looked out the windows, seeing the beauty all around him.

He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d slowed down enough to simply enjoy himself. He decided it was going to become a priority. He’d have to get Trinity and Drew to join him in Australia. Damien had a feeling it was going to become a favorite place for him.

The sun was starting to set when they arrived back at the train terminal. Sierra looked disappointed the day was over, but he had to keep them on schedule or he’d never get to show her everything he planned.

They got in the rental car and drove to the airport.

“Where are we going?” Sierra asked, almost in a panic.

“Don’t worry, we’re just heading to our next stop,” he reassured her as he helped her from the vehicle.

“What about our luggage?”

“I had it packed and delivered while we were gone.”

“Don’t you worry they may take some items?” she asked.

“Not at all. I’ve stayed at that hotel many times. The owner is a personal friend of mine,” Damien said with a smile.

“That’s good enough for me.”

They boarded the jet and made the short ride to Alice Springs, which was at the very heart of the Australian Outback.

Sierra stepped into their new hotel room, excited to see where they’d be staying this night. It was opulent, of course, but as she walked in, her eyes instantly filled with tears. On the living room table sat a huge bouquet of roses with a card attached. She slowly walked over and lifted the envelope with her name on it.

Damien watched, fascinated by the eager anticipation as she slowly opened the envelope. He moved so he could see her expression as she read the card.

“Really?” she asked with excitement.

“Go look,” he told her.

Sierra bolted from the room and entered the bedroom. Lying on the bed was a stunning green dress with beads attached, making it almost seem alive as the fabric moved. He’d called Trinity and asked her to have one delivered. She hadn’t disappointed.

“It’s stunning,” Sierra gasped as she ran her hand over the material. His curiosity was peaked.

“I did my research on you, Sierra, before you ever got this job. You’ve worn many beautiful gowns, but you look like you’ve never seen one before,” he said, not really a question, but he knew she’d understand he was looking for an answer.

“My father always picked my clothes for every function I attended, though he didn’t do it to please me, but because he had an image to maintain,” she said, her voice catching as several tears trailed slowly down her face.

“Talk to me about it,” he commanded.

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. What’s going on between you and your father?”

“It’s better left alone. Besides, the card says you’re taking me to dinner and dancing,” she said, her tears fading away as she looked at him hopefully.

How could he resist.

“Yes. I’m sorry it’s all so rushed, but you only have an hour to get ready. I’m trying to fit as much as possible into this trip. I have to get back to work in just a few more days,” he apologized.

“I’m getting far more than I thought I would. You won’t hear any complaints from me,” she told him as she gently set the dress back down on the bed and went to the bathroom where all her toiletries were already laid out.

He heard the shower start so he went and made coffee while he waited for his turn. He didn’t dare join her.

Once Sierra finished, he snuck in behind her and jumped in for one of his own, then the two of them shared the bathroom as they prepared for the night ahead.

Damien’s eyes met Sierra’s in the mirror, his face masked by shaving cream, her hand up to her eyelashes as she applied mascara. It hit him how domestic the situation was, and it felt like he received a kick in the gut. Things were moving too quickly. He found himself scared for the first time since he was a child.

He took her on the town that night, holding back from her, but not enough for her to notice. When they returned to the room, he made love to her again, his movements frantic as he tried to prove to himself it was only sex, but as her lips captured his, he was lost, not able to get enough of her taste, feel, or smell. He was falling fast for the girl who wasn’t supposed to mean anything to him.

Chapter Fifteen

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe how far it flies away and still manages to make it back,” Sierra exclaimed as she watched the boomerang sail far into the sky and then make an arch and return to the man throwing it. “Can I try?”

“Of course,” he said as he offered her the small piece of wood.

Sierra threw it as hard as she could, watching it soar a short distance before making an arch. Several people ducked as it almost collided with them on its return trip.

“It takes time to master the right technique in throwing it,” the man told her with a smile. Sierra threw the boomerang several more times, not even coming close to the elegance with which the guide portrayed.

She then listened to stories of the Aboriginal people, and how they’d settled the land. She was fascinated by the history of the beautiful island, wishing they could stay in the remote village for days, or even weeks, instead of only one short afternoon.

“We have to go. I have a surprise,” Damien said when she missed her target for the hundredth time.

“Just once more?” she pleaded.

“Okay,” he conceded.

She threw it, straining on her tiptoes as it made its arch back toward the can she had sitting out. When the boomerang hit the can, she stood stunned before suddenly jumping in the air and clapping her hands with energetic accomplishment.

“I did it!” she cried as she hugged the guide and then Damien. She was amazed at how proud she was at finally hitting her target.

“Great job,” Damien said with humor in his tone. She tried to settle down, realizing she wasn’t acting in the least like an adult. She didn’t care - what she’d just done was difficult to do and she was reveling in her victory.

“Come with me,” Damien said as he held out his hand. She took it without question, as she’d been doing over the last several days, and followed him around a corner where several large balloons were filling up the land.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“I’m taking you for a ride,” he replied as he led her over to a hot air balloon. Her eyes widened as she looked at the contraption with suspicion. She wasn’t all that sure she wanted to go high in the air in a giant balloon.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” She knew the tone of her voice implied she didn’t have a lot of confidence in it, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t on her to-do list, to plummet to her death when a bird struck the balloon at their highest point in the air.

“It’s perfectly safe, Sierra. People do this all the time. Quit being a chicken. I’m trying to be romantic here,” he said with an indulgent grin.

Those words did it for her. She could handle her fear of death for a little bit of romance. She did fear her heart would never be the same again after the spur-of-the-moment vacation. It was worth the pain for a week of bliss, though.

They lifted into the air as the sun started fading from the sky, and her breath was taken by the beauty of it all. It was such a contrast, the brilliant colors arcing across the sky, while the almost desolate land gleamed below them.

“Champagne?” the guide offered. She took the glass without much thought and took a sip. She didn’t really care for the taste, but the bubbles tickled her nose, and she liked the feel of the cool glass in one hand, and Damien’s warm grip in her other.

She took a moment to glance at Damien, leaning against the side of the balloon as he gazed at the glorious sunset. With the setting sun behind him, casting its beautiful colors across his features, he looked mysterious and masculine.

He turned his head and their eyes caught, a sparkle in his, beginning devotion in hers. She fell for him a bit more with each new adventure he took her on. She was fearful of what that meant for her future.

“You look stunning,” Damien said as he moved next to her and took the glass from her shaking fingers.

“I was just thinking the same thing about you,” Sierra replied.

“Mmm, do you care to elaborate?” he asked with a wiggle of his brows.

“Does someone need their ego stroked a bit?”

“My ego, among other things,” he said as he moved his head to nuzzle her throat and his hands rubbed along her lower back, his fingers moving along her spine. Sierra felt the kiss on her neck all the way to her toes.

“Damien, we’re not alone,” she whispered in embarrassment, but couldn’t find the will to push him away.

“He’s busy, not paying the least attention to us. I have to kiss you, or I may not make it back to the ground,” he said before running his lips up her jaw, trailing kisses the entire way before taking her lips in a slow, sweet kiss.

She melted on the spot. The moment was everything she’d ever dreamed of, but never thought she’d get. She wouldn’t survive his week of undivided attention if he decided to go back to the cold business man she’d met the first day, once the week was over.

Damien was still kissing her as they began their descent. Sierra missed the rest of the sunset, missed the ground reaching up to meet them, missed half of the ride, but she didn’t care. Being in Damien’s arms was far better than anything else she could see or do.

The ride ended with them safely on the ground, and Sierra followed Damien to their car. She leaned her head against him in the backseat, glad he’d chosen to have a driver this time. She fell asleep before they reached the hotel.

The next few days flew by in a whirl of activities. Damien took her to Melbourne, and they strolled through the diverse neighborhoods. She was charmed by the nineteenth century architecture, the use of trams, and the beautiful park - she even got to watch the Fairy Penguin Parade. Each night the tiny Fairy Penguins of Phillip Island waddled up from the water, looking like they were on parade. After a hard day of fishing they returned home each night to feed their babies. She was entranced by the entire event.

At a cabin where they stayed, she’d gotten up in the middle of the night and found a couple turtles crawling from the ground and making their way toward the sea. Damien joined her on the porch as she watched in fascination as the tiny creatures scurried along the sand and dove into the water. The wonders of nature appealed to her more than all the expensive excursions.

Her favorite part of the trip was when he took her to his vineyard. It had been stunning, and she’d stood back and watched as his staff greeted him, everyone from the lead manager to the pickers came out to say hello. She strolled with him through the miles of vines as he pointed out different grapes and then gave her a tour of where the fine bottles of expensive alcohol was made.